
Question: Why do so many people consider this movie to be anti-semitic? There have been many movies made about Jesus' life but, no-one says anything about them being as such.

Answer: Professor John T. Pawlikowski wrote a paper explaining in more detail about why he and others thought the script was heavily anti-Semitic ("Christian Anti-Semitism: Past History, Present Challenges Reflections in Light of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ") In part, the story line presented, Jesus being pursued by an evil cabal of Jews, has been previously rejected by the Vatican and other mainstream Christian churches. And some took offense to the way the film portrayed "evil" Jews compared to "good" Jews. Others felt that the film falsified some of the history. On top of that, many found the film to be too violent which left them "spiritually drained" compared to other films of depicting the passion of Christ that left audiences uplifted. Those that felt the film was anti-Semitic felt that the violence portrayed would fuel hatred towards the Jewish people.


Not to mention the fact that Mel Gibson has his own anti-Semitic rants in real life and many felt the film's message must reflect Gibson's personal rants.


8th Jun 2020

General questions

I remember this one 1985 or '86 film where a teenager borrowed his grandfather's car but ends up totaling it by the end of the film. I think the teenager's mother went into labor towards the end and that's what caused the accident or made the car further damaged. As it turns out of the grandfather ruined the teenage father's car as well but I can never figure out what film this is from?


Answer: Sounds like the film "License to Drive" (1988) staring the two Coreys.


8th Jun 2020

Batman Returns (1992)

Question: When the two cops find Catwoman in the department store, she uses her whip to disarm them. They put their hands up and one says, "Don't hurt us, lady, or take homes lesson 300?" To which she replies, "You've overpaid. Hit the road." What exactly is homes lesson 300?

Answer: He says "our take home is less than 300", meaning their paycheck (or what they "take home") is less than $300. Her reply is that the store is still paying them too much (i.e. they're worthless as security officers).


Answer: The cop actually says "Our take home is less than 300," presumably meaning they make less than $300 per week.


Answer: He says "our take home's less than 300". As in their net pay is less than $300 a week.

Question: During the Battle of the Bands near the end of the film, a band with a singer who sounds like and somewhat resembles Joey Ramone performs a song called "So Socko" (or possibly "So Psycho"). I've heard some people insist that it was, in fact, Joey Ramone in an uncredited role, but it doesn't really look like him and doesn't have Joey's stage presence, i.e, standing still throughout the performance as opposed to moving about the stage. So who was the actual singer for this particular band?


Answer: The lead singer is Rick Wilder. The band is credited as "Berlin Brats" (The Groups). The song is called "Psychotic", or sometimes listed as " (I'm) Psychotic", but it seems the middle part was cut out for the film or maybe arranged differently for the film.


4th Jun 2020

The Score (2001)

Question: What baseball hat was Jack wearing at the ending? (04:44:00)

Answer: It appears to be a Baltimore Orioles hat with the '89-'97 logo. Edward Norton was raised in Maryland, just outside of Baltimore.


26th May 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: Is it just me or did he fire 8 times with a gun that only holds 5 rounds at a time? I am referring to the subway scene where Joker got his first kills of course.


Answer: I counted 4 shots on the train and 3 shots on the platform. Someone submitted a mistake about this, then someone corrected it saying he could have reloaded, then someone commented it's unlikely. I find it unlikely that he reloaded when on the train because on the platform he shoots 3 times and then dry fires 2 more times because he's out of rounds but doesn't seem to realise. So you'd have to say he had the wherewithal to reload a gun that's not empty, or only had 4 rounds in it for some reason, but reloaded it with only 2 or 3 more rounds, and then forgot how many rounds he just reloaded it with.


He has time to reload so it's plausible, that's all it takes really. Arthur is out of his mind at that moment, having just been beaten up again and working purely on adrenaline and blind rage. I doubt he is counting his shots. Does fit him though that when he saw the 3rd guy run he wanted to kill him too but wasn't sure if his gun was empty so he loaded 2 more bullets before he exited the train.


15th May 2020

Frasier (1993)

Answer: The cheating occurred during "Cheers." Not much was discussed about the reason, but she cheated on him with a colleague of hers, Dr. Pascal (whom she also went to live with in an underground eco-pod). Working closely with someone, especially if the two have similar likes, ideology, etc, can result in romantic feelings being developed. With the burden of marriage and a child, she may have given into her urges. She does obviously feel bad because she asks Frasier to forgive her and take her back. There was also a running gag on "Cheers" that Lilith had a strong libido that she had to work hard to suppress, which may have been a factor if true.


15th May 2020

Friends (1994)

Answer: Earlier Ross was telling the gang Julie left her saline solution on his nightstand. Saline solution is what's used to clean contact lenses. Now Joey knows Julie wears contact lenses. (Ross then shushes Joey because he doesn't want Julie to know he told his friends about her leaving the saline solution on the nightstand or anything else about their relationship).


Hammered - S11-E4

Question: Why would a mistrial be declared if the DVD of the murder being committed showed Dalton's face? Wouldn't this show that he is guilty of murder?

Answer: Because the DVD wasn't actual footage of the crime. It was a CGI re-enactment. However, 2 versions were made. The one meant for trial and one where Dalton's face was photoshopped onto the CGI killer. A.D.A. Paxton put the wrong DVD in and the jury saw a Dalton as the killer, which was declared prosecutorial misconduct and the video tainted the jury.


Question: I have a question and this has bothered me for years. How did Doc know the exact date and time to wear a bulletproof vest by reading Marty's letter? We see what Marty wrote and it says "The night I go back in time" before he puts it in Doc's pocket but it never said the exact date or time of when the terrorists would attack Doc after Marty came back in 1985?

Answer: The answer is right in your question. The letter states "The night I go back in time." Doc helped Marty get back to 1985 at the exact date and time that he left. He set this date and time in the Delorean. We know that Doc has a penchant for remembering dates as one of the ways Marty proves he's from the future is that Doc told him the exact date and events of when he got the idea for the flux capacitor.


Answer: Doc sees the video tape recording of the first part or the test so would know it was after that time, so he took precautions to protect himself from that point forward. Knowing it could be at any time from the test till later, he wore the vest to the test, and presumably would have continued wearing it after the test if that wasn't when it happened.


Answer: Any answer would be speculation, but this was Doc's first time travel test and he did invite Marty to be there, so he may have assumed that was the date in question. He also had stolen plutonium from terrorists and knowing they'd shoot him, he could have worn it at all times.


Question: What did Day-Day mean when he told Mrs. Pearly that she needed to get something lined up?

Answer: He's insulting Mrs. Pearly by insinuating she has a mustache and that she needs to trim it to look neat.


6th May 2020

Monk (2002)

Answer: Given Monk's state of mental health and that Monk's been able to continue to function as well as he does, pretty effective. Therapy isn't about "fixing" someone, it's often about helping the person be able to accept themselves. Some people need regular therapy as part of their life. Even a regular person who doesn't get into all the antics Monk does can be in therapy for decades. A few years ago, TV host Billy Bush revealed he had been seeing the same therapist for 30 years.


Answer: Imagine how much worse Monk would be *without* regularly seeing a good therapist.

3rd May 2020

The X-Files (1993)

Answer: "This" happens to be used in computer programming language to refer to an entity that is part of a currently running code. But that is just a guess, or at least a starting point for a discussion.


1st May 2020

Legend (1985)

Question: What breed of horses were used for the unicorns?

Answer: Andalusians.


28th Apr 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: Part of reason for the firing was because George considered Gus a personal friend and ignored Hank's suspicions of Gus' involvement in the meth business. Even after questioning Gus, he still ignored Hank when Hank try's to tell him Gus is lying.


Answer: The DEA needed a scapegoat to throw under the bus as Gus made them look bad being right under their nose and George was the agent in charge so took the fall. And yes, had Hank not been killed he too would most likely have been fired.


Question: When Kit gets traded to Racine, who does Rockford get in return?

Answer: An unnamed pitcher. I believe it was the character played by Janet Jones and listed as "Racine Pitcher"


10th Apr 2020

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: Texas Railroad Commission. They're the agency that regulate the oil and natural gas industry, natural gas utilities, pipeline safety, and safety of the liquefied petroleum gas industry.


Wouldn't that be TRC?


The official name is Railroad Commission of Texas, so the "T" isn't used in the abbreviation anyways. People tend to say Texas first since most other agencies already start with Texas.


10th Apr 2020

The Hunger Games (2012)

Question: Why is Katniss so protective of Prim? I have only read the first book so maybe in future books it's explained?


Answer: Besides Prim being her younger sister, when their father died, her mother basically shut down out of depression, leaving Katniss to raise Prim for the most part. She has a bond that goes beyond what some sisters might normally have.


8th Apr 2020

Red Eye (2005)

Question: Do phones on planes really exist? I've never seen one.


Answer: Yes, they were called "Airphones." They provided air-ground telephone services, although they were pretty expensive to use. They were more popular in the 90's, but by mid-2000's their use started to decline. In 2008 only a handful of airliners kept them in their planes, and even those were limited.


8th Apr 2020

MacGyver (1985)

Show generally

Question: I never saw the whole episode but a young girl tells MacGyver that she walked into a garage and witnessed two men torturing another man strapped in a chair by making him listen to a high pitched sound that ended up killing him. Later, when she goes back to the house, the garage is empty and two old people living there say that they were the only ones there and that the girl must be mistaken and in the wrong house. What is the name of this episode and what really happened?

Answer: Perhaps s02e13, "Soft Touch." Penny Parker (player by Teri Hatcher, who would have been 22 at the time) crashes at Mac's place. She performs singing telegrams and takes Mac's Jeep to her next job, but goes to the wrong house and sees 3 men torturing someone. She drives away and the men chase her, noting the license plate of the Jeep. Penny convinces Mac to help, but she's unable to remember which house it is. Later, the men find out where Mac lives and kidnap Penny and a Serbian (a guy from the beginning of the episode), Mac follows and he reveals the bad guys' plot to kill someone at city hall involved in a drug case. The three rush over to city hall and prevent a bomb from going off and the bad guys are captured.


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