
17th Jul 2022

Batman (1989)

Question: Right before Bob brings the Joker the pictures of Knox and Vicki Vale, what are the pictures of the creepy smiling guy in the other room supposed to be of, one of which is him lying on top of a coffin?

Answer: The military nerve gas is Symlex, he stole it because it leaves the victims smiling, like him.

Answer: The Joker had somehow obtained CIA files about DDID nerve gas. The picture is of a dead man, presumably a soldier, killed by the gas. He's not on a coffin though, it looks like sandbags. He's smiling because of the effects of the gas contorted his facial muscles that way, much like how the Joker's Smylex leaves its victims with a big grin.


4th Jan 2015

See No Evil 2 (2014)

Question: In the first film, when Jacob is jabbed in the eye before falling down it's his left eye, now in part 2 it shows he's missing his right eye instead. Am I correct, or am I confused, or is it shown from a different angle?

Answer: In the first movie Jacob Goodnight was stabbed in his right eye with a metal pipe.

It was his left eye he was stabbed in.

Answer: It was our left and his right in reality, he was facing the opposite direction.

No, he was stabbed in his left eye. When facing the camera, the pipe is on the viewer's right which is his left.


Answer: No, you didn't miss anything. The writers never say who got tenure. (Although, as a side note, the entire process of getting tenure for the characters is entirely wrong in real life and none of them would have got it).


14th Jul 2022

Full House (1987)

Show generally

Question: What was the episode where Rebecca and Michelle learn that Jesse's real name is Hermes?

Answer: S05e06, "The Legend of Ranger Joe." DJ calls Jesse's mom and she told her his real name.


19th Jul 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: When Forrest is introducing the members of his Platoon in Vietnam all of the character names are the names of cities, he then tells where each solider is from but their hometown is different then their nick name. (for example "Dallas from Phoenix") why would each person have a name of a city as their name?

Answer: This is just a bit of incidental humor. For example: Dallas is the young man's real name. Why would his parents name him Dallas if he was from Phoenix? Same with Cleveland.


Theyre just nicknames aren't they? Like Bubba.

Tex seems to be an obvious nickname, but Dallas and Cleveland are more than likely their real names since many people have those names.


Answer: Forest is mistaking their nicknames for their actual names, and misremembering where they were from. The soldiers are given nicknames based on where they are from. Tex from Texas, Dallas from Dallas. Etc. The funny bit is that Forest isn't putting it together.

There's nothing to indicate Dallas and Cleveland aren't their real names, just like Dan is his real name. The joke being he's remembering where those two are from but when it comes to Tex, an obvious nickname, he can't remember where he's from. Plus, why would a guy from Texas get the nickname Dallas and another guy from Texas get the nickname Tex and not the city he's from?


10th Jul 2022

General questions

Looking for a video game for the PS4. The game takes place in outer space where a woman is trapped in a space station looking for survivors. She has the help of an AI built into the station. Eventually, she discovers that the space station is orbiting Saturn even though it shouldn't. When she asks the AI how she ended up near Saturn, he responds that he took her there although he doesn't know why.

Answer: Possibly "Observation" (2019)?


That's it.

7th Jul 2022

General questions

I saw part of this movie and can't remember the title. A quiet, "pushover"-type man works at a bank inside a grocery store. He meets another guy who is a "wild and crazy" type. Possibly a past friend who he ran into again. There is a scene in which they are on a boat. The song "Sun Daze" by Florida-Georgia Line is playing. So this movie was made after 2014, when that song was released. Thank you.

Answer: "The Do-Over" (2016). David Spade plays a bank manager inside a supermarket and meets up with his old high school friend, Adam Sandler.


That is it. Thank you.

10th Nov 2004

The Naked Gun (1988)

Chosen answer: "I'm Into Something Good." It's the second song listed in the music credits, and if you don't read all the credits you miss a good part of the gags in the movie.

"I'm Into Something Good" is played during the scenes where Frank is going out with Jane. The song the person is asking about is this song. Https://

Answer: The opening song during the credits is the theme song from the 1982 TV series "Police Squad!" The Naked Gun movies are based on the short lived TV series.


21st Jun 2022

Star Wars (1977)

Question: Why did Owen and Beru ever tell Luke that they are his aunt and uncle? They apparently want him to live a simple farmer's life, stay away from Ben Kenobi, and not learn about Jedi or get involved in the Rebellion. Would it not be easier to pretend that they are his parents?

Answer: Any answer would be speculation and it's hard to know exactly how much George Lucas had planned ahead for these characters. Not to mention things like Obi-Wan never knew Anakin was alive when they were separating Luke and Leia, Darth Vader hadn't been created yet, and he doesn't find out Anakin is Darth Vader until years later. An in-universe answer would basically be there's no way for the Lars to explain they now have a baby when Beru was never pregnant, so everyone would know Luke isn't their son (which could eventually be told to Luke as he got older). So really the only options would be to raise him as an adopted child or as their nephew. The Organas on the other hand always wanted a daughter and so Bail agreed to secretly adopt Leia.


Answer: Considering Kenobi lived on Tatooine and it was known that Anakin became Vader, there was always a chance that Luke would learn the truth and finding out he was lied to about his past could have been devastating to him and the family dynamic.

Question: Who is the character with him in the picture?

Answer: This question needs way more context. Who is the he you're referring to and what picture are you referring to?


If you're referring to the pictures that Eddie is looking at, the guy in the pictures next to Eddie is his brother Teddy who was killed by Judge Doom.

18th Jun 2022

The Office (2005)

Show generally

Question: I've heard they're a paper company but what do they make exactly? Just paper? Nothing but copy paper or do they make other stuff as well?


Answer: They're a paper and office supply company. I'm pretty sure they never actually make the paper. But their main clients are businesses and corporations, not individuals, so they would sell business cards, pre-printed paper with letterhead, and other office supplies that they get directly from the paper or supply manufacture. They're basically the same as Office Max or Staples, but without stores for individuals to go and buy 1 pack of printer paper or a chair.


18th Jun 2022

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: What was the pamphlet that Forrest was given after graduating from college?

Answer: It was a recruitment pamphlet for the U.S. Army.


18th Jun 2022

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Show generally

Question: Even though we know in the pilot that Mike was widowed, the show kept Carol's status a secret if she was widowed or divorced (though TV guides in the 70's labeled her as widowed). It seems obvious that widowed would be the answer since the girls never kept in touch with their father at all (or ever mentioned him). So the main question here is regardless if Carol was widowed or divorced, why were her 3 daughters' last names changed to Brady? Marriage would only change Carol's last name.

Answer: That the girls be adopted was for good reason - it would not be "proper" to have girls housed with boys (or a grown man) they were not related to, even if only by marriage. They may not be blood relatives after their adoption, but their statuses as step-sisters to the boys (or step-daughter to Mike, now their step-father) help clarify their roles and set appropriate boundaries (especially prohibited sexual behavior).


Answer: It's implied that Mike Brady adopted Carol's daughters, which would result in their last name being changed to Brady as well.


14th Jun 2022

Swordfish (2001)

Question: When Ginger lies to Stan about being an undercover agent, why does she say she's with the DEA of all things, as opposed to the FBI, NSA, or even ATF? Unless I'm misremembering, I don't think the movie makes any mention of Gabriel being involved in drug trafficking.


Chosen answer: Because the money they're stealing is the DEA's. Operation Swordfish was the DEA setting up dummy corporations to launder drug money. When the operation was ended, $400M was left and earned interest, making it worth billions.


17th Mar 2009

General questions

I am looking for a comedy (maybe from the late 80s?) where the male character checks for his wallet, keys, and balls (not necessarily in that order) before leaving his apartment. Does anyone know what movie that's from?

Answer: This also happens in Nuns on the Run, which is a bit more within your timeframe.

Answer: In Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me, Austin said "Testicles, spectacles, wallet and watch" while touching each place as he says it.

It should be noted that in both films, they're not actually checking for them, it's how to remember the proper way to make the Catholic sign of the cross.


10th Jun 2022

Megamind (2010)

Question: Right after Megamind vanquishes Metro Man why are the police so quick to surrender? There's a whole army of them, and they all have guns, and they don't even try to put up a fight?

Answer: Because they feared what Megamind could do to them if he could take out the most powerful superhero ever. Kind of like how people submit mistakes for movies like The Hulk and say "why would the army keep shooting at him when they know their bullets aren't working?"


3rd Jun 2022

La La Land (2016)

Question: At the pool, a band takes song requests from a crowd. Mia requests a song titled "I Ran." It seems like Sebastian got offended by that. He even complains about it to Mia after the performance. I don't know about the song. What's wrong with that song? I'm curious.

Bunch Son

Answer: He was mainly deflecting. When they first met, Sebastian ran away from Mia. So when she requested "I Ran", she was teasing him. He was already playing in an 80's cover band, knew the song, and was playing a keytar, which is a very 80's synth pop instrument. The band A Flock of Seagulls (who sang "I Ran") were an 80's synth pop band. She was saying how rude he was when they first met and he was trying to come up with something to say she was being rude about.


Answer: Sebastian views himself as a "serious musician" whose real passion in life is playing jazz, and thinks that that form of music is dying out. He doesn't take joy in playing mainstream, well known 80s pop songs; they're not his preferred style and probably doesn't consider them to be "real music" (Kind of like how Martin Scorsese said Marvel movies weren't "real cinema").

Casual Person

16th Feb 2022

The Invisible Man (2020)

Answer: According to the director, it's almost always Adrian, except for the climax, where it is explicitly shown that Tom is wearing the suit. Adrian had him take over knowing that there was a very good chance Tom wouldn't survive, because he wanted to set Tom up as the fall-guy for him. (Of course Tom didn't know this).


Where does the director state that?

Cody Fairless-Lee

In an interview with Perri Nemiroff, director Leigh Whannell said Tom only wore the suit once.


Thank you.

Cody Fairless-Lee

30th Jul 2013

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Question: The reporter asks John about the body at the airport. "I saw the stiff, word is that's your handiwork." John responds "I only do needle point". What was that supposed to mean?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: His way of dodging the question, of being sarcastic as he tries to get away from the reporter, trying to push the blame off himself and needlepoint being a craft/hobby that everyone is familiar with.

What was he being sarcastic about?

He was being sarcastic about needlepoint (a type of embroidery or hand stitching) being his only handiwork.


Answer: I believe it was in response to the reporter who said, "Rumor has it that was your handiwork" (the handiwork being killing of one of the stiffs).

Question: When the three men decide to try to stop Sylvia from boarding the plane to London they go to the airport and are able to go through security right up to the gate to try to locate Sylvia and Mary. Was this actually possible for an international flight in 1987 when this movie was made? Could you go past airport security without a ticket and passport in 1987 for an international flight?

Blair Howden

Answer: Yes. Before 9-11-2001, non-passengers were allowed to go into airports and go to any of the gates. A lot of times, people would accompany friends or family members to their gate or be there for their arrival. And you wouldn't need a passport just to go to a gate with an international flight. In fact, one time I went to pick up a friend (pre cell phone days) and didn't see her come out and was afraid I missed her or didn't see her. So I asked one of the airline employees if she could check the manifest list to see if my friend was even on the flight, which she did to help me out. Things were much "simpler" back then.


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