
9th Aug 2020

Double Jeopardy (1999)

Question: Given that the crime is murder why is she paroled after only six years?

Answer: She apparently was convicted in a jurisdiction that used indeterminate (not determinate) sentencing, allowed a life sentence to be "with the possibility of parole" and sentencing philosophy of "let the punishment fit the criminal (not the crime). " When there is no mandatory minimum number of years to be served in prison, a convicted murderer (of variousĀ°) could actually serve relatively few years in prison with the remainder of the sentence served outside of prison (such as in a halfway house or residential treatment center, or in her own home under electronic monitoring) provided the offender does not violate the conditions of release. An offender receiving a sentence of "life imprisonment", for example, could serve the first several years in prison and then be released to a halfway house to continue "serving time" outside of prison (with supervision). The years served "in the community" are still "time served" under the sentence - only the location of serving it has changed.


Answer: To start, this film gets a lot wrong about the judicial system and law (including the whole idea that Libby can freely kill Nick because she's already been convicted of his murder). In the film, they just say she's charged with murder, but never what degree. In Washington State, 2nd degree murder generally carries a sentence of 10-18 years (not including felony-murder). However, Washington State did not offer parole at the time of the film like other states did. To be released, she'd have a hearing in front of the Washington State Clemency and Pardons Board, not a Parole Board. And it's unlikely they'd grant her a release. But in Texas for example, she could possibly get parole after serving at least half her sentence.


8th Aug 2020

General questions

It's a bit of a trope in films for an explosive device of some kind to be placed in a microwave, often catching the victim unawares until the final few seconds before the beeper goes and it explodes. Grosse Point Blank and Under Siege come to mind, to name but two. But is there any real reason the countdown should match the explosion? Is there anything specific about the end of a microwave cycle that might cause a detonation in something capable of it, or is it just a Hollywood convention that the hero's skills are such that they manage to set the timer for the perfect length to cause an explosion?

Jon Sandys

Answer: To start, exploding microwaves in film are like gas tanks exploding when shot, what the movies show is nothing like real life. Most explosive simply do not explode in microwaves, even after 15 minutes. Flash powder (flashbang grenades) can go off in a microwave after about 5 minutes, but just from being heated up, nothing to do with the final seconds of the countdown. Although they certainly wouldn't explode an entire store or cause more damage then the flashbang would do normally. Explosives like C4, hand grenades, or modern TNT and dynamite-type explosives will not go off like seen in the films, at least not with low powered home microwaves.


17th Jan 2007

The A-Team (1983)

Answer: They never use an M14. The nearly always use a Ruger Mini 14, a totally different weapon.


Answer: The machine guns primarily used were M60's or M60D's. Although there were a lot of sub-machine guns used too, like the Mac-10. For some reason other answers are talking about rifles used in the show.


For the reason is because most people don't know the difference between an automatic rifle, a sub-machine gun, and a machine gun. I.e. Die Hard "Ho-ho-ho now we have a machine gun" - actually a HK MP5K. M60D's are for helicopter door gunners. I suspect you mean an M60E3, with the pistol foregrip.


You suspect wrong. I did mean M60D since they were seen being used as helicopter door guns.


Only in the stock footage in the intro though.


Yes, because the question was asking what machine guns were used, but didn't cite a specific episode or anything, so I was being thorough.


The question is what machine guns were used by the A-team. Not that one.


So you think the question was what machine gun was used by the A-Team but not by the A-Team?


No. The A-Team never used the M60D anywhere in the series, you only see it in the stock footage of the intro. And the question was what machine guns the A-team used.


Which is stock footage of the A-Team.


That is most definitely not the A-team in the helicopter, they are just showing footage from the Vietnam war.


Answer: Mostly M-14's. Occaisionally M-16's or Ingram Model 10's.

Grumpy Scot

They are not M-14s, that is a full automatic military rifle used during the early part of the Vietnam War as a replacement for the M1 Garand. It has much the same appearance as the M1 except with a magazine instead of a top-loading en-bloc 8 rd clip. The rifles used by the team are Ruger Mini-14s, chambered for .223. An M-14 is NATO 5.56.

3rd Aug 2020

Focus (2015)

Question: What was the red sports car Will Smith was driving - the one that was smashed? Perhaps a Ferrari California?

Answer: It was a 2013 Peugeot RCZ.


16th Nov 2018

The X-Files (1993)

Answer: He didn't place himself there voluntarily. He mysteriously vanished from the hospital and awoke to find himself inside the incinerator. It appears this was punishment for his exposing that the lottery was rigged.


But, as a detective, it was his job to expose the rigging.

Chao didn't expose the rigged lottery as part of his job as a detective. He was already involved in the game and working for those in charge. He was paid to keep the game a secret from foreigners and his blood was found in Lo's apartment, meaning he was the mysterious figure that tells Lo he must pay. But despite Chao's involvement, he wanted the game to end. To me, it seems he smashed the vase out of anger, not because he knew it was rigged and was trying expose that fact. But regardless, that's what he seems to be punished for.


Thanks. It was really confusing.

22nd Aug 2013

Family Guy (1999)

Screwed The Pooch - S3-E13

Question: At the trial, Carter's lawyer asks Brian the star of two films he rented - Brian replies "Pauly Shore" and everyone seems shocked. Is there supposed to be a joke behind this? If so, what does this joke mean?

Chosen answer: They were shocked that anyone would rent movies starring him - he is a bad actor.


And what's the connection of that making him a bad dad?

It's just a joke that someone who would make such a bad decision in renting movies couldn't be responsible for making good decisions in raising a kid.


29th Jul 2020

The Nun (2018)

Question: At the beginning, what was the old nun trying to do with the cross key in the dark room with the door that says "God ends here"?

Bunch Son

Answer: The nun was trying to find the relic. The deceased nuns had no actual idea where it was. That's the whole reason Irene was summoned by the Vatican because she had visions about "Mary pointing the way" also the "ghost nuns" more than likely have something to do with her clairvoyance as well.

Answer: Are you talking about before she opens the door? She's just making the sign of the cross, but using the same hand she's holding the key in.


I'm asking about what she was going to do in the dark room, what her plan was, what the cross key was for.

Bunch Son

It was to open the chamber that kept the vial of the blood of Christ so they could try to send Valak back to Hell.


The gateway to the relic was near the state of Mary, and it wasn't located inside the chamber seeing that Burke and Irene found the relic before crossing the passage leading to the chamber with the sign "God ends here." If there's someone who must have known where the relic was, it has to be the abbess. Then, why didn't she take it if she was going to?

Bunch Son

From everything I understood, the cross key opened the chamber that had the blood of Christ. The room with the sign "God ends here" was not the chamber I was speaking about. I was only addressing the question about what the key was for.


29th Jul 2020

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: What was wrong with Marco Flint's daughter? She is laying in bed and is connected to oxygen and numerous bottles of prescription drugs are and she is also seen leaning on a crutch. I have always been curious as to what was wrong with her to begin with. Does anyone know?

Answer: It's never revealed other than a terminal illness. Her character doesn't exist in the comics, so there's nothing to reference either.


28th Jul 2020

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)

Question: Who is the actor playing Billy that was shot by Travis in the police station interrogation room?

Answer: Billy was played by Mark Pellegrino.


Question: What does Buster mean that he'll be put in a foster home with people who don't love him? What's gonna happen to him if he lives with them?


Answer: He was just saying it pessimistically. Although, depending on which reports you read, 1 in 3 children are abused by their foster parents. In addition, many children in the system also get placed into several different homes during their childhood (since fostering children is not the same as adopting them), leaving the children to feel unloved by their foster parents.


I don't know the frequency with which it actually happens, but there are also neglectful foster parents whose sole motivation is the monthly stipend from the state, rather than a genuine interest in their wards' well-being.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Foster homes are meant to be temporary. While, hopefully, foster parents will be kind and caring to the children in their charge, they cannot form overly strong attachments that would only cause emotional trauma for a child when they transition to another living situation.


Answer: Yes, in the "Blacklist" series, it's said Christopher was 3 when he disappeared.


22nd Feb 2017

Psycho II (1983)

Question: Who was doing the killings before Norman finally snapped?

Chosen answer: The murderer is Emma Spool, Norman's biological mother. She was killing people because she didn't want anybody harming Norman.

Emma was not Norman's biological mother. She was the sister of Norma (and Norman's aunt) and jealous that Mr. Bates chose Norma over her and thought Norman should have been the son she and Mr. Bates were suppose to have. Later, while still mentally ill, she believed Norman was her son and told Norman this.


Emma Spool was, in fact, Norman's biological mother. It was revealed at the end of the movie that she is his real mother and Norma Bates is her sister who adopted Norman and raised him While Emma was institutionalized.


Again, that was just Emma being delusional and/or lying. Tracy Venable tells Norman the truth in Psycho III. Emma was never his mother.


I never knew Emma Spool was Norman's biological mother. In fact, I never heard of Emma Spool. Thanks.

24th Jul 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: What happened to Lydia's biological mother? Was this mentioned in a deleted scene? I once watched the movie with someone who said that Delia actually is the biological mother, but Lydia feels so disconnected and misunderstood, she pretends that Delia is her stepmother. (When I was a kid myself, I actually met a couple of kids who pretended that parents were adoptive or someone was a step-parent).

Answer: Her mother died and Delia is indeed her stepmother. We are not told in the film how her mother died. In the musical we're told Emily Deetz is her biological mother.


24th Jul 2020

The Ring Two (2005)

Question: Is there any reason why this is the only film in the American "Ring" series to not have an R1/A Blu-Ray release? It seems so weird that the first and third films are available in HD, while this one isn't. Is it like a studio issue or something?


Answer: Whelp, just to update my own question, the movie is finally getting a Blu-Ray (and 4K) release in October through boutique company Shout Factory. Presumably, it just wasn't seen as a necessity until more recently, with boutique physical media labels becoming more and more prevalent and being successful in the collector's market.


Answer: More and more studios are not releasing films on Blu-Ray because of the higher risk on the return of their money. It's more expensive and home media sales continue to decline, especially with streaming services available. DreamWorks Pictures was the distribution company for the first two films while Paramount Pictures was the distribution company for the third film. I don't know specifically why DreamWorks opted out of the third film, but it seems they didn't think the third film would be worth it financially and probably has similar thoughts about the 2nd film's home release. There's much more to it, including parent companies involved and whom they contract out for disc distribution, that I don't have answers to about why DreamWorks hadn't released "The Ring Two" on Blu-Ray.


24th Jul 2020

General questions

There was a movie that had both Angie Harmon and Charlie Sheen. In the movie, Angie is friends with a woman who writes an advice column but, the friend doesn't really offer any useful advice. Charlie Sheen plays a guy, who after coming across the letters, decides to write some real advice using the woman's name and the advice he gives actually helps people.

Answer: "Good Advice" (2001). Angie plays the newspaper editor that hired Charlie's girlfriend, who writes an advice column. When his girlfriend leaves him for another man, he takes over without the editor knowing (since he needed a job). It's only when the girlfriend returns and wants her job back does it turn out she isn't as good as Charlie.


Answer: The film is "Good Advice" from 2001:

Jon Sandys

22nd Jul 2020

XXX (2002)

Question: Does the word 'Ahab' mean anything?

Answer: Captain Ahab is the main character in the book "Moby Dick" where he's obsessed at finding the white whale that bit his leg off.


So are there any similarities between the 'Ahab' rocket's mission and the Moby Dick Ahab character other than the shared name?

It doesn't seem so, but often times "Ahab" is used to describe someone vigilantly set about completing a task, or in this case an object (although it's usually said without regards to how everything ended for Ahab).


Answer: In Hebrew, "Ahab" means "uncle" or "my father's brother." In the bible, Ahab was an idol-worshiping ruler in the "Book of Kings." In literature, Ahab was the revenge-obsessed captain in Moby Dick whose sole purpose was to kill the white whale. The Ahab drone had a singular target like Captain Ahab, so that might be the inspiration for it being called that.


22nd Jul 2020

Frozen II (2019)

Question: During the song "Some Things Never Change", Elsa was making things with her magic for the kids. A boy was given an ice bear doll and the next little girl whispered to Elsa who made some kind of tool made of ice for her. What was that?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's called a "sextant." It's a celestial navigation tool used by sailors.


18th Jul 2020

Friends (1994)

Answer: Not only is it a real game show, Danny Osmond was the host of the show at the time. And that was the real actor Leslie Charleson from "General Hospital."


Answer: A very simple google search reveals it is real. Here is the wiki page


18th Jul 2020

Alien (1979)

Question: I recently saw this film at a local cinema and I noticed that there was a scene missing from when I first saw this film as a kid. In the aforementioned scene, Dallas is on the main computer (Mother) trying to get information about how to destroy the Alien. The computer just keeps responding with "Can not compute." He finally asks "What are my chances" and still gets the same response. I was wondering if anyone remembered this scene and knows why its been removed?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: If I'm not mistaken, the scene you're talking about (where Dallas consults Mother before going into the vent) was removed from the Director's Cut version of the film (which did get its own theatrical release in 2003). Perhaps that's the version they showed. I couldn't find the scene in its entirety, but is this what you're referring to?


Yes that was the scene. It was longer of course.

Gavin Jackson

16th Jul 2020

Aliens (1986)

Question: Maybe I'm missing something, but if Ripley had been in hypersleep for 57 years, how could she have had a dream about speaking to Burke before waking up and actually meeting him?


Chosen answer: While the opening scene does show her in hypersleep, the moment we she her wake up (after the alien starts to push in her belly) is NOT her waking up from hypersleep, it's just her waking up from another bad dream. At that point she's been in the hospital for some time and already met Burke, but she's having nightmares. Presumably, this particular dream is of her remembering her first moments waking from hypersleep and then turning into a nightmare scene.


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