
18th Dec 2020

I Love Lucy (1951)

Job Switching - S2-E4

Question: Why would Ethel do a silly thing as pinching chocolates to see what kind they were? Surely she'd realise this wasn't a good idea.


Answer: It's a comedy show from the 1950s. Slapstick, over the top humor, and silly situations were typical of the era. Characters were written to behave in unrealistic or illogical ways purely for comic effect.


17th Dec 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: What mental illness does Arthur's mother suffer from, if any? That, and why claim Arthur was Wayne's son if he wasn't?


Answer: It isn't exactly specified in the film what illness she suffers from but she definitely appears to be schizophrenic. This would also explain why she claimed Arthur was Wayne's son.


16th Dec 2020

Beethoven (1992)

Question: Maybe I'm ignorant but shouldn't all those injections of various drugs Dr Varnick gets in the chest kill him?


Answer: It appears he only gets pierced by the needles. The plungers aren't pressed, so he isn't injected with their contents.


1st Dec 2020

The Punisher (2004)

Answer: They were actually planning on using Jigsaw as the villain in the sequel until Thomas Jane and director Jonathan Hensleigh exited the project and the studio rebooted the character with Punisher: War Zone. They probably just wanted to show the Punisher's origin first, which would allow him to be fully established by the time a sequel came around, and they would have more to screen time to establish Jigsaw.


1st Dec 2020

The Punisher (2004)

Question: Since when do they leave guns of the deceased at the scene of the crime? Castle comes back some time later after the massacre and picks up several from a case.


Answer: I'm just guessing here, but since dozens of people were killed in what was determined to be a mob hit, and since there were no next of kin, everything was probably left there and boarded up since the entire area was a crime scene that was still under investigation.


20th Nov 2020

Frasier (1993)

Answer: Yes they did hint at it, but her religion was down played because they didn't want that to define her character. But besides the "Cheers" episode mentioned, s10e06 of "Frasier", "Star Mitzvah", is about their son Fredrick's bar mitzvah. Typically under Jewish law, a child is considered Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish (and we know Frasier isn't Jewish). It should also be noted that Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology and considered to be the first wife of Adam.


Answer: Yes. The 'Cheers' episode 'For Real Men Only,' deals with infant Frederick's bris (ritual circumcision).

Brian Katcher

18th Nov 2020

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Answer: He is careless with it, and doesn't think about if it might accidentally fire. There are safety protocols when dealing with guns for a reason. Gangsters just chose to ignore them.


Vincent is particularly careless with firearms. He leaves a submachine gun lying on the kitchen counter while he uses the toilet with the door closed, knowing that he is only in that apartment waiting for Butch to come back.


18th Nov 2020

Glee (2009)

Answer: Coach Sylvester is generally bullying to most staff and students but she particularly dislikes the glee club because they compete with her cheerleading squad for limited school funds.


15th Nov 2020

Cult of Chucky (2017)

Question: Multi part question:1. Does this one ignore Seed Of Chucky? 2. Why did Tiffany change her appearance from Seed Of Chucky once human? 3. Why not have Brad Dourif's voice come out of the Nica character's mouth?


Answer: Well in Bride Of Chucky, unless that was a dye job, she had black hair. Here she's blonde.


She simply decided to dye her hair back to blonde. Human Tiffany was originally blonde in "Bride of Chucky," and she also dyed her doll-hair blonde when she turned into a doll. The only time she has dark hair is at the end of "Seed of Chucky" when she possesses Jennifer Tilly. But like I said... she simply decided to dye her hair blonde again in the meantime. She was also blonde in "Curse of Chucky." There's no real significance to it... she probably just wanted to have hair like she used to have.


Thank you, my bad. You're one of the sharpest people on this site. You should work for them.


Answer: 1) No, this film does not ignore "Seed of Chucky." While references to it are minimal, it is still considered official canon with the series. 2) I don't really understand how she changed her appearance. She still looks like Jennifer Tilly. You may need to elaborate on that. 3) In the context of the film, it's because he's taken over her Nica's body and is currently using her vocal cords to speak.


7th Nov 2020

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: Probably, with her other powers, she didn't need to. This was a family show, and the producers may have been concerned about how violence was portrayed on TV and toned it down for young viewers. They may have also felt that audiences of that time period would object to seeing a woman use physical force, lessening her femininity and sex appeal. Sounds silly, but that was how women were once portrayed.


6th Nov 2020

Halloween (1978)

Question: Does anyone understand the looks on Michael's face at the beginning after his father unmasks him, he looks shocked, later on, after Laurie unmasks him he stares at her with a mix of shock and anger. Does anyone understand what these looks mean?


Answer: When we see him unmasked as a child, he looks sort of shocked but also vacant - he's staring off into nothingness... this was the moment when he lost his mind and became evil. I think the look on his face was meant to convey that he had simply snapped and was no longer "there." When he's unmasked as an adult, he didn't really look angry to me... he simply looked empty and expressionless. I think it's meant to show that he's no longer really a person... he's totally gone. There's nothing left but almost instinctive evil.


2nd Nov 2020

The Faculty (1998)

Question: When things are normal again how do they cover up Principal Drake's death? And when we see Zeke at football practice, Ms Burke's watching him and smiling. So is she interested in him for real or what?


Answer: They don't need to cover up Principal Drake's death, the local paper reveals that the alien invasion is known to the public. Drake was infected so Zeke shooting her didn't even kill her. It wasn't until Marybeth threw the drugs in her face that Drake died. Since Marybeth is actually the alien queen in disguise, the murder is her fault. Ms. Burke is definitely interested in Zeke. She flirts with him earlier in the film. Since Zeke is repeating his senior year, he is at least 18 years old. Though she would still lose her job for dating him, it isn't illegal if he is an adult.


2nd Nov 2020

Dave (1993)

25th Oct 2020

Scarface (1983)

Question: Just why doesn't Tony want his sister Gina to be married to his best friend?


Answer: Tony is very protective of Gina because he views her as the only "pure" thing in his life; while Manny might be his best friend, Tony views Manny as "impure" since they are both heavily involved in criminal activity. Had Tony known before killing Manny that he and Gina were newlyweds late in the film, he probably would have respected their union even if he wasn't particularly happy about it since Manny had made Gina an "honest woman."


Answer: Because Nuclear Man is made from pure radioactivity, he only used Superman's DNA as a construct into a human form. Like a horse and a donkey mating and creating a mule.

Question: Why does Casey crush Shredder in the garbage truck?


Answer: Most likely to kill Shredder and make sure that there would be no way to come back but, as seen in the sequel, Shredder does return.

21st Oct 2020

The Nanny (1993)

Answer: Mr. Sheffield needed someone to manage the kids, not necessarily babysit them. Brighton was a Bart Simpson type, Maggie was shy and awkward and Gracie had personality issues.

Answer: It's a bit of a stretch plot wise, but she is supposed to be more than just a "nanny." She oversees the kid's activities, manages the household, and generally keeps the family running smoothly in the absence of a mother. She is more like a family member rather than an employee.


17th Oct 2020

Baywatch (1989)

Answer: She left to pursue other TV, movie, and commercial opportunities. It's a typical scenario where a breakout star on a hit series leverages their popularity for better roles and more money.


Answer: I read that Pamela departed the show because she had become pregnant with her second child.


14th Oct 2020

Nine to Five (1980)

Question: If they hate their jobs then why not quit and sue their boss?


Answer: It's not easy to just quit and find a new job and they would not have good references. Lawsuits are difficult, being long, involved, and expensive processes with no guarantees of winning. (If one loses, they can be responsible for the other party's legal costs.) The three women were at a distinct disadvantage as they'd be up against an entire company that most likely would protect the boss, as they'd also be liable for allowing his abuse and be forced to implement new policies. The ladies also wanted to take a stand and fight back, not just for themselves, but for the other women who worked there, making positive company-wide changes while keeping the boss locked up.


11th Oct 2020

Law & Order (1990)

Answer: Since...always. Depends entirely on the balance of earnings / expenses in the couple.

Jon Sandys

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