
Question: I know Hilary Clinton is on one of the denomination of the lunar money. But at the end, when Felix is in Pluto's new club, there's money sitting on a waitress' tray of a different denomination with someone else on it. Who is on that bill? If there were other bills seen (i.e. deleted scenes) who is on those?


Answer: You can't see any other bills and there are no deleted scenes that show the money either. The only money gag in the film is with Hilary Clinton.


At 1:27:38 there's money on the waitress' tray that does not appear to be Clinton as the profile angle is different.


That's true but you cannot see it well enough to answer the question of who is on the bill.


I couldn't tell either, or find it online. That's why I asked, hoping someone with knowledge of Pluto Nash props would know or perhaps it was mentioned in a DVD extra somewhere. It's clear that it's lunar money and time and effort went into making it, so someone has to know.


5th Feb 2018

Logan (2017)

Question: When Logan received the Adamantium which was grafted to his bones he was fully grown. The girl though is just a little kid who has a lot of physical growing to do. My question is if the Adamantium was given to her the same way, 1 wouldn't it prevent her bones from properly growing (she would end up all deformed from bones growing that are not attached to the metal among many other problems), and 2 the movie takes place in 2029 and Logan got the metal in the 80s yet he's been alive for like 200 years. So he's only had the metal inside him for about 50 years and he states in the movie the metal is slowly poisoning him to death. Which brings me back to the girl. Wouldn't it do the same thing to her and slowly start poisoning her but at a much younger age?

Answer: In the comics, Laura only had the adamantium coated to her claws. We see in one scene that she is in surgery with her arms and legs cut open. We can assume that this is the same in the movie, so no her bones will not be deformed while growing, but her claws may or may not grow. Now about the toxicity about the adamantium, Logan's healing factor is weakening which is why the adamantium's toxicity is killing him. Laura has such a small amount and is so much younger that her healing factor will probably keep her alive as long as Logan's did.

Answer: The various types of adamantium aren't discussed much in the film like they are in the comics. After "true adamantium" was applied to Wolverine, his healing factor converted it into "adamantium beta", which does not interfere with biological bone functions. Even after being fully grown, bones can't be fully covered in metal or it would prevent things like blood cell formation. However, adamantium is poisonous to the body and it's only Logan's mutant healing factor that cures him. Laura's mutant healing factor is what cures her. However, as you stated, Logan is very old and his healing abilities have diminished over time and thus are not sufficient to prevent the poisoning. If Laura becomes old enough for her healing abilities to fail, she too will become poisoned by the adamantium.


Isn't it assumed that his healing factor is failing because of the adamantium poisoning?


In the movie it is suggested that it is the adamantium that is killing him (the doctor tells him something inside him is poisoning him, to which Logan replies he knows). It seems this adamantium poisoning has slowly been leeching his healing ability, but it has taken time. However, there are other things that will stop a mutant's healing factor, such as the Muramasa Blade. In "The Wolverine", Ichiro Yashida was able to successfully drain some of Logan's healing factor (before being killed). So it's possible this draining is what affected his ability to heal fully from the poisoning, in the film series. (Unless of course one subscribes to the notion that "X-Men: Days of Future Past" altered the timeline to essentially make the events in "The Wolverine" never happen).

5th Feb 2018

Blue Bloods (2010)

Show generally

Question: What is the green and white striped American looking flag in the commissioner's office?

Answer: It's the New York Police Department flag, created in 1919. The stripes represent the 5 boroughs and the stars the different towns that made up New York (including New York City itself).


What about the other flag that is not the U.S. flag?

Please be more specific. Are you talking about the New York City flag?


It is the Iowa State flag. At least in the episode from 1/22/21.

It wouldn't be the Iowa State flag. Plus the Iowa State flag is blue, white, and red. The flag I think they're talking about is blue, white, and orange.


4th Feb 2018

Columbo (1971)

Show generally

Question: Why was Columbo never promoted, given that across the whole show he solves all the murders in such a spectacular fashion?

Answer: In the show, he was already a Lieutenant. A promotion would put him in the next rank up, which for the L.A.P.D. would be Captain. However, some of a Captain's duties would be overseeing other officers and ensuring they're compliant with policies, regulations, and standards. It would also most likely take him out of the field. This is something Columbo has no desire for as he rarely goes to police HQ's. Nor does he show interest in compliance and standards (for example, not going to his semi-annual evaluation at the firing range). However, he could still be assigned to a higher pay grade based on expertise, which is a form of promotion that does not include rank advancement. This would be going from Lieutenant I to Lieutenant II. I don't believe in the show it's ever started what his pay grade is. Although, in s02e01 (I believe) he mentions making $11K a year. Whether or not this was a true statement on his part, if you could find pay scale information for an LAPD Lieutenant in the 70's, it could give you an idea of his pay grade.


30th Jan 2018

Dreamcatcher (2003)

Answer: Duddits had leukemia and was close to dying anyways. But it seems using his powers exhausted him too much, and it was that combined with the leukemia that caused him to die.


27th Jan 2018

General questions

I watched a movie after 2010 about Watergate and the two journalists but I don't remember the name.


Answer: The two journalists who broke the Watergate story are generally considered to be Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. The only two movies with both reporters, that I can think of is, "Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House" (2017), and, "All the President's Men" (1976).


25th Jan 2018

Taken 3 (2015)

Question: When Malankov is lying at the stairs and Bryan aims a gun at him, Bryan said "You killed my ex-wife. But you're not gonna kill my daughter." and then Malankov said "Your daughter?" then he muttered something. What exactly did he say?

Bunch Son

Answer: He says "S***! We are f***** by the same man."


I'm asking about what he exactly said before saying "We are f*** by the same man." And he definitely didn't say "S-h-i-t"

Bunch Son

He was using the Russian "сука."

I know he used a Russian word, but he definitely didn't sound like he said "sсука." Somebody please tell me the exact Russian word he said.

Bunch Son

25th Jan 2018

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Question: When Obadiah Price's son talks to J about how he was "there" and you'll tell him all about it what did he mean?

Answer: J asked why he remembers K when no one else does and Price says J remembers K because J was in 1969. One of the things with time travel is that effect can precede cause, meaning J was in 1969 before J travelled to 1969. Then Price says he wants J to tell him all about it when he gets back to the present.


Possibly but when talking time travel, theories expound endlessly. Your explanation generally fits the events, or how they're authored to occur, but it's almost too simplistic. I believe that it is impossible for effect to precede cause... At least not without a break. To me, for time travel to exist and be possible, it would require endless loops or time-lines. Essentially that the moment you go back in time and make any change, which could be almost impossible not to, you break the original timeline thus creating a new one. Only then, could effect precede cause imho. It's the butterfly 'effect' :) or the ripples in the pond theory. Even then, I'm not sure that effect could ever precede causation. Your thoughts?

I purposely kept the answer simple since most movies with time travel don't go into much details about how time travel is possible and all the consequences, etc., especially in comedies. Plus there tend to be plot holes left when only partially explained. There was a saying I heard in passing in regards to writing science-fiction (so I don't know who said it or the exact quote), "it's better to have unexplained science than faulty science." One example of effect preceding cause is "tachyons", a hypothetical particle that travels faster than light. As such, a tachyon fired from point A to point B would reach point B before it was fired, due to special relativity. I personally don't subscribe to this theory and say if it was to occur, the tachyon would simple arrive before a particle of light would. I don't believe time travel into the past is possible, so as long as a movie is consistent, I don't think there's anything wrong with picking a closed time loop over an alternate time loop.


24th Jan 2018

Drake and Josh (2004)

Answer: First, an 87% on a test would be a "B." But Drake says that test bumps his overall class grade to a 66, which is the "D-" they're talking about (before the test Drake was failing, so his overall grade was a 59 or lower). Although a "D-"is typically a 60-62 and a 66 would be just a plain "D."


24th Jan 2018

Monk (2002)

Answer: Stottlemeyer was already upset after the phone call. He was trying to get "Kevin" (who would have to be a judge, but no further character information is given) to issue a restraining order with no evidence of needing one, except that Adrian Monk said she needs one. Kevin said he would need to "sleep on it." So it's clear they've been trying to provide protection and unable to get the results they need, which seems to be based on no one trusting Monk the way Stottlemeyer does. He's just angry that they failed to protect Linda despite all their work. Although it does feel like a scene was cut, or altered, from the show that shows the futile attempts to protect Linda which built up to his outrage.


Answer: While walking upstairs in the victims house randy starts messing with his out of place tennis shoes. When he gets upstairs to monks he has on other shoes. Could have to do with the expensive rug.

22nd Jan 2018

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: Yes, he is.


22nd Jan 2018

Bob's Burgers (2011)

Answer: S04e15, "The Kids Rob a Train."


Question: As Duncan prepares to kill Doc Shabbit, it sounds like Doc says it's hard to kill a man looking him in the eye, isn't it Bill? His name is Duncan not Bill, or am I mis-hearing it?

Answer: He says "ain't it, pilgrim?"


21st Jan 2018

Jumanji (1995)

Question: How did Alan's parents die? On their gravestone it says they died in the same year.

Answer: They never say how they died. It seems to be grief related, but anything would be speculation. They spent all their money and time into searching for Alan, and Sam dies when he's 70, which is below the national average, but still a fairly old age. And if he spent his time and money, he may have disregarded his own health (speculation). Even though Carol is only 61 when she passes, she may have realised she'll never see her son and then he husband has now passed away and she couldn't bear it and passes away (speculation).


If that was always sad, I wonder if he blamed himself for the fight before it disappeared.

21st Jan 2018

Breaking Bad (2008)

Show generally

Question: How exactly did Walt poison Brock? It doesn't make sense, the hospital said it was lily of the valley, but Walt and Saul confirmed it was ricin.


Answer: Walt does use Lilly of the Valley berries to poison Brock. Vince Gilligan said he and the writers imagined Walt went to Brock's school with a poisoned juice box (there's subtle clues to confirm Walt knew what school Brock went to). But, when Jesse went to Saul's office, Saul's bodyguard, Huell, does a cigarette pack swap on Jesse when he pats Jesse down. Now the cigarette pack Jesse has no longer has the vial of ricin in it and Walt tries to convince Jesse that Gus stole the ricin and used it on Brock.


21st Jan 2018

Taken 3 (2015)

Answer: I saw it as they needed Bryan out of the house to stage Lenore's body. Lenore had already been kidnapped the previous day and now they needed to plant her body in his home.


21st Jan 2018

Pleasantville (1998)

Question: What is the purpose of the initial TV montage?

Answer: To me it never looked like a montage. It was just someone flipping through the channels (channel surfing) until they got to "TV Time" where they stayed to watch the commercial for the PleasanTVille marathon. People (especially before DVRs) sometimes just flip through the channels looking for something to watch, especially if you don't know what's playing on each channel.


21st Jan 2018

Meet Dave (2008)

Question: What did the captain say and mean after Gina says that it's been rough sometimes without her husband but her and Josh are ok?


Answer: "There is a strength to this one." Just meaning he sees Gina as a strong, independent woman who's been able to keep going despite losing her husband.


Answer: As stated previously, Will returned from spending the summer in Philly at the beginning of s03e01. But this is the first time the audience sees Will going back to Philadelphia.


Answer: Tom mentions wanting to join the Federation Naval Patrol. It was a military organization that patrolled the oceans of member planets to provide security as well as explore the oceans.


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