
Corrected entry: When Dr. Evil goes in the time machine for the first time, it shows a split screen of him and both portals are set to 1969.

Correction: While the portal says 1999 at first, once the time coordinates are entered, both time portals will read the same date, in this case 1969. Further evidence of this is when Austin Powers goes back 10 mins. When he puts in the time in the "present", the portal reads "10 minutes ago" and when he arrives in the past, the time portal still says "10 minutes ago".


Corrected entry: When Dr. Evil and Mini Me are playing piano, the visible movements of their hands and arms do not match with the melody. (00:57:00)

Correction: It's clear that it matches (although arm movements don't always tell you what the hands are doing), but we even see shots where we see the piano keys being played, which also matched the audio.


Corrected entry: In the shot where Rob Lowe is telling Dr. Evil that Mini Me bites, he holds up his right hand a few seconds before showing Dr. Evil the wounds Mini Me had done to him. Then when he really shows Dr. Evil the wounds, cuts and bandages suddenly appear from nowhere.

Correction: The bites and bandages are always on Number Two (Lowe) during the scene. We see them when he reaches for the cookies. When he does lift his hand (before showing the bites), we only see his palm, but we still see tape/bandages around his fingers.


Corrected entry: Towards the beginning there's a scene where Austin and Felicity are interrogating Mustafa at gunpoint. During this entire scene, Felicity is holding the trigger on the gun down.

Correction: No she's not, that's just how the gun trigger looks with the hammer cocked. When the hammer is cocked back, the trigger also moves back to its second position, which is what we see. Only when the trigger is squeezed into the 3rd position will the gun fire.


Corrected entry: When Dr.Evil is saying zip-it to Scotty right before they unveil the time machine, he is talking to his left with Mini-Me to the right of him. When the time portal is unveiled, Scotty is suddenly sitting on the right of Mini-Me (on the far side of Frau and her lover).

Correction: When Dr. Evil says "unveil the time portal", Scott is to the left of Dr. Evil and Mini-Me. And Mini-Me is in the same spot, to the right of Dr. Evil.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Austin is about to travel into the future you can clearly see as Basil types in the date '1969' that the numbers are already on the screen.

Correction: The numbers are not already on the screen, it's just the way LCD lights are where we see the image of the unlit parts.


28th Sep 2015

Ant-Man (2015)

Corrected entry: When we are introduced to Louis's friends Kurt and Dave, in the first shot, Kurt is wearing glasses. Suddenly, Kurt's glasses disappear for the rest of the scene.

Correction: After Luis says "he's a wizard on my laptop", the camera cuts to Scott and we see Kurt take off his glasses and sets them down.


20th Jul 2015

Ant-Man (2015)

Corrected entry: Opening scene. Dr Pym injures the seated Mitchell Carson, drawing blood from his nose. Cuts away to conversation with others, then cuts back to Carson and blood isn't there any more. This happens a couple more times, then a cut back to him and he has a handkerchief to his nose with no blood on either his nose or the fabric. (00:01:00 - 00:02:00)


Correction: No, the blood is always there. In fact, at one point the blood he got on his fingers gets transferred to his cheek when he puts his hand back up to his nose. And there's blood on the handkerchief.


Watch to the end of the scene - after Pym has left. No blood on handkerchief, or Carson's nose.


16th Dec 2010

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: Right before a chase ensues near the stilt house, at the point where the hotel waiter hijacks a flatbed truck at gunpoint, notice how its passenger side door has no mirror (all it's got is a metal assembly, no mirror). But moments later when Riggs climbs along the truck and tries to get a better look him, he does so through a passenger side mirror. How did it get there in the midst of a chase? (00:39:30 - 00:40:30)


Correction: The tow truck has a passenger side door mirror the entire time. You see the mirror when the gunman says "give me your keys" and even when he's getting into the driver seat. There is a shot when the door is open and you only see the metal support, but the mirror is still there.


5th Apr 2016

The Warriors (1979)

Corrected entry: Cyrus' math is wrong. "You are standing with 9 delegates from a hundred gangs. There's a hundred more. That's twenty thousand members" Um no, that's 2 thousand.


Correction: He's talking about the total number of gang members (200 gangs averaging 100 members in each gang is 20,000.) Some gangs were smaller than others, but there aren't only 10 members per gang, The Warriors has 120+ members. The point of the meeting was to discuss the fact that gang members outnumbered the cops 5 to 1, so 20,000 is a more accurate figure than 2,000.


Based only on the film, after all, this is a MOVIE mistake site, where do you come up your numbers and if the Warriors had 120 members, wouldn't they perhaps support their "brothers" when they got back to CI?


There's a deleted scene (from the film) where Cleon mentions 120+ members. And the Gramercy Riffs are larger than that. But even so, the film credits more than 10 people as a Warrior, Riff, Baseball Fury, or Lizzie gang member. The gangs are bigger than 10 members on average. Again, it's about the total number of gang members, not delegates.


5th Apr 2016

Bates Motel (2013)

A Death in the Family - S3-E1

Corrected entry: As Norma interrupts Norman watching a movie on his laptop she asks about the chance of home-school. After they talk, Norman leaves the bed and the laptop isn't with him or on the bed.

Correction: Norman sets the laptop down at the foot of the bed (from the window angle the screen of the laptop is up against the footboard) and after he leaves we never get a view of the bed where the laptop is. The wall and door block the view of the bed's footboard.


Exam Time - S2-E6

Corrected entry: The episode features Simon helping Carly with a subject he isn't taking, sociology - it's constantly mentioned about how he doesn't study it, but the exam he is given in the hall towards the end of the episode is titled 'Sociology' suggesting he does in fact take the subject.

Correction: Simon helps Carly with Geography, which is the subject he's not taking.


Simon goes on the geography trip it is only Neil that doesn't take it so that is another error.

Correction: The trip is actually a geography and sociology trip, so this is why Simon is going.

31st Mar 2016

Bonanza (1959)

Rock-A-Bye Hoss - S13-E4

Corrected entry: The head of the Virginia City Merchants' Association is officiating at a "Beautiful Baby" contest. At three different times, he tells the four-piece band behind him to "play some music." Each time, without any discussion of which song to play and without anyone counting "one-two-three," the four musicians immediately begin playing a tune, a different one each time.

Correction: Bands practice quite a bit and know what songs they'll play and in what order, here they simply waited for their cue to play. My mom plays in a trio and during their performances, no one has to say "1-2-3", they just start playing (one person is assigned to start the piece and the others follow because they know when the first note will be played).


Correction: S04e06 "The Sister" is when Jennifer comes over to announce she's going to become a nun. There's never any mention she never married. While it doesn't bring up her husband or ex-husband, they do say she wouldn't be able to give up men (and joked she dated The Who), so she simply could have had a big wedding and then gotten divorced shortly after.


De Los Inocentes - S1-E2

Corrected entry: Matt and an Indian cop are talking to a music festival organizer. The man is supposedly reading something from his smartphone but the phone is upside-down. (00:18:00)


Correction: Most smartphones have auto-rotate on that will turn the page to face upwards, no matter the phone's position. So even upside down it will still rotate.


Corrected entry: Kasim says his group has sworn for hundreds of years to keep the Holy Grail safe and yet they leave the Venice catacombs and the other part of the map undamaged for all that time instead of destroying it. Also why not have any protection inside and outside of the temple if his group was aware that the Nazis knew where the temple was?

Correction: The details of the plot explain much of this. Even with the maps and the Nazis inside the temple, the Holy Grail was still safe. And they only need to keep it safe from falling into the wrong hands, not safe from being discovered. And the eternal life it grants only occurs if you stay in the temple (which is destroyed when trying to remove the Holy Grail).


21st Aug 2013

Tremors (1990)

Corrected entry: When Burt and his wife are shooting the Graboids in their basement, he tosses her a magazine; he is kneeling and we see it tossed slightly up and then starts falling in the air, no more than 4 feet above the floor. But the camera angle changes and she catches it falling from her head height - she is 5'6" - so it magically rose about 18". (01:00:00)


Correction: Michael Gross is 6'3" and kneeling he would still be at least 4'8". When he throws the magazine it raises up and over the height of his head. When the magazine comes into view, it's only shoulder/chin height of Reba McEntire, which would be about 4'10" off the ground.


8th Mar 2016

American Dad (2005)

Homeland Insecurity - S1-E7

Corrected entry: In the scene after Stan shuts his hand in the door, he and Francine are in the kitchen. Stan is standing oddly with his left hand outstretched, as if he is holding something, but nothing is there. When the camera angle changes, Stan is holding a white mug in that hand.

Correction: When it cuts to the kitchen, he's holding the white mug before the camera angle changes. The white mug just happens to be drawn in front of the white refrigerator so it may be difficult to see, but it's definitely there.


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: When the General's car has turned turtle, there's a lot of white material on the road that looks like several square meters of carton sheets and whose purpose I'm not able to tell, but which certainly doesn't belong there. (01:31:20)


Correction: It sounds like you're describing the shot after the car explodes after being hit by the bus. The white squares are the bags of heroin that spilt out of the car when it flipped (you see some of the bags left in the car that the grenades are sitting on).


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: When Riggs and Murtaugh get into the car after Riggs bought a hotdog, there is a car waiting next to them with four elderly ladies who are all staring at the scene of the movie shooting. (00:27:45)


Correction: The 4 people in the car (it's clear one of them, if not 2, is a man) are stopped at a red-light and make no unusual glances or gestures that a normal person would do at a red-light.


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