
4th Nov 2019

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Question: Is the song "The French Mistake" a real song or was it made up for the movie?

Answer: It was made up just for the movie, and I believe we only hear the chorus. Mel Brooks wanted to do an homage to Busby Berkeley's style of choreographed dance number.


15th Oct 2019

Baby Mama (2008)

Question: Why does Kate even go through the surrogate mother routine with Angie? Why not just adopt a baby?


Answer: She did apply for adoption, but because she's a single woman, "it can take about 5 years to get an adoption" and would cost $100K. She didn't want to wait that long for a child.


Answer: She had attempted to adopt, but was denied. Unmarried people often have more difficulty in adopting children. It can also take years before a child becomes available and the cost is high.


8th Oct 2019

A Dog's Journey (2019)

Question: At Ethan's funeral at the end of the movie, his tombstone was seen. And there were names: "James W.", "Dorothy M." and "Ethan H." Who are James and Dorothy? These are definitely not Ethan's parents' names. I remember from the first movie "A Dog's Purpose" that Ethan's parents' names are Jim and Elizabeth. Then who? And what W, M and H next to the names refer to?

Bunch Son

Answer: Jim is often a nickname for James. But I thought Ethan's parents got divorced, so perhaps Dorothy was his 2nd wife. Although there's no reference to that name in either film. I haven't throughly checked out of the books to see if they talk about if Ethan had a stepmom and what her name would be. The letter after the first names are their middle initials.


8th Oct 2019

Knight Rider (1982)

No Big Thing - S1-E8

Question: In this episode, in an aerial view of KITT travelling before meeting the semi, KITT is passing a parked car that seems to be one of the other cars used as the stand-in for the 'hero car'. Would that be any sort of error? (00:23:35)

Movie Nut

Answer: I would say that unless there's visual evidence it was another K.I.T.T. car, as in you could see the bar scanner or cut steering wheel, people on here would correct the mistake by saying more than one 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am was sold and there's no reason it's meant to be a random car.


28th Sep 2019

General questions

Something I'm trying to find - basically a skit that makes fun of people who say the show Jackass was a bad influence and should be pulled off the air; in it a kid who watched Golden Girls died pulling a stunt from it which led to people railing against Golden Girls.

Answer: There was an SNL skit where MSNBC reports of a group of 4 boys liked to imitate the Golden Girls and one kid (Chris Katan) died from doing so. But there wasn't really people railing against the Golden Girls.


28th Sep 2019

General questions

What was Darth Maul's actual birth name?

Answer: His birth name was Maul. He has two brothers, Savage Opress and Feral, so it's possible his last name is Opress, although his mother is only known by one name, so that would be speculation.


29th Aug 2019

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: The transformation twirling was invented for the 1970s TV series only, to explain her quick change from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman. However, it would have been nice to do a little spin homage in the movie.

Answer: She does. However, if she were to use any of her abilities as Diana Prince, everybody, including her enemies would be able to make the connection that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman are the same person which could be used to get revenge on her. By not using her abilities in her civilian disguise, nobody would suspect anything at all and she could keep herself and her friends safe.

So it was more a choice that she decided an Ice Skating move was less conspicuous than say, ducking in a phone booth like Superman? If Clark Kent enters a a phone booth, and Superman comes out, don't you think even the dull of mind would get the connection?

That's because Clark Kent has super speed so he can easily run into a phone booth quickly and leave as Superman as quickly too or whenever Clark does need to change into Superman out in the open, there's never around to see him change. It's a plot device that's really effective.

Could one man or gal. We're supposed to just believe almost everyone these two are around can't figure out of the obvious. Characters like Spider-Man and Batman can do this because of their masks, so these excuses just don't pass with me.


Answer: As Diana Prince she didn't have the super powers that Wonder Woman has, although as an Amazon princess she does have greater strength than normal humans. Diana's mom taught her how to transform her ordinary clothes into her Wonder Woman outfit (as opposed to just doing a quick change like Clark Kent does). Her outfit, which her mother gives her when she leaves includes the "golden girdle of Gaea." The girdle provides enhanced strength and heightens her other abilities. As to why she spins, it was a stylized choice to add something extra to the show and hadn't been done in the comics. Although they did change it up a bit due to budget and time. Later, Wonder Woman comic writers would include the spin into the comics, but by then it was generally to put her into her secret identity, not to give her her powers. But as to why Diana Prince doesn't have super powers in the 70's show, as opposed to other incarnations of her; the original TV movie pilot had Diana powerless like the character was during the Bronze Age of Wonder Woman (late 60's) when Diana decided to stay on Earth and became mortal. That series was not picked up, but a 2nd attempt at it, starring Lynda Carter, was and the series loosely based Diana on the first pilot but through magic could transform into the superhero Wonder Woman.


Question: When judge Doom is "dipped", the other toons ask who he was, does anyone out in movie land know who he was supposed to be?

Answer: Even though it's never known who Judge Doom was, a fan theory has sprung up about a possible identity. In Maroon's office is a framed picture of a toon called Pistol Packin' Possum. The theory is that Judge Doom is Pistol Packin' Possum in disguise. This is because the photograph of Pistol Packin' Possum has red eyes and so does Judge Doom and the gun that Doom uses to kill Mr. Maroon is the same gun that Pistol Packin' Possum is holding in the picture.

Answer: I don't think he was supposed to be any established cartoon character; they just wanted to know who the pile of goo on the floor used to be.


Answer: In the book "Roger Rabbit: The Resurrection of Doom", it is explained that Doom was originally Baron von Rotten, a toon that would play villains. But then he got a concussion and woke up thinking he was a real villain, and then sets out to rob the bank and killed Teddy by dropping a piano on his head.


21st Sep 2019

Matlock (1986)

The Billionaire - S2-E1

Question: Did this whole episode actually take place in London or did a lot of the actors speak with British accents?

Answer: This episode was filmed in London. Most of the minor characters, outside the Gordon family, were British-born actors. Although Sybil Gordon was played by a British-born woman.


20th Sep 2019

Three's Company (1977)

Show generally

Question: In the second episode Chrissy's mother comes to visit. In future episodes her father comes to visit - who is an actual "father" (i.e. priest). Aren't priests forbidden to be married?


Answer: He's not a Catholic priest. He's a pastor, with the title Reverend, at a community church who chooses to wear a clerical collar. Some people still address pastors as "Father" though. I'm not sure of his religious denomination, but most pastors can marry.


Answer: Yes Pastors can marry... I was asking for Priests since his collar appears to be that of a Catholic descent.


Some protestant pastors wear the clerical collar as well:

Brian Katcher

20th Sep 2019

Downton Abbey (2019)

Question: Lady Mary mentions George and Caroline in a sentence about carrying on Downton Abbey in the future. Who is Caroline?

Answer: Caroline Talbot is the half-sister of George Crawley. She is Mary Talbot's daughter.


Thank you.

18th Sep 2019

Goosebumps (2015)

Question: When Zach wrote that all of the monsters got pulled into the manuscript, why did Hannah get pulled in too? She wasn't a monster but a friendly ghost.

Answer: When they use the term "monsters", it isn't specially about evil creatures, it's anything R.L. Stine created in his books. All of Stine's creations were pulled into the book, including Hannah, who was never a real person. A ghost would be considered a monster, no matter how friendly or benevolent.


18th Sep 2019

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Answer: Because Reese was controlling the replicators, or at least still linked to them, and he saw shooting her as the only way to stop the replicators. However, Daniel suggests that Reese deactivated the replicators prior to being fatally shot, so the audience is left to wonder who was right.


18th Sep 2019

General questions

There was a movie about a mad scientist who was trying to create a clone of his dead wife. He had a handsome young lab assistant. When the assistant's girlfriend falls into a coma after an accident, the scientist offers to clone her as well. The assistant declines, saying a clone wouldn't be the woman who fell in love with him; the girlfriend later recovers. The scientist realises he'll never be able to recreate the past and ends up marrying a much younger woman.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Sounds like the 1985 film "Creator", starring Peter O'Toole, although I can't be certain about the lab assistant and his girlfriend. But a young woman who agrees to donate her egg and the scientist fall in love. There's also the 2017 film called "Andover" where a scientist clones his dead wife, although that film has less in common with your description than the first.


Yep, 'Creator' was it. Thank you.

Brian Katcher

7th Sep 2019

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: Part of the reason in the film is based on the comic book character, especially in the early years of the comic. Jameson thinks Spider-Man is a vigilante and a menace with something to hide (i.e. why does he wear a mask?). In the early comics, Jameson didn't think kids should see Spider-Man as a hero but should instead look to people like his astronaut son, John, as a hero. Plus, the Daily Bugle is a tabloid paper, so Jameson is trying to sell newspaper with sensational headlines, even if it's libel.


Question: In a scene where Jack was at the bottom of the stairs in front of the house and Jane comes out of the front door holding a box, does Jack accidentally call her Kate? He then goes up the stairs to help her with the box.

Answer: No. He says "Hey, Jane."


5th Sep 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: "Rage."


Question: After Peter yells at Kevin "You spent $967 on room service?!", where does Kevin run off to? It's not clear from what's onscreen.

Answer: He's heading back to the hotel most likely to apologize for spending such a huge amount.

Answer: It's Kevin's dad who screams out. You can tell because Buzz looks at the bill, smirks, and says, "Oh, Dad." I've always interpreted it as Kevin running away. The joke is that Kevin's dad screams so loud from the hotel room that Kevin can hear him from the park. So Kevin wouldn't want to face his dad.


I just watched the clip on YouTube and yeah you're right, it is his dad. The sound of his voice when he yells "Kevin" sounds exactly like Buzz, so it probably conditioned a lot of viewers such as myself to accept it as Buzz's voice for the whole line.


25th Aug 2019

Seinfeld (1990)

The Jacket - S2-E3

Question: Does anyone know the actual price of the suede jacket? It's been bugging me all these years.

Answer: It was never revealed as part of the gag. Jerry admits to Kramer it was over $300 and seems to suggest it was over $400. But then Jerry stays silent when George starts to question him about the price and George leaves thinking The Jacket cost over $1,000. Whether or not Jerry remained silent to tease George or because he did in fact pay over $1,000 is also unknown.


Question: What song does the crew launch into immediately after Spanish Ladies?

Tom Clegg

Answer: I believe it's called "The British Tars." Not to be confused with "A British Tar" by Gilbert and Sullivan.


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