
31st Dec 2021

Law & Order (1990)

Executioner - S18-E9

Factual error: Yost attacks and kills an innocent man, believing him to be Dr. Horace Garrison, a physician who administered a faulty lethal injection to a condemned prisoner, reducing him to a vegetative state rather than killing him. The problem is, medical doctors never, ever participate in an execution except to certify death, a legal requirement. They do not, ever, take an active role in killing the condemned person.

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Suggested correction: I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but medical doctors are involved in lethal injections more than just certifying death. This is why so many groups were actively trying to stop the practice of medical profession involvement. In 2007, 17 states required physician involvement, which included doctors at times having to administer the injection.


The botched execution took place in South Carolina, which absolutely forbids medical practitioners to take an active role in killing a condemned prisoner. In fact, they are considering switching executing prisoners by firing squad instead of lethal injection, at least partly to distance medical professionals from the actual procedure leading to a person's death.

31st Dec 2021

Hatari! (1962)

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Suggested correction: I listened several times and I heard "Sean" every time.


28th Dec 2021

Lost in Space (2018)

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Suggested correction: I didn't see anything they could use to dig their way out. Plus Don was on the other side, so they knew they could just wait.


27th Dec 2021

Bewitched (1964)

George Washington Zapped Here (2) - S8-E22

Other mistake: This episode is merely a redo of the Ben Franklin episode in Season 3. The plot is the same. The dialogue in many parts is EXACTLY the same. The courtroom dialogue is the same as the courtroom episode of Ben Franklin. In both episodes, Samantha acts as the attorney even though a lay person is prohibited by law of practicing law... pretending to be an attorney.

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. At best this is trivia. "Bewitched" had several episodes that were remakes or similar storylines of previous episodes and they're not the only show to do so.


Searching - S7-E16

Other mistake: Lynette says "I also have a 9 year old", but on Penny's birthday not long before that she turned 11, and the only younger sibling Penny has is the baby.

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Suggested correction: And in the episode with Penny's 11th birthday, her parents forgot it was her birthday and in the last minute of planning, her birthday cake said "Polly." Hard to say if it was intentional to show what kind of mother she is or accidental/bad script writing.


Literally addressed in the show, she said she put the wrong name because they had been discussing the name for the baby.

Continuity mistake: When Claire and Franklin are in the rolling sphere, the door closes and locks. In the next shot, it closes and locks again. (00:43:10)

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Suggested correction: This is incorrect. It shows the door closing twice because it is showing both the third person (camera behind Owen) and the first person (Claire's POV) of the door closing. It was deliberately showing what was happening from different perspectives.

This correction is wrong because it doesn't show different perspectives (which films do at times). In the first shot, the door fully closes before Owen gets to the sphere and before he raises his arms. In the next shot, Owen raises his hands before the door closes and is touching the sphere right as the door closes.


Perhaps your version was out of sync when you watched it. It was definitely just two shots from different angles, if you're watching in UHD on a big enough screen you can even see the camera that catches Owen's reaction.

Continuity mistake: At the start when Andy opens a bottle of alcohol, he drinks it with the same hand he opened it with. His hand is shifted after the second time we see him take a drink. (00:03:00)


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Suggested correction: Watch carefully he takes the cap off and palms it in his right hand and as he does, so he lowers his hand and grabs the glass bottle to have a drink.


While the mistake isn't very clear, this mistake seems to be about the second time we see him take a drink, after the cut. After he says it's inconvenient the gun was never found, he's seen lifting the bottle by the neck, then the next shot, he's holding it further down.


17th May 2005

Closer (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Daniel is just about to leave Larry's office at the end of the film, Daniel is facing away from the door. In the next shot he is facing the other way. (01:25:55)

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Suggested correction: No he's not.

The mistake is valid. After Larry says "Buster", we see Dan standing at an angle with his back towards the opening of the door and doorknob and his left side closest to the door. In the next shot, he's turned more than 90° so that his right side is now closest to the door opening and doorknob.


26th Sep 2019

Knight Rider (1982)

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Suggested correction: As he drives away, you can see the parking lot has skid marks all over the place. It's impossible to say they came from other takes.


While I can agree with you, I suggest that the point where KITT reverses has darker marks than other spots. Over time, the repeated crossing by vehicles will cause the older marks to fade.

Movie Nut

Corrected entry: After getting Ecto 1 out of the police station they have the lights and siren on. The next shot it's off, then on again right after that.


Correction: This isn't a continuous shot though. After they come out of the garage area, the next shot is of them driving down a dirt road. Then the next shot is of them crossing a bridge.


Correction: Yes, probably because the vehicle is still in bad shape and everything on it is not working properly.

30th Nov 2021

The Toybox (2018)

Other mistake: The RV's cassette player has some odd features (some of which I've never seen on a cassette player). There's a "push button" for "loudness", not "volume." There is another "push button" labeled "MO ST" - not sure what these mean. The slot for the cassette tape looks wide enough for a VHS tape. (00:11:15)


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Suggested correction: There's nothing wrong with the stereo. The cassette slot is the normal size for that configuration on an 80's cassette car stereo (they're in an '87 Suncrest). The loudness button was also a common feature for that era. It boosts low and high frequencies at lower volumes (the stereo still has a volume knob). MO stands for "mono" and ST stands for "stereo."


The slot looked way too wide, even for the 1980s. I would have guessed that the "ST" meant stereo, but wouldn't that be referring to the AM/FM radio, not the cassette player? (Thanks for the "MO" clarification). [Features were still on the odd side.].


18th Jul 2017

The Railway Man (2013)

Character mistake: On the train at the beginning of the movie, Colin Firth is talking to Nicole Kidman about Warrington. He states that George Formby was from Warrington and not from Wigan or Formby as people believe. George Formby was born in Wigan.

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Suggested correction: He was born in Warrington.

Formby is buried in Warrington, but he was born in Wigan.


Trivia: All the original main cast members were in this movie except Susan Olsen ("Cindy"). Jennifer Runyon took her place. Two possible reasons that Susan/Cindy didn't participate: filming conflicted with her honeymoon to Jamaica and she was offered less money than the other cast members.


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Suggested correction: According to all sources, it was just the first answer (the honeymoon reason). No confirmation anywhere about being paid less.

You should do some actual research before correcting people so you know what you're talking about. Olsen herself said in a 1993 interview about why she wasn't in the movie. "It came down to money and bad politics. I was asking for way less than the two other girls wanted, but they still wouldn't give it to me." Plumb and McCormick even tried to get Olsen paid a fair amount, but the show's creators wouldn't budge and started a look for a look-alike.


Yeah, right... it is never about the money.


Other mistake: When Regine becomes the new host of Fright Night, she appears on video monitors and Peter Vincent is watching her on TV while in a bar. Cameras use mirrors, so she shouldn't have appeared on the monitors or on the television at all.

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Suggested correction: Most cameras don't use mirrors. Only DSLR/SLR cameras do, which allows you to use a viewfinder. Other cameras, camcorders, and television cameras don't need mirrors.


26th Nov 2021

Die Hard (1988)

Corrected entry: A computer printout states that Takagi was born in 1937 and that he served on the aircraft carrier Akagi in 1940. It is impossible that a three-year old would be assigned to the Imperial Japanese Navy.


Correction: The image on the screen isn't a picture of James Shigeta (the actor who portrays Takagi). It's the records for the founder of the Nakatomi Corporation. Takagi was only the president and CEO, not the founder.


Correction: The record shown (while the password for the vault is being hacked) isn't for Takagi - the picture is of a different man, presumably his grandfather. Gruber says Takagi was born in 1937, the family emigrated to California in 1939, and were interned 1942-43. Presumably his grandfather stayed in Japan and fought in the battles listed onscreen, on the carrier Akagi.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Heather says that she invented cigarette paper that burns faster, she humiliates Michele by saying that she didn't invent Post-Its, Art Fry did. The true inventor of Post-Its was Dr. Spence Silver in 1968.

Correction: Art Fry did invent the Post-It Note, Spence Silver merely invented the adhesive on the back.

Since a Post-It Note without the adhesive is just a small piece of paper, Silver deserves the credit.

They're considered co-founders, however Silver accidentally created an adhesive that stuck lightly to surfaces and didn't bond to its surface. Fry had the idea how to use the adhesive and invented Post-it Notes.


11th Sep 2005

Seinfeld (1990)

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Suggested correction: This is a myth and not true. Even if you count seeing the Superman fridge magnet or Superman statue as a reference, they didn't appear until season 4 and 5.


Season one had a few and one of them is episode 15 The Stock Tip. To quote George: "I never heard him say anything really funny." Jerry: "It's common sense. He's got super strength, super-speed; I'm sure he's got super-humor." "Either you're born with a sense of humor or you're not. It's not going to change. Even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all the way to the yellow sun of the Earth."


That wasn't the point of my correction. The trivia is wrong because not EVERY episode has a reference. I didn't say no episode prior to season 4 or 5 had a Superman reference. I only said the magnet and statue didn't appear until season 4 and 5, so even if you want to count those objects as a Superman reference, it doesn't apply to season 1-3.


Identity Crisis - S4-E18

Stupidity: When Riker and Worf are searching for Geordi on the holodeck, why don't they just terminate the program, instead of looking for him in the simulated jungle? Would have made it a heck of a lot easier to find him in the relatively small empty holodeck, invisible or not.


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Suggested correction: Geordi had already mutated and since one of the abilities of the mutation is invisibility, shutting off the holodeck wouldn't have helped as, without being able to see Geordi, it would be impossible to know where or if he was still in the holodeck.

The original stupidity still holds though. As the original poster said, it would be easier to find Geordi in the smaller holodeck, without the simulated jungle, "invisible or not."


No, it wouldn't. Before going to the holodeck, the computer was asked where Geordi was with the response he was no longer on board. This would indicate that any type of scanner would not be able to find him. Plus, how would shutting off the holodeck help? Geordi was now invisible, being invisible would have no shadow and shortly after Worf and Riker had even got to the holodeck, a partially mutated Geordi had already got to the transporter room and beamed himself down to the planet.

I have to agree. How would shutting down the holodeck be useful in finding Geordi since he was now invisible and the scanners on the Enterprise couldn't detect him?

Because of how the Holodeck works, turning off the program would leave him in a small room and standing on the floor, so they could at least try to physically sweep the room. Leaving the program running, he's still invisible, but now a physical sweep would be nearly impossible since he could be in trees above them or hiding below them and not on the same ground level.


Corrected entry: David tells the police in the car that the date is in 1979, but near the end he wants to be taken back to 1978.

Correction: He never says "1979." He says "1978."


The Last Boy Scout mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wayans and Willis are chasing the limo on the freeway, Wayans draws a picture of a bomb to hold up to the guys in the limo. He draws a large circle with about 6 lines coming out of it with the word "BOM" underneath it. When he holds the picture up at the window, there is only 1 line radiating from the circle. (01:20:40)

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Suggested correction: The same drawing is used, the top is slightly cropped but the lines are still visible.

It's not the same picture. In the scene (not screenshot), the top isn't cropped and you see there're fewer lines, and the circle is different. Not only that, but we see in the car "BOM" is written differently than what we see when it's against the window. Also, when he first draws the bomb, the holes in the paper are on the left, but against the window they're on the right. One could argue he flipped the page over to start again, but we already know the final drawing is different.


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