
Answer: He says "henpecked by OPEC." OPEC is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Henpecked is an insult, usually about a man whose wife is constantly ordering him around and belittling of him, and implies the man is too weak to stand up to her. Cotton is saying Jimmy Carter was too weak to stand up against OPEC. Jimmy Carter often is blamed for the 1979 energy crisis.


1st Jan 2023

General questions

In the 90s, I was watching a TV show about a summer camp. This episode involved a new camper who was a "bad girl"/punk type. At one point, she was sitting at a table, lifted the cover/cloth, and used a knife to carve marks into it. A guy - not sure if he was a counselor or another camper - approached her and said "You were carving the table." This might have been on Nickelodeon.

Answer: Sounds like "Hey Dude", s03e12, "The Bad Seed."


Thank you, I think that was it.

1st Jan 2023

The Fugitive (1963)

Tiger Left, Tiger Right - S2-E6

Question: The episode first aired October 1964. How could a Ford Mustang be seen in the episode if that car wasn't available until April 1965?

Answer: Production vehicle models aren't in sync with the calendar year. The '65 Mustang began production in March 1964 and first sold in April 1964, before it was "introduced" the following year. I don't know which model was seen in the episode, but the 2+2 fastback was sold in September 1964. The 1964 film "Goldfinger" uses a 1965 Mustang as part of Ford's product placement. Basically, in the 1930's, FDR ordered automakers to release vehicles in the fall of the preceding calendar year "as a means of facilitating regularization of employment in the industry." Now, automakers can release new models as early as Jan 2 of the preceding year.


1st Jan 2023

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: Did Lloyd get any money when he traded the van for the hog? He states he "traded the van for it, straight up" but in the previous scene Harry stated they didn't have enough money to get Aspen or get home. How were they still able to afford to get to Aspen?

Answer: Presumably the minibike (hog) would get better gas mileage, so the money they did have for gas would get them all the way to Aspen.


1st Jan 2023

Blossom (1991)

Blossom - A Rockumentary - S2-E9

Question: During the dream, Nick talks to someone on the phone and they discuss T-shirts. He wants the shirts to be 95-5 instead of 50-50. What does that mean?

Answer: He was making a business deal and the person on the phone wanted a 50-50 split of the profits. But Nick said it's a 95-5 split. Meaning he gets 95% of the profits.


Show generally

Question: When Dick brings allegedly dirty dishes in hoping Nina can get someone at college cafeteria to wash them are they not clean as they can be and when she drops them, they remain in the box, next shot, they are on the floor.

Answer: This seems to be a mistake entry, not a question. And this mistake has already been submitted.


25th Dec 2022

General questions

When animated shows are recorded, do all the voice actors record lines together, as the plot happens? Or does each person record all their lines at once? And if a character only says a few words in an episode, is some of their previously-recorded dialogue just re-used (if the script would allow it)? If it matters, I am mostly thinking about half-hour shows like The Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Family Guy, etc.

Answer: To add to Bishop's answer, some shows occasionally do have multiple (or all of the) actors working together, but it's typically pretty rare for that to happen. As for the second part of your question, audio clips and lines do get reused sometimes. It just depends on the circumstance of the episode.


Answer: Generally each character's lines are recorded separately where the voice actor reads all their lines at once. There may be other voice actors in the studio with them to read their lines as a prompt so the actor being recorded has something to play off. Also, in the examples you give, one actor voices multiple characters. It would be very difficult for even a seasoned voice actor to have to switch between characters in a scene if the lines were recorded together. And impossible to do if two characters voiced by one actor were both talking at the same time.


Question: Doesn't the water tower fall completely to the ground during the buffalo stampede in the original theatrical release? It's missing in the DVD release.

Answer: Yes, the water tower did indeed fall completely over in the initial release. I saw it fall all the way to the ground and release a flood of water. What happened was that the tower fell on the rump of one of the buffaloes, and the buffalo stumbled and got up and continued running. Later the animal rights people objected to the scene, so it was removed from the DVD, and all that was left was the tower shown leaning over.

Answer: Footage of the water tower falling has NEVER appeared in the film. My first viewing of the film was in Cinerama in 1962 and the tower doesn't fall over. It doubtless was supposed to fall over but for technical reasons it didn't come out right, and so no footage beyond seeing it wobble a bit has ever been in the film.

This answer is incorrect. The original release did have the tower fall over completely. There's even a picture of the flooding after it falls over. It was since deleted. Http://


I agree. The tower fell and water poured out. I saw this movie in Cinerama in 1963. For years later, I wondered why I never saw that scene in its entirety again. A shame that for a mistake that caused the unintentional death of an animal, the scene should no longer be viewed by anyone.

Answer: I saw the film in Cinerama the week it came out and the water tower didn't fall. I remember being puzzled by the shot of it falling in the souvenir program.

18th Dec 2022

Sliders (1995)

Show generally

Question: Has Quinn, Wade, Rembrandt or Arturo ever found out what caused the Slider to malfunction?

Answer: It didn't malfunction. If I remember correctly, Quinn forgot to enter the coordinates to go home into the device.


The device (timer) didn't open up a vortex to their home world because they opened the vortex up too early, before the timer hit zero. They were on a frozen planet and didn't think they could survive 5 hours and Quinn didn't realise that's what his double was warning him about. The vortex expanded to engulf Rembrandt because Quinn added too much power into the vortex to allow 3 people to slide.


18th Dec 2022

General questions

I'm trying to locate the name of an afterschool special film I haven't seen in over 40 years. The plot as I remember it was a kid in school who liked his teacher, but was way too young for her, somehow became an adult (I forgot how exactly) and finally had a chance to date her. Near the end of the film, he had to become a kid again and now was worried he couldn't date her anymore. Suddenly, she surprised him by entering the classroom now as a kid herself, making him happy. Film name?

Answer: Yes, that was it. I always thought it was a much earlier year than 1988 though, but thanks.

Answer: Sounds like the 1988 made for television film "14 Going on 30."


15th Dec 2022

Frequency (2000)

Question: After Frank survives the Buxton fire, John rings his mom and goes through to her voicemail. The next day he tries again and gets through to a Deli (obviously because his mom has been killed and therefore someone else has what would've been her phone number). How did this work exactly? His mom died a long time ago from his perspective, one day isn't going to make a difference since it happened in the past. Can anyone explain this or is it a plot hole?

Answer: There are 30 years separating Frank and John, but it seems that the timelines are parallel and unfolding at the same time. Example: if something happens on October 10th 1969 at noon for Frank, any repercussions from that will unfold for John at October 10th 1999 at noon. We see evidence of this when Frank burns the desk, when he survives the fire, when he shoots Jack's hand off, etc. After Frank survives the fire, he comes home and has a conversation with John. After they talk, John calls his mother (Julia) and gets her answering machine. Then, keeping in mind this is happening in a parallel sense, young Julia in 1969 saves the life of her killer, setting in motion a new future in which she is killed. It is then when a sleeping John in 1999 starts getting memories of his mother's funeral. So, when he called and got her machine earlier, she had not yet saved her killer's life in her timeline. After she does save his life, John wakes up and tries to call her, but gets the deli instead.


Answer: John calls his mom, which goes to voicemail, before he uses the ham radio where he ends up talking to his dad. At that point, the timeline hadn't changed, his mom was still alive and his dad still died when he was a kid. The timeline changes (along with getting new memories) after his dad decided to listen to John's advice and make different choices.


13th Dec 2022

Good Times (1974)

The Mural - S3-E12

Question: When James is arguing with Mr. Hewitt over his decision not to pay JJ, at one point James says "You're gonna pay him Boojie." I never understood who or what is a "Boojie"?

Answer: He says "bourgie", from the word bourgeois. Basically it's a derogatory term or insult for someone who is or acts middle class and acts like they're better than the working class or blue collar people. He's saying just because you can't relate to The Mural doesn't mean it doesn't have value.


22nd Nov 2022

American Pie (1999)

Question: What is the song played as Finch is rushing to the bathroom after Stifler puts the laxative into his mocha chino?

Answer: "Walk, Don't Run" by The Ventures.


Question: Two questions about the song "Touch-a touch-a touch me." 1. Janet tells Rocky that she only kissed before. Columbia looks shocked and asks Magenta, "You mean she?" with Magenta confirming. What was the implication? 2. Janet tells Rocky that she wants to stay the distance. What did she mean by that? Shouldn't she really be saying that she wants to go the distance?

Answer: Janet has only gone as far as kissing. Columbia is saying "you mean she's a virgin?" Stay the distance means basically the same thing as go the distance. I don't know if the phrase was more popular in the 70's or the song writer just liked the flow of "stay" instead of "go."


Question: For the card game at Hatchet Harry's: one of the rules is that an open man can't see a blind one. I'm only familiar with "blind" referring to forced bets at certain spots on the table (e.g. the opening antes for Texas Hold 'Em). For this it seems to be a designation of the bet, for example when Harry counters Eddie's 10K, open, with 20K, blind, which is then topped by 20K, open. Could someone explain to me what open/blind means?

Answer: First, keep in mind they're not playing poker. It's similar, but there isn't a check/bet/call. They put in money, and you have to match it, then it's back on the other guy to match or raise. If you "see" the last guys bet, you put in double, and the cards are shown. Yes, "blind" means you didn't look, "open" means you did.

Answer: When you play a poker hand blind (I think it's in 5 card draw poker) you bet without looking at your cards and so you don't get the chance to change any cards. The others that are betting against you (the opens) have seen their cards, exchanged as many of their 5 cards as they want but then have to double your bet amount.

Answer: They're playing "3-card Brag." In this game, to play blind, you're not looking at your cards when betting. There are certain advantages to this because you only have to put in half the bet while blind. When the round gets to 2 players remaining, if one person wants to "see" a player's hand, he doubles the previous bet and the hands are revealed with the best hand winning (in the event of a tie, the player "seeing" loses). If a player is "open", meaning he looked at his hand, he can not double the bet and "see" a blind hand, he can only bet or fold. The round continues until the blind hand sees or there is a fold. At any time a person playing blind can look at their hand and then continues playing as an open hand, without the blind advantages.


16th Nov 2022

General questions

What TV show is this an episode of? A woman, one of the show's main characters, is in the women's bathroom at her job. She tells a co-worker that they're the only women in this part of the building, so this bathroom is like their own private one. She is offended when the co-worker still uses one of those paper toilet seat liners. It turns out that the co-worker thinks she is promiscuous, and prefers not to sit directly on the same toilet seat as her. I saw this in the early 2000s or late 90s.

Answer: Seinfeld s09e09, "The Apology." Elaine's co-worker uses the seat liner. Elaine thinks maybe she's just a germaphobe until she sees her co-worker drink from someone else's bottle. It's the episode where George is waiting for an apology from someone in AA on step 9 of the 12-step program. It's also the episode where Kramer installs a garbage disposal in his bathtub and makes his meal in the tub while he showers, the meal he prepared for David, Elaine, and her co-worker.


Thank you.

10th Nov 2022

General questions

When I was in the third grade I remember watching a Halloween movie. The year was 1993 and I remember very little from the movie. I remember these kids going to another boys house, but he is being taken away in an ambulance, I think he was sick or something. The kids find a creepy old house and a ghost boy climbs up a tree and takes a pumpkin. I remember a man takes them through Halloween traditions in the past. Does anyone know what this movie was called?

Answer: Sounds like "The Halloween Tree" (1993). A Hanna-Barbera cartoon and based on a Ray Bradbury novel.


18th Oct 2022

Wayne's World (1992)

Question: It seems like there's some stuff cut out of the scene where Wayne and Garth meet the cop outside the donut shop. He stops them for some unsaid reason, then flips a coin at the end. What does any of this mean? Does he just get charmed and distracted by them?

Answer: It was just establishing that Wayne and his crew were friendly with Officer Koharski. They cut their conversation short because they were afraid Phil was about to throw up and needed to get him a cup of coffee.

Brian Katcher

Before Phil gets sick, they're just having a conversation. After it cuts from Phil, Koharski is suddenly holding a quarter in between his fingers. There seems to be a scene cut before they see Phil get sick to explain where the quarter came from. (Like if I had to guess, does Koharski pull out the quarter to show what he found in the cavity search?) That's what the question is asking, not is there a scene cut after Phil gets sick to explain why Koharski just walks away.


16th Oct 2022

The Naked Gun (1988)

Question: What were Frank and Ed eating in the car before Frank went into Ludwig's office, and what parts were they throwing out the window (which got piled up outside Frank's door)?

Answer: Red pistachios. Which are regular pistachios that have been dyed red, so that eating a lot of them would stain your fingers and mouth, especially once your fingers got wet.


13th Oct 2022

She-Hulk (2022)

Show generally

Question: Have the comics ever given any information as to why Jennifer is able to retain her own consciousness when she turns into She-Hulk but Bruce loses his and becomes a destructive force when he becomes the Hulk?

Answer: In the comics, similar to the show, Jen gets her powers after Bruce gives her a blood transfusion. Because just some of her blood is gamma-irradiated, she has a milder version of Bruce's power. In the original Savage She-Hulk comics, she gains the ability to control her transformations after Dr. Morbius cures her of a deadly blood disease. In other versions, she's able to learn to control her powers and retains her personality as She-Hulk because she has a milder version of her cousin's powers. However, in the comics, overwhelming anger and fear cause her to lose control of her powers, and she's more like Hulk; loss of personality and intelligence and more monstrous. Exposure to gamma radiation will also cause her to lose control of her powers.


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