
24th Nov 2002

Celtic Pride (1996)

Corrected entry: In an NBA finals series, the higher ranked team has home court advantage. The first 2 games are played at one arena, then the next 2 are played at the other team's arena. Game 6 was played in Boston meaning they were the lower ranked team. Yet the dramatic game 7 was also played in Boston. This is impossible because at least one of the final 2 games would have to be played in Utah, regardless of who was ranked higher.

Correction: That used to be the NBA Finals format until 1985. Now the first two games are played at the higher ranked team's arena, the next three games are played at the lower ranked team's arena, and the final two games are played at the higher ranked team's arena. This format is only used in the finals because of the longer travel from the east to west coast.

Correction: Just to confirm, the film has it correct. At the time of filming, NBA Finals followed the 2-3-2 format. The '94 Finals went 7 games and both game 6 and game 7 were played in Houston. It's only the rounds leading up to the finals that followed the 2-2-1-1-1 format. For example, the '96 Conference Finals went 7 games and game 6 was in Utah and Game 7 was in Seattle.


Correction: In the 2013-14 season the NBA changed the NBA Finals format from 2-3-2 that was being used during the filming of this movie to the now being used 2-2-1-1-1 format.

20th Apr 2017

Bates Motel (2013)

The Convergence of the Twain - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: Norma's headstone gives a year of death as 2015. It also gives Norman's birth year as 1995, making him 20 when she died, but it is repeatedly stated that Norman is 18 when he enters Pine view, and Norma died 2 weeks later.

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Suggested correction: Norma doesn't die 2 weeks after they move to Pineview, she dies roughly 2 years later. Dylan & Emma have a baby, then in later scenes a 2/3 year old child.

Pineview Institute is the mental hospital Norman enters (during season 4) and they say he's 18 and has to sign the consent forms. Then at the end of season 4, Norman kills his mother (Norma), which is about 2 weeks later. The city the Bates moved to is White Pine Bay. In season 5 (which is set 2 years after season 4 ends) every time we see Norma, it's Norman hallucinating as she's already dead.


She didn't die two weeks after she moved to white pine bay, she died two weeks after she got married to Alex.

30th Oct 2018

Fantastic Voyage (1966)

Corrected entry: They are so advanced they can miniaturize anything but have to use primitive morse code to contact the outside world.


Correction: This isn't a mistake just because they use a different form of communication.


14th Jan 2013

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Correction: Or it could be a reference to M the head of MI6 in the James Bond Movies. It's only trivia if it's true.


The fact that a headstone is seen with the initial "M" is the trivia, which is true. The possibility is mentioned only to tie the trivia back to the previous film, and in real life Michael Jackson died since MIB II. Nothing in the film series suggest it could M from the Bond films as a possibility.


21st Oct 2018

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: Despite being a lawyer, architect or whatever, the male character will have a garage filled with high end, spotlessly clean tools.


Correction: Several issues with this entry being a mistake: - first, how often do we actually see this? If this has happened in some shows, perhaps it would be better expressed as a mistake in those specific shows, instead of 'common'. - second, why a male character? Can't female characters have tools in a garage? - third, the writers may have given the character shiny tools for a reason: the character is wealthy but still handy; they feel they needed to buy the tools to project an image even if they don't use them; they like buying shiny toys (the character does the same with the kitchen or home cinema); somebody else in the family uses them; the character has a hobby or a long term DIY project, etc.

To me, it's a mistake because it almost always feels out of place for the character, their life, lifestyle etc.


Again, do you have an example?


Correction: How is that a mistake?


A garage full of top of the range, specific, expensive and spotlessly clean tools? How many lawyers, office executives etc do you know who perform sophisticated diy projects on a regular basis to need a whole garage full of tools like that?


My brother is a CFO and he built a treehouse for his kids by himself. He has a garage full of nice tools which are kept clean. Clean tools are long lasting tools.


Can you give an example?


20th Jun 2009

Halloween (2007)

Corrected entry: In the cemetery scene, Loomis and Chester Chesterfield are discussing the dead animal when Loomis uses his cell phone. In 1978 cell phones were a loooong ways off.


Correction: By the time this part of the movie takes place, you've already seen several other characters using or at least handling cell phones. Another correction says it had been many years since Michael's first crimes, so yes, they'd been invented.


Correction: At this point in the movie it has been many years since Michael's incarceration and by that time cell phones have been invented.

Correction: The remake isn't set in the 70's. In this film, Michael was born in 1980, so when he's 10 and murders people, it's 1990.


15th Nov 2009

2012 (2009)

Corrected entry: On many occasions we see whole cities give way and fall into gigantic holes in the earth. So how can there possibly be a Tsunami that covers the whole planet? Much of the water would have poured into the enormous holes and and made it completely impossible.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: Not so. Actually much of Earth's water is underground. In other words, the underground water is more than enough to replace the area left by cities sinking into the Earth. Which could actually contribute to the tsunami, not detract from it.


Most of the Earth's water is not underground, the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water, aquifers account for a small percentage of available water.

Recent studies have suggested that the amount of underground water can be 3 times as much as what is in the oceans. However, this water is trapped in damp ringwoodite, so it's not flowing water like you would find in aquifers.


Corrected entry: At the start of the film, when the small submersible is swallowed by the underwater dino, the helicopter tries to contact it. The pilot of the helicopter refers to the submersible as Marine One. They would not have used this call sign, as Marine One is the call sign for any United States Marine Corps aircraft carrying the US President.

Quantom X

Correction: This wasn't a military operation, they were just mercenaries. They used "marine one" as a simple designation for that submersible, and it wasn't like they registered the call-sign with any agencies.


Corrected entry: It makes no sense why the Gecko brothers took the bank teller hostage at the beginning. Their plan was to get across the border into Mexico and to the rendezvous using the Fuller family, and their RV was perfect. But what was their original plan? Were they gonna have the hostage drive their car while they hid in the trunk? She would have given them up immediately. Also let's not forget that her face was on TV news programs which makes her a liability at the border gate. Basically there is no logical reason and all they would have done (if Richie didn't kill her) was create unneeded collateral.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: Criminals behaving illogically don't constitute a plot hole. The fact that Ritchie raped the bank teller may have been his motive for kidnapping her, rather than just killing her right away.


Also, Seth states at some point he does not take hostages (either on leaving Benny's world of liquor or after discovering the teller is dead, I can't remember where he said it) which suggests it was all Ritchie's idea to kidnap her and Seth didn't want, far less plan, to take a hostage, and that he felt it was unnecessary to do so.


Correction: They had Gloria hostage in case they had a run in with the police.

5th Oct 2018

Young Sheldon (2017)

Correction: Not necessarily; since the second season has begun, they could have progressed to 1990 by this point. It also hasn't been established whether he's had his tenth birthday yet at this point in the series.


Sheldon's birthday is Feb 26, 1980.


I knew his birth year had been established already on BBT; I just didn't know for sure if the date he had a birthday within the parent series corresponded to the "real" world because BBT time only roughly coincides with real-world time in most cases.


While a BBT season may not be a full year or the next episode isn't set one week later (like many sitcoms), because the show relies on pop culture so heavily, like releases of films, etc, I do think BBT is set in the real life timeline, even if a holiday special is set in the "future" (e.g. a Halloween episode is aired 2 weeks before Halloween.) However, with YS being set in the past it can be hard to tell what the exact date is, unless specifically said, and you have to rely on context clues (like a lot of shows set in the real life timeline past). I only replied with his birthday so others could make a decision if the correction is valid. I do not know enough about the episode to know when it's suppose to be set or how long it's been since his birthday (as I did think he was suppose to be 10 in the episode).


1st Oct 2018

A Simple Favor (2018)

Corrected entry: When Faith and Hope meet at the summer camp, they are supposed to be identical twins. Even though they look very similar (possible fraternal twins) you can tell the actresses who play them are not identical twins. Hope has an obvious cleft in her chin but Faith does not.


Correction: Hope and Faith, at age 16, are in fact played by identical twin sisters (Nicole and Lauren Peters). The phenotypical expression of a cleft chin can depend on environmental factors.


I guess I should have been more specific as to when they meet at the summer camp. I am not referring to when they were 16, but when they met at the summer camp as adults when Faith killed her sister by drowning her and ditching her car. The actresses who played the adult twins were obviously not identical twins.


According to IMDB, Blake Lively played both adult twins, so the above makes no sense.

Unless I missed something, Blake Lively plays both Faith and Hope in the scene. There are not two actresses, just the one. Feel free to reply with the name of the actress who played Faith so I can see what I missed.


20th Sep 2018

Happy Face Killer (2014)

Character mistake: When Jesperson imagines himself as a Mountie his uniform is completely wrong and is not even the right colour. As it was his ambition to join the force and he has photos of RCMP officers in his cab, it seems unlikely that he would imagine himself in a completely incorrect uniform.


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Suggested correction: It's not a character mistake, for the reasons stated; it's a clear factual error from the filmmakers.


It's a character mistake since it's his imagination and, as you stated, it's not something the character would get wrong.


14th Jan 2007

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

A Matter of Time - S2-E16

Corrected entry: The star collapsing into a black hole suddenly seems to increase its gravitational pull on the planet that SG-10 is on. When an object collapses to a Singularity, the pull it exerts on an object does not suddenly change because the mass, and therefore the strength of its gravity, has not changed.

Correction: The gravitational pull of the Singularity doesn't change. The SG team simply didn't know it was there, and its effect increased as the planet's rotation caused the black hole to "rise" in the sky. Just as the Sun doesn't get hotter or colder during the day, it still feels hotter at midday than at sunrise.

Your analogy is flawed because the sun's heat is blocked by the earth until it has a line-of-sight, while gravity's effect goes through the planet. A black hole millions of miles away would have no noticeable gravitational difference during the different phases of the planet's rotation - noon or midnight. The only way what you said would make any sense is if the black hole is small and close to the planet, but then that wouldn't be a black hole from the planet's star collapsing since the mass and distance would be wrong.

Correction: Black holes certainly increase gravitational pull and can tear planets apart. In additions, black holes are pulling in matter around it, adding to its mass.


A star and a black hole formed from it have the same mass and cause the same gravitational pull on objects outside the star's original diameter. Yes, a black hole pulls in matter around it, but that is the exact same matter that would also be pulled into a star of the same mass, so again the star and black hole would have the exact same effect on everything around it, including the planet. Regarding black holes (and stars) pulling planets apart, that is from tidal forces that grow exponentially as they approach a large mass, and again for objects at a distance outside the stars original diameter a star and black hole of the same mass cause exactly the same effect. The reality is when a star collapses into a black hole, some of the matter gets ejected and causes a supernova during the process, so the planet would have been torn apart long before any black hole was present, with the planet's debris thrown away from the event, not sucked towards it.

No, the gravity on surrounding objects does NOT increase, unless the black hole absorbs sufficient amounts of matter to increase it's gravity noticeable. Merely turning a star into a black hole won't affect objects such as orbiting planets.

The Beta Test Initiation - S5-E14

Character mistake: Sheldon says (during Fun With Flags) "But like the flag over Fort Sumter, I'm still here." The Sumter flag was lowered when the fort surrendered to the Confederates. The flag over Fort McHenry was never taken down despite the British bombardment and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the National Anthem about it. Whouldn't a vexologist know that?

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Suggested correction: Sheldon is referring to the actual Fort Sumter flag, which still exists and is on display at the Fort Sumter museum.


Sheldon is not referring the actual flag (especially since if the actual flag is in a museum it's not still over Fort Sumter). Sheldon is referencing the line from The Star-Spangled Banner "our flag was still there." Key wrote The Star-Spangled Banner after seeing the flag over Fort McHenry was still there. The writers simply made a mistake and Sheldon the character would know which flag inspired the line. Incidentally, the actual Fort McHenry flag also still exists.


29th Sep 2018

Castle Rock (2018)

Romans - S1-E10

Corrected entry: In the final minutes of the episode, Henry and Wendell Deaver are playing chess. Henry makes an incorrect move with one of his Knight pieces to take Wendell's Knight. He then announces that he has Wendell in check. Henry's other Knight was in the correct position to make the same move, legally, and remove Wendell's Knight from the game.


Correction: Henry doesn't move his Knight, he moves his Bishop diagonally to take Wendell's Knight. Henry's Bishop now has Wendell's King in check.


My mistake. Thanks for the correction.


Correction: No, he calls him by his last name, Heffernan.


29th Sep 2018

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Corrected entry: In the Governor's office, the US flag is a modern flag with all 50 stars. There wouldn't have been nearly as many during the time the film took place.

Correction: It's definitely not a 50-Star flag. The stars on the flag seen in the governor's office are in a row, not offsetting rows. Plus the stars seen are close to each other. On the 50-Star flag the stars have more room between them to allow room for the point of the star in the next row.


Corrected entry: At the start of the film Arthur Spiderwick is in the house. It then states "30 years later" when the kids and their mother arrives. Later on in the film they meet Aunt Lucy who Is 86, who tells of how her father was taken, etc. Further along the film they meet Arthur who said he just left the house, and Lucy is 6 and a half. The boy explains she's 86 and a half, and Arthur is 125. If Arthur left the house when Lucy was 6 and a half, and the mother and kids arrive 30 years later, that would make aunt Lucy 36, not 86.

Correction: The subtitles read "80 years later", not 30.


Stupidity: When the Keymaker is closing the door to the room that leads to the Source, he stands in the doorway resulting in the multiple Agent Smiths gunning him down. He could have easily closed the door without standing in the doorway and consequently would have lived.


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Suggested correction: Who says the door was bullet proof and the Keymaker couldn't have been shot through the door?

Having just viewed the scene on YouTube to verify, the door is definitely bulletproof, as the bullets only produce dents in the door and there are no visible holes from the other side of the door when it is closed.


The point of the stupidity is that he shouldn't have been in the doorway at all, even if the door wasn't bulletproof, there was no need for him to even stand behind the closed door. He could have pushed the door closed from the side.


It seems to be a heavy door, he simply couldn't close it with just his arm, thus he had to move his body forwards in order to close it. In that brief moment he got shot before the door closed. He could have for example kicked the door shut but he simply didn't think of that at that moment, also not knowing the Smiths were about to fire a volley of bullets at them.


25th Sep 2018

Four Brothers (2005)

Corrected entry: When the three brothers come out of interrogation, Bobby asks Angel "You all right, Jerry?" - thus calling him by the wrong character name.

Correction: Bobby is talking to Jerry, not Angel. When Bobby comes out, Camille tells Bobby, "I told you not to let Jerry get hurt." So Bobby is asking if Jerry is all right (although as he does so, he turns to fist bump Angel). Then it's Jerry that responds that he's all right, not Angel.


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