
Trivia: Bafflingly, despite having little sex or profanity, and only minor cartoonish violence, the film was slapped with an NC-17 rating when it was first submitted to the MPAA. Everyone involved with the film was shocked. Turns out, a single 1-second shot of a little black, blood-like goo splashing onto a wall following a decapitation was the reason the MPAA gave the film an NC-17. Once it was cut, the film was reduced to an R.


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Suggested correction: While it's true that it initially got a NC-17 rating, it wasn't because of a 1-second shot of goo. It was mainly for the decapitation scene and ostensible gore. Director Sam Raimi trimmed down the decapitation scene, but refused studio pressure to trim the movie down to a PG-13 rating, so most of the people involved in the actual making of the film weren't expecting a PG-13 rating.


The one-second shot was from the decapitation scene you mentioned. It's the shot the bloody goo splashing on the wall after he slices the hag's head off. As for the second point, upon looking around, I'm finding conflicting reports. I've only really seen one or two sites saying Raimi "refused" to trim the movie down, and many more that imply he tried to appease them for a PG-13 and had no reason to believe it would be rated R/NC-17 due to how cartoonish the film is (several of these sites also cite a book as evidence, but I can't find the book online). But given there are conflicting reports, I'll edit out the last bit.


6th Jul 2022

The Sandlot (1993)

Corrected entry: When Franklin grabs the ball and hurdles the fence, in the next shot we see the dog (a tiny bulldog) also jump the fence and chase him. No dog that small would reasonably or realistically jump a 12 ft fence, even with a very long-running start. It would be physically impossible. This was purely for comical purposes, nothing else.


Correction: Unless you're talking about a deleted scene with a different dog, the "tiny bulldog" is in fact a mastiff. And the 12 foot fence is a 6 foot fence. A mastiff can definitely jump that.


30th Apr 2019

The Highwaymen (2019)

Factual error: A plastic bucket is seen. Plastic buckets were invented in the 60s. (00:50:05)

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Suggested correction: There's no plastic bucket seen. If you're referring to the bucket cops are using at the crime, there's a shot of the bucket on its side and you can tell there's a metal bottom.


28th May 2019

The Highwaymen (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Hamer goes to the gun store and acquires all the guns, his car is parked in a different spot when he leaves. There is no bench to the front left when he enters the gun store. When he is leaving his old partner is sitting on a bench to the left front of the car. The sandbags and vegetable boxes are also positioned differently in relation to the car. (00:27:50)

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Suggested correction: It just seems to be the angle of the shots that make it look different. But you definitely see the bench next to Frank's car when he closes the door to the gun shop, so that part of the mistake is wrong.


20th Jun 2005

Anchorman (2004)

Corrected entry: Towards the beginning of the film when Ron says "Attention, I have urgent news.CANNONBALL" Just as he is about to run he has a drink, as he jumps it completely vanishes.

Correction: As he runs off the diving board he throws the glass away.

I don't see that. The glass just disappears.

Then watch the scene again. Here's a YouTube clip of it. About the 0:16 mark you see he lets go of the glass and about the 0:17 mark you see a small splash in the pool from the glass.


27th Aug 2003

Demolition Man (1993)

Other mistake: During the scene where Phoenix is questioning the leader of the future society in his office, he says at least one word (hell) that he should have been fined for, and isn't. We see that there is a ticket printer in the room in a later scene, when Savage sets it off during his own confrontation. (01:06:50)

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Suggested correction: Maybe it's because Phoenix isn't coded, so the swear printer doesn't know who to fine, and for that matter, because of it, it may not even register that it actually is being said by a human (it might be assuming it is a recording) since there is no voiceprint/coding match to attach the fine to.


False correction as when Simon was using the computer on the street (the "damn I'm possessed" scene) he curses there and it gives him a violation there. So therefore the machine in the leaders office should have given him a fine as well.


True, but it may also be a technological limitation based on proximity, (when Phoenix is in the booth, it knows that the person who violated the rule is right there, as it can easily "triangulate" his position based on there being multiple microphones in the booth for better background noise rejection, vs in a room where there are potentially multiple people in the same room.


This is too much of a stretch to justify a mistake in the film. You're making stuff up about non-existent technology that isn't fully explained in the film. The mistake stands, whether it was deliberate to keep the flow of the scene or a slip in dialog by the actor.


22nd Jun 2022

The Hunger Games (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the evaluation scene where Katniss shows off her bow and arrow skills, there are 4 arrows total. However, when she leaves, all 4 are gone, and she only shot 3.

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Suggested correction: When she comes in, there are 5 arrows. She shoots 3 and when she walks away, you see 2 arrows left.


21st Jun 2022

Community (2009)

Advanced Documentary Filmmaking - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: When the group is making posters for the MacGuffin Institute meeting, Annie holds up a poster saying "Welcome Archie" to show off name brand glitter but the character of Archie isn't introduced until the next episode (in which the banner shows up again). (00:03:11)

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The episodes were simply aired out of order than the order they were produced. "Economics of Marine Biology" (production code 406), the following episode, was filmed before "Advanced Documentary Filmmaking" (production code 408).


10th Jun 2022

American Underdog (2021)

Other mistake: After seeing Joe Montana play in Super Bowl XIX, young Kurt said, "I knew I wanted to be that guy." When he goes outside to pass the football, young Kurt has "Warner 13" on the back of his jersey - not Montana's #16 but the #13 that he could not know in advance that he would eventually wear during most of his adult career. (Jersey numbers are not necessarily that available for a player to have his pick). (00:02:02 - 00:02:33)


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Suggested correction: This is trivia at best, certainly not a mistake. While it's true he wore #12 in high school, there's no reason he couldn't have liked #13 as a child. And, many key position players do get to pick their number, from the available range, which Kurt certainly did.


Corrected entry: Before the Kino operation, Shosanna makes a sexy move showing her side, acting like a styled actress and says "Catherine Deneuve." Meaning that at that time Catherine Deneuve must have been some well-known French actress. The problem is that Catherine Deneuve was born in 1943, so in 1944 she was probably 1 year old.

Correction: That's not the name said. He calls her "Danielle Darrieux", a French actress who was born in 1917.


Barney Fife, Realtor - S5-E16

Character mistake: Barney claims he would be losing $3478 on the real estate deal not going through. Considering the houses only were selling for that amount or less there is no way he was making that amount of money on 5% commission.

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Suggested correction: I have no idea where you got the idea the houses were being sold for less than $4K. In the beginning Barney says Andy could get $24,000 for his house and $27,500 for the Williams' house (which is also how he got the figure that Andy can get into the Williams' house for $3,500, that's not the price of the house). Those 2 houses alone are $51,500 and 5% would be $2575, and he was losing out on 2 more houses.


That has bothered me forever! I thought the house Andy was thinking of buying was 3500 not 35000! Now the amount of commission makes sense although 35000 is LOT for a house in North Carolina in the early 60's! Thank you for clearing that up.

Just watched that episode and yes, you are correct on the math. But my problem is, new houses in this era were around $8000 - $8500 new, so these older houses would have been worth nowhere near $24-$27k.

7th Apr 2008

Uncle Buck (1989)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Buck hits golf balls at Bug, look closely at the golf club that Buck pulls out of the car. It is a wood for left-handed players - yet Buck hits the ball righty.

Correction: No, Buck actually hits the ball left handed. Look closely and you will see he is hitting the ball from the left side. The scene is correct, with the correct clubs for Buck.

That's wrong. Buck is hitting the ball towards the camera, meaning his left side is facing the camera. This is the position of a right-handed golfer.


Correction: If you pause the movie at this scene, you can see that Buck is hitting the ball AWAY from the camera and, in fact is hitting it left handed.

Continuity mistake: When Jason stabs Cort in the head (Cort is driving the camper) we see an exterior shot of the camper before it flips over. Look inside the camper; Jason is no longer standing behind the driver's seat where he stabbed Cort. In fact, Jason is gone altogether. (00:39:15)

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Suggested correction: More than likely Jason fell back from the wreck, he's tough but not Superman tough.

This correction missed the point of the mistake. Before the RV flips, there's no sign of Jason when he should be seen standing between the front seats.


I watched it and Jason wasn't in sight. I wonder if he backed up while the RV was going crazy due to the driver getting stabbed in the head. I have no idea, I had to rewind and pause to see it.

5th Apr 2017

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When Alan becomes overwhelmed after seeing the movie's first dinosaur, he staggers and sits down on the ground... But as he is bending over before sitting, there are already grass stains and/or wet spots on the seat of his pants.

Correction: I've watched this scene plenty of times and there are no grass stains on his pants.

There are definitely stains on his pants. Clearly visible in 4K.

Then I suggest submitting a screen shot because in the clearest images I can't see any stains or wet spots.


9th Jun 2022

Ghosts (US) (2021)

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Suggested correction: It is established that the ghosts have watched television, listened to the radio, smelled pizza/pepperoni, etc. It's not impossible that Pete saw Ghost on TV.

While they do watch television now, it's unlikely that Sophie watched "Ghost" and that Pete saw it alone. The reply from others was "you know we don't know what that is" and he said "oh, right the movie thing." Which was a call back to earlier when Trevor was trying to explain who Tara Reid was and the older ghosts had a hard time knowing or remembering what a movie was.


6th May 2020

In Harm's Way (1965)

Corrected entry: Initially Captain Tory has his promotion orders read at a party (read by Henry Fonda who is presumed to be Admiral Chester Nimitz. He is temporarily promoted to Rear Admiral Lower Half (which is a 1 Star rank). When he arrives at his duty assignment he is wearing 2 stars which is a Rear Admiral Upper Half.

Correction: In WW2 2 star was a rear admiral.

To clarify the correction, it wasn't until 1981 that the rank rear admiral lower half were given 1 star.


16th Sep 2017

The Orville (2017)

Old Wounds - S1-E1

Character mistake: After Mercer's speech to the entire crew he dismisses everyone except for the senior staff but everyone, including the senior staff, starts walking away as if they were dismissed as well.

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Suggested correction: They were walking away, but not as if they were dismissed. The group of senior officers and Mercer are in a completely different part of the room (or possible an entirely different room). Notice the doorway where Mercer is standing. At the beginning, he's in the doorway and it has a white boarder and a 2nd set of doors. Then he's standing in front of a doorway with a blue boarder and no 2nd set of doors.


18th Aug 2014

Saved by the Bell (1989)

House Party - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: Kelly said her youngest brother can burp his whole name Kenneth Leonard Kapowski in one burp. However in the previous year, Kelly had an infant brother named Billy. According to this info, unlikely Kenneth would be younger than Billy.

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Suggested correction: Kelly can have more than one brother because in the episode where Kelly gets her job at the Max she said "I cook every night for my 11 siblings". So he could be younger or just have a nickname.

The mistake is valid because she says her "youngest" brother, not "younger." In the episode "The Babysitters" (which was meant to air in season 1 and produced before "House Party"), her brother Billy is an infant and says his first words. Kelly has 6 siblings and she never said she cooked for 11 siblings when getting a job at The Max. She says she sets the dinner table for 9 people three times a night.


Ironically, the show only reveals 5 siblings each in their own individual episode. (#6 is unknown). Bennett (mentioned), Nicki (seen), Kyle (voice heard only), Kenneth (mentioned), Billy (seen) are the 5 of 6 siblings revealed.

16th Nov 2015

Rush Hour 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Lee and Kenji are in the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower, Kenji cuts Lee's right arm which leaves a rip in his suit. A few shots later when Carter comes in disguised as Genevieve the rip is no longer there, and doesn't reappear throughout the remainder of the movie.

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Suggested correction: The cut is still there and you can see it a number of times throughout the scenes. There's just a lot of fabric and movement that's it's hard to see at times. But you can see it when he spins with the sword, when he reaches his hand out to grab Kenji, and when hanging on the net.


7th Oct 2019

Rush Hour 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: The French police took away their guns while they were in the airport but in the cab, Carter pulls a gun on the cab driver.

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Suggested correction: Nothing in the scene indicated they kept the gun. They took one gun they found in Carter's jacket before detaining them but never charged anyone with anything, it was just a warning.


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