
11th Oct 2020

General questions

I saw an old black and white movie back in the early seventies on a late, late show that involved a woman going to the hospital for a face lift. I remember two scenes vividly: one where the doctor and his team cut, then peel off her face, and a scene where a woman (the same?) wakes up with surgical clamps and forceps still attached to her face, and she is confused and frightened, calling for a nurse's help. Anybody have an idea what was the title of this old movie?


Answer: Sounds like the 1960 French film "Les Yeux sans visage" (Eyes Without a Face). The American release version was named "The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus."


Take It to the Limit - S2-E13

Question: I don't understand Lily's nervousness about impressing Dean in this episode - almost as if they have never been on a date. She already referred to him as her "boyfriend" in "Smoke on the Daughter", and they arranged a date in that episode. And he has been in her bedroom and brought her a Christmas present ("I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Claus"). Why does this episode suddenly make it seem like they have never been on a date?

Answer: "Take It to the Limit", while aired as the 13th episode, was the 7th episode produced for the 2nd season (production code 207). "Smoke on the Daughter" was the 8th episode (208) and "I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Clause" was the 10th episode (210) produced. Often shows air episodes out of production order for various reasons. If they had aired 210 in order, it would have aired on Jan 23rd instead of Dec 19th, hardly a good time to air a Christmas themed episode.


Question: I first saw "Raiders" at the cinema when it was released in Australia and I distinctly remember a scene which has never appeared on video or DVD. After the end credits, there's a cut back to the crate housing the Ark in the warehouse, and the U.S Govt. stamp on the side of the crate is slowly burning off, as if a fire within the crate is scorching it. One other friend (also in Australia) also remembers. Does anyone else remember this, and can anyone shed any light on what happened to this scene?

Answer: I also remember this scene. After the ark is sealed, the camera performs a close up of the side of the crate. The stamp reads "Top Secret Army Intel 9906753 Do Not Open" This stamp is burned off just like the swastika is in the scene on the submarine, because in the eyes of God, no nation is holy or worthy enough to claim ownership of the ark. However, this final scene was cut (the burning of the stamp) from the film for a variety of unclear reasons. While it was in theaters, this scene was not included on the DVD version.

Add me to this. We saw the movie in a "pre release" version in Orlando Florida. No advance warning of the movie. We went to see another flick and at the end were "invited" to see this if we were willing to critique it afterwards. This scene was included. I also always wondered why the change.

I also remember seeing this mysterious 'burning' of the logo, most likely it was on a VHS copy of this movie. Yes, it did exist.

I saw it in former Czechoslovakia in the second half of 80's in cinema (west movies came to the east countries' cinemas years later). And I thought it was a great joke that burning out the swastika wasn't just because the Nazis are bad but because nobody is great enough to own the arc. Then after the Velvet revolution I saw the film again on TV (beginning of 90's) and said everyone around: watch it until the end, wait on the post-credit scene, there will be a surprise.

And there was a surprise. The scene was cut off! I was angry on the TV they didn't show the scene. I cannot be influenced by internet discussion or urban legend. The internet didn't exist yet.

I saw it in Portland, Oregon, and was so impressed with the message it carried, that I told friends and we went several times just to see it. Funny thing was when I mentioned it a few years ago, many people said I was a LIAR that it never happened. I could not convince anyone. It was removed because it wasn't Politically Correct. USA is a force for good, God would not burn off AMERICAN TEXT! BUT WE DID SEE IT. Thanks to our Australian eye witness, we know we did not imagine it.

Answer: I also remember that scene.

Answer: This scene never existed. Plus, the crate never has a US Govt logo stamped on it.


Answer: I remember the side of the crate being "charred" when it was in the ship's cargo hold, in the scene when the Nazi's arrived in the submarine. It was the Nazi swastika on the side of the crate that was burned off. It also showed a rat keeling over dead from the energy it emitted. (I just watched this again on the Paramount cable channel.)


6th Oct 2020

Romeo Must Die (2000)

Question: What did Mac say right before he exited the stairwell to shoot at the chopper with Roth and the others onboard?

Answer: "Go get it." He was just pumping himself up.


Answer: "Hear You Me" by Jimmy Eat World.


6th Oct 2020

Spider-Man (1994)

Answer: In the comics, Hobgoblin's true identity was kept a mystery for a long time intentionally and while many fans deduced it was Kingsley, and creator Roger Stern was leaning that way, Stern left the series in 1984. In 1987 Hobgoblin's identity was revealed to be Ned Leeds and then Macendale became Hobgoblin. It wasn't until 1997 that Sterns wrote the mini-series "Hobgoblin Lives" and retconned Kingsley as the original Hobgoblin.


Answer: I could be wrong, but I believe the Hobgoblin in Marvel Comics around the same time this show was airing was also Jason Macendale. I have a Hobgoblin trading card from around 1992 or 1993, and it identifies him as Jason Phillips Macendale when listing his real name.


6th Oct 2020

General questions

What movie has a police sting to catch criminals by inviting them to a Yankees meet and greet, a man and his son are late, the cop feels sorry for him and tells him to get lost?

Answer: "Sea of Love" (1989) staring Al Pacino. The "meet the Yankees" is the opening scene. After the sting, the man and his little boy show up and Pacino (Detective Keller) doesn't want to arrest him in front of his boy. He tells him they're all booked up and flashes his badge as he gets in the car to give the man a hint.


Question: Roughly 12 minutes in during the sidewalk gunfight a person is whacked with a gun after the fight. There is white text that flashes on screen shortly after. What does the text say?


Answer: I think the scene you're referring to happens about and hour and nine minutes in. An Indian is knocked off the horse by a union soldier. I couldn't see any text flash on the screen. There are white signs with black letters in the background that belong to the general stores. Maybe you saw the flash of a horse or saddle?


You're right on the time mark. My mistake. I watched an HD version and it wasn't there. Is the one that TCM aired maybe different than the hd version? I wasn't the only one watching who saw it. There were others.


You probably just saw the name of the station airing the film. The sidewalk scene with 4 soldiers takes place in the middle of the movie. When you rewind a non-recorded show on a DVR, the minute mark is often how many minutes past the hour it is or how long you've been on that channel. 12 minutes into the movie is when they're turning themselves over to the Union before being slaughtered, a little prior to that is the opening credits and fighting montage scene, but no sidewalks around. Most DVR remotes allow frame by frame and slow motion playback (pause then use the fast forward or rewind button).


It wasn't the name of the station. The text was several lines long from top to bottom in the middle of the screen. You're time mark is right. No text on screen in the HD version I watched. TCM aired the one with the text, don't know if it's different in some way.


If you're watching it on a cable channel, it could be their logo that they're flashing on the screen, rather than something that was part of the movie. I see this all the time on movies and other programs I watch on cable.


I screen captured it! Could not get it all. Reads at bottom LEFT RIGHT CH 7,8 - English. (?) LBY EDIT 342. 1/23/ (?) TMC.

28th Sep 2020

Shooter (2007)

Question: What was that stuff that Swagger used to treat gunshot wounds?

Answer: QuikClot dressing, which has blood thickening agent (coagulant) in it. I've treated more than a few wounds with them.


Answer: It's a bit complicated, so here's some online info on how the gunshot wound in the movie was treated. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!


I'm not asking how he treated his gunshot wounds, I'm asking what he used to treat his gunshot wounds?

The link I gave you lists the materials used to treat the wound. Please check it.


I've looked at the sources. He used quick clot to treat his wounds. I have a problem with that because he opens the quick clot bag with his mouth. Wouldn't he risk getting cotton mouth if he opened the bag with his mouth since he was risk quick clot getting in his mouth?

That's why someone put this in as a mistake (listed as factual but should be a character mistake). Some say the way he handles the quick clot is wrong and/or dangerous.


Answer: It usually just means seeing something weird or unusual, perhaps something someone wouldn't believe you saw without proof. The phrase is usually "haven't got your gun", although some people replace "gun" with "camera." Basically think about a hunter spending all week in the woods looking for the biggest [fill in the blank] and the one day he goes out into the woods without his gun and then finally sees it.


Answer: I would also interpret it (metaphorically speaking) as when someone has a gun in hand, there is a specific target or intent they are so fixated on, that they block out everything else around them. Without a gun, one would see their environment more comprehensively, noticing details they would otherwise overlook. To clarify, someone who has too narrow or fixated a focus or perspective, misses other important things going on around them that might affect their opinions or conclusions.


Question: Two questions: something I have never understood about Marty traveling into the future to stop his kid from going to jail. In the first movie when Doc. puts his dog into the time machine and sends him 1 min into the future the car disappears for 1 min and arrives back with the dog in the car. Doc explains that as far as the dog is concerned the trip was instantaneous but to Marty and Doc the dog disappears for 1 min. The question is when Marty travels into the future shouldn't he have "disappeared" for 30 years and not had an older self. The second question is, why is it so important for them to travel 30 years into the future to stop his kid from getting arrested, couldn't he have just as easily told Marty "hey on this day and year, don't let your kid leave the house. You have 30 years to figure out a reason or break his leg."

Robert Waner

Answer: In the film, that one event sets off a chain reaction that destroys Marty's family, so it's paramount that they stop it from ever happening. Too many things could go wrong just trying to prevent it. Since Marty Jr. looks like 1985 Marty, the plan is to have Marty Sr. Take his place, rather than try to get 2015 Marty Sr. To ground his son or something. Plus, Doc says it's important they don't know too much about their future, so that's why he can't just tell them what to do in 30 years because he could reveal too much. Of course, if you overthink it too much, you can make it all fall apart, or come up with different ways to accomplish the same thing.


Chosen answer: To answer the first question, it's because Marty ultimately returns to the past and therefore does live his normal life for the next 30 years. Had Einstein traveled back that one minute, he would be there as well. As to the second question, Doc needs to be sure Marty's son doesn't go and can't leave it to chance that Marty will take take care of it after 30 years.

He could've just as easily traveled back to the same day in 2015 and knocked on 2015 Marty's door and told him to stop his son. 1985 Marty even told Doc to look him up in 2015 so, it wouldn't shock him to see the Doc there.

Haha. I never realised that. It makes much more sense to do that.


Except that Doc had already been in the future and could've tried that.

That's exactly what we mean.


Question: During the chase scene, Marty jumps into the water at one end to avoid getting hit by Griff. A few seconds later Marty is out of the water at the other end and climbing up stairs. How did he get to the other end so quickly? Why is he climbing up the stairs after being in the water at the other end of the pond?

Answer: While a few seconds of screen time passed, it was just a cut so we don't know how much time actually passed, but enough time for a crowd to gather and the police to show up. Some of the mall shops were located underground and there may have been an entrance/exit tunnel near the courthouse that Marty ran down after getting out of the pond. The movie doesn't explain it though. If there were stairs going underground near the courthouse, it would make sense Marty runs down them to avoid the crowd coming towards him and the courthouse.


No, that would mean we have to assume certain things. And the fact that Marty appeared coming up the steps, well, it just doesn't make sense because A) we did not see him go to the steps and B) there could NOT be any way to get to the steps from the water.

We didn't see him go to the steps because the scene wasn't continuous, but to say he couldn't get to the steps from the water also means you have to assume certain things. My statement that there would be two sets of steps leading underground on either side of the shops isn't an illogical assumption like your assumption.


Answer: After Griff and gang crashed into the courthouse, Marty grabbed the hoverboard and swam to the other side of the pond so he could get out faster.

Question: In the beginning of the movie, a car passes the school bus. The car had a huge cockroach on it. What kind of person would put a cockroach on their own car? It can't be just an accessory. Is there anyone who knows about that? What exactly is that for?

Bunch Son

Answer: The truck belongs to an exterminator. The big cockroach would just be a way to get noticed while driving around. It's the same truck the 3 kids find later.


20th Sep 2020

General questions

When I was a small boy (born in 1942) my mother took me to see a black and white WWII movie about a small group of servicemen, and one woman, who were survivors of an airplane crashed at sea. Most of the film was about the survival adventures while floating in a rubber raft in the open sea with a developing romantic interest between the lead hero and the lone woman. At the end, after they are rescued, he discovers she is a nun. I thought the film was called "Seven Who Returned" but can't find anything with that title. Can you tell me the name of the film? Many Thanks, Ken.

Answer: There is a film called "Sea Wife" (1957) which is set during WWII and has 4 survivors on a raft and one of them is secretly a nun. It's not B&W though and they were survivors of a ship that was torpedoed by the Japanese. The main story is told as a flashback because the man who fell in love with the woman is looking for her. There does happen to be a B&W British film about survivors on a raft called "Seven Waves Away" (1957).


17th Sep 2020

Donnie Brasco (1997)

Question: Did the real Lefty actually have "cancer of the prick", as was claimed in the movie?

Answer: Benjamin "Lefty" Ruggiero suffered from testicular cancer, as well as lung cancer.


Question: When Officer Blake leaves Wayne Manor after telling Bruce Wayne that he knows he is Batman and that funding has stopped to the Smithens Boys' Home, Bruce asks Alfred "Have you run that name? Bane?" and Alfred responds with his findings. How did Bruce hear of Bane in the first place? Nowhere prior in the movie is Bane ever mentioned to Bruce. It's not mentioned by Selina Kyle, by Officer Blake and there is no news media mentioning anything. How did Bruce come-about asking Alfred to run Bane's name in the first place? (00:29:22)

Answer: Officer Blake does mention the name Bane to Bruce when visiting him (Blake says Gordon was babbling about an army and a masked man named Bane). That seemed to be his primary purpose coming over, to get Batman to help fight Bane. When Blake is at the door about to leave, the scene cuts to him outside walking to his car, so we don't know how much time passes. And while we don't see Alfred, it was possible he was listening. I don't know if there was a cut scene, but in the film it does seem there's meant to be enough time for Alfred to do a quick check on the name.


Answer: Officer Blake did in fact mention Bane to him, in the conversation that they just had. At the start of the conversation, Bruce asks "What can I do for you, officer", then Blake tells him Commissioner Gordon's been shot. After saying that, Blake says "He chased a gunman down into the sewers. When I pulled him out, he was babbling about an underground army. A masked man called Bane." That was how Bruce found out about Bane. (This line is said at 00:26:47).

Casual Person

11th Sep 2020

Supergirl (2015)

Answer: For one, it's usually cheaper to film in Vancouver because of the tax breaks. But all the CW Arrowverse shows (with the exception of "Black Lighting") are/were filmed in Vancouver. So it makes it easier and cheaper for sharing set designs, crossovers, etc ("Black Lightning" filmed in Vancouver during its crossover). Originally "Supergirl" wasn't part of the Arrowverse when it was on CBS, but it was too expensive to produce and wasn't reaching the wider audience the CW shows had. So CBS moved it to its sister company, The CW.


10th Sep 2020

Supergirl (2015)

Show generally

Question: Does Kat ever wise up again to Kara's secret? That and why did she (Flockhart) leave the show only to come back?


Answer: Yes, s02e22. As Kara leaves her office, she said "go get them, Supergirl" to herself. After season 1, the show switched from a CBS production to a CW production and filming moved from L.A. to Vancouver. Flockhart isn't really a fan of traveling to shoot, and didn't want to be away from her family for so long.


Question: What's the meaning of the text in the opening credits, starting with "For nearly forty years..."?


Answer: The novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" was published in 1900 and this film came out in 1939. Many adults that would be watching the movie would have read the book as children and remained "young in heart", meaning filled with childlike wonder and kindness that the story of Oz is filled with, etc. The story presents a philosophy of kindness that Time (i.e. growing older) has been powerless to make out of fashion (unpopular). The film is dedicated to those that have been faithful to the story of Oz and it's philosophy of kindness, and to the "young in heart."


Question: When Annie went to get something to open the fire doors she picked a red chainsaw, but put it down in favor of a yellow one instead. Why did she do that?

Answer: Because the yellow one had a longer guide bar (what one might call the blade).


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