
5th Nov 2021

Aliens (1986)

Question: Right before Gorman starts briefing the Marines in the hangar, he takes his hat off and has some sort of symbol or something shaved into the hair on the back of his head. Does anyone know what this is or any details about why he would have it?

Answer: I can only guess, but it just looks like bald spots on the actor's (William Hope) head. It could have been from when his head was shaved it got nicked and hadn't grown in yet, or he had some previous injury where the hair doesn't grow there.


Answer: The Mayor says he could never get to the crime scene fast enough and Major Man says "of course not, you'd have to know about the crime in advance, like I do." Major Man let it slip he knew when the crimes were going to happen (because he was setting them up).


27th Oct 2021

The X-Files (1993)

Avatar - S3-E21

Question: What happened to Sharon Skinner after this episode? She and A.D. Skinner don't go through with the divorce, but in a later episode - I believe it was "S.R. 819" - Mulder asks Skinner if he woke up alone, and Skinner firmly answers yes.

Answer: The show never actually reveals what happened to Sharon and in "Avatar" we never really know who or what the old lady is or what it means. So there's a lot of fan theories out there, including that Sharon died in the hospital and Skinner putting his ring back on at The End signifies they reconciled before her death. But in the real world, it's hard for TV shows to keep small side character stories going for various reasons, which is why a lot of times a new character is introduced for one or two episodes and never mentioned again. The "X-Files" writers might have even intended to bring Sharon back later and never found a story to bring her into, or the actor wasn't available, etc.


In addition to this answer, I want to point out that Skinner said *he* would not sign the papers. Sharon said, "Listen to me", but the episode does not reveal if she definitely agreed to reconcile. I believe that she either died, or she lived, but she wanted to remain separated. Maybe he finally gave her a divorce later on. Mitch Pileggi, the actor who plays Skinner, says that Skinner developed feelings for Agent Scully at some point, but knew that she was closer with Agent Mulder.

Question: Someone I met years ago told me when you watch this film, it's a tradition to yell at the characters during many parts of the movie (such as yelling "SL*T" at Janet). Nobody else I ever asked heard of this "tradition." Has anyone ever heard of this?

Answer: Yes, whether you're watching a live play or the film, audience participation is encouraged, including shouting "sl*t" for Janet and "a**hole" for Brad when their name are sometimes mentioned. There's also a lot talk-back lines for the audience, including saying other insults. And if you go to a showing for your first time, like I did in the 90's, you'll likely be asked if you're a virgin.


Question: Who was really responsible for the murders?

Answer: Mrs. Tredoni, the church housekeeper is the murderer. Although, it's left unclear if Alice helped with the murders at all.


Thanks. I could never figure out if it was one or the other.

27th Oct 2021

General questions

I saw a scene from either a series or a movie on Facebook and I want to know what it was called. I remember these little girls playing a game with some virtual reality helmets. They play a game that is spooky but when the parents come in they switch to a kids game with animals in it. I remember the parents try to lock the game but the girls can still play it. I think the game eventually comes to life or something I only saw it once in the Facebook videos so can anyone help me?

Answer: Sounds like the TV show "Evil", s01e04, "Rose390." The main character has 4 daughters and the grandmother buys them the VR headset and they lie about a horror game they were playing.


25th Oct 2021

The Sopranos (1999)

D-Girl - S2-E7

Question: After Christopher and Amy have been to bed together he shakes the water on her back and asks "hey you ever been with another Skinny Guinea?" What does that mean and why does Amy get upset?

Answer: "Guinea" is a derogatory or slur word for Italians, or Italian-Americans. So he was jokingly asking if she slept with (shagged) another Italian guy. Amy is Greg's fiancé and Greg is Christopher's cousin. So Greg would be Italian. Amy is cheating on Greg with Christopher and it just made her feel guilty. He wasn't thinking about that fact when he made the comment, which is why he immediately apologizes.


21st Oct 2021

Meet the Spartans (2008)

Question: Who was the person on the YouTube video crying and why did the individual say to leave Britney alone?

Answer: He's Chris Crocker. In 2007, he made the YouTube video talking about everything Britney Spears had gone through, and he felt the media and people were ganging up on her and making fun of her, and he ended up breaking down and crying "leave Britney alone." It was thrown in the movie since the movie was making fun of Spears.


21st Oct 2021

30 Rock (2006)

Show generally

Question: I'm trying to find out what episode Liz makes reference to a lower back tribal tattoo with a Chinese symbol in it. I've looked everywhere.

Answer: Maybe s02e14, "Sandwich Day"? Liz is talking to Floyd and asking if the girl who answered his phone has a lower back tattoo with a Chinese character that is suppose to mean "peace", but probably means "I have chlamydia." But nothing about it being a tribal tattoo.


14th Oct 2021

Suicide Kings (1997)

Question: When the kidnapper threatens to shoot Brad Garrett if he doesn't change the channel back, he then pulls the trigger but the gun doesn't go off. But when the gun is checked and empties, there are 6 bullets in the gun. Why did it not go off?


Answer: There were 5 live rounds ("bullets") and 1 empty shell. So the cylinder was positioned to shoot the spent round when the trigger was pulled.


14th Oct 2021

Star Trek (2009)

Answer: The line he says in Russian is " Ё моё!" It's a Russian phrase of excitement, surprise, or disappointment. Literally it translates into "it's mine." But as a phrase, it really doesn't have an English translation. Some say it's equivalent to using the F-word while others say not really since it's not an obscene word.


Thanks. I thought he said You're my whore. My brain wouldn't accept that.

11th Oct 2021

The Faculty (1998)

Question: How did the alien queen get to earth in the first place to infect everyone?

Answer: The method of how she got to Earth was never revealed.


11th Oct 2021

Big (1988)

Question: When Josh accuses John Heard of cheating at racquetball, was Heard in fact cheating, or did Josh just not understand the rules of the game?


Answer: Paul (John Heard) tells Josh that the serve has to cross the yellow line. When Josh calls the ball short, Paul is basically trying to cheat and claims he never said the ball has to cross the line. Although I'm trying to figure out what racquet sport their playing. It looks like they're playing on a handball court, but the racquet sports I know, the ball has to cross the short line (the yellow line in "Big") on the serve but you also serve from a service area where you have to stand in front of the short line, which they don't do.


22nd Jul 2007

The Sopranos (1999)

Proshai, Livushka - S3-E2

Question: In the credits a character is shown as "2 to 5 / 7 to 9". Who is this character and what is the significance of her name?

Answer: I'm not sure which person you're referring to here specifically, but the meaning is someone who makes a habit of constantly going to funeral calling hours (normally 2pm-5pm and 7pm to 9pm) for morbid entertainment or gossip purposes (elderly ladies, for example).

Ryan Grubb

Answer: In "Proshai, Livushka", she's the person talking to Meadow in the hall, while Tony watches, and says to Meadow, "I'm so sorry about your grandmother." She also appears and is credited in s03e05, "Another Toothpick" and s03e13, "Army of One." In s06e18 "Kennedy and Heidi", one of Tony's men points her out (although refers to her as 3 to 5, 7 to 9) and when someone asks why they call her that, he says "she never misses a wake." Although in this episode, Marie Donato is not credited.


27th Sep 2021

Good Times (1974)

Florida's Homecoming: The Wedding - S6-E3

Question: At Thelma's wedding, Michael is singing "You And I" from O'Bryan. But this episode is from 1978 and the song came out in 1983 (5 years later). Did Ralph Carter (Michael) originate that song before O'Bryan made it famous?

Answer: "You and I (We Can Conquer the World) " is a song written and performed by Stevie Wonder in 1972. O'Bryan just did a cover of the song.


Question: What is the last song from the end credits - the orchestral song during the concept artwork, not the "Problem (The Monster Remix)" song?

Answer: The last song I believe you're referring to was composed by Mark Mothersbaugh. However, there are no official names for the scores he composed. It would just be something like "End Credit Suite."


Answer: I a monster.

20th Sep 2021

Friends (1994)

Answer: It's from s06e23, "The One With The Ring." Chandler and Phoebe are at a jewelry store and Phoebe tried to run after a guy while still holding store property, which caused the door to lock and the metal gate to come down.


13th Sep 2021

I, Robot (2004)

Question: When Del is explaining the night of the accident to Susan, he says that he told the robot to save the little girl. The robot ignored Del's order and chose to save him instead. Robots are supposed to follow any order they are given. Since the robot ignored Del's order, was it ever explained what happened to it or are we meant to come up with our conclusion?

Answer: The 2nd law states they have to follow any order given by a human unless it conflicts with the 1st law. The 1st law is that a robot can not harm or by inaction cause harm to come to a human. The robot already determined Del has a better survival rate and thus, by following Del's order, it would cause it to violate the 1st law because its inactions would cause harm to Del. Nothing happened to the robot, it didn't malfunction.


13th Sep 2021

The Flintstones (1960)

Show generally

Question: At the end of every episode, it shows Fred putting out the sabertooth tiger. Has this animal ever appeared in any of the episodes? If yes, what episodes was it in? If no, then why show Fred putting an animal he doesn't own outside?

Answer: The name of the pet is "Baby Puss." He has appeared in episodes, but only a very few. The first episode was probably "The X-Ray Story" from season 2.


Question: During the opening credits, was there a TV show being parodied by Beavis and Butthead? If so, what was the show?

Answer: It was a variety of 70's cop shows. The car is from "Starsky and Hutch" (just a different color). The opening style is from "Charlie's Angels." The song is similar to the song from "Shaft" and a parody of "Two Tough Guys."


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