
5th Jun 2020

Batman (1989)

Question: Given how narrow that ledge is, just how could the Joker grab hold of it and silently pull himself onto it prior to yanking Batman and Vicki Vale over the side?


Answer: Most likely, in real life, this would be impossible. Movies take liberties with facts and realities in order to tell the story.


Answer: Because he stole a chemical from his lab.

But Batman knew that with it, Clayface could permanently retain his shape and Clayface desperately wanted to be Matt Hagen again. In a sense, Batman stopped Clayface from becoming human.

Answer: Several reasons. Dobby was once owned by the Malfoy family until Harry freed him, which Bellatrix would consider a betrayal. She knows Harry is close to Dobby and killing the elf will hurt Harry. Dobby, as an elf, is magically powerful and a strong ally to Harry's cause. Having once been owned by the Malfoy family, Dobby has much inner knowledge about them and Voldemort. She was also making one last strike before Harry and the others escaped.


Thank you.


15th May 2020

Batman Returns (1992)

Answer: Not intentionally, the rockets were aimed at the abandoned arctic zoo structure, not at the Penguin himself. He was caught in the crossfire.

15th May 2020

Frasier (1993)

Answer: The cheating occurred during "Cheers." Not much was discussed about the reason, but she cheated on him with a colleague of hers, Dr. Pascal (whom she also went to live with in an underground eco-pod). Working closely with someone, especially if the two have similar likes, ideology, etc, can result in romantic feelings being developed. With the burden of marriage and a child, she may have given into her urges. She does obviously feel bad because she asks Frasier to forgive her and take her back. There was also a running gag on "Cheers" that Lilith had a strong libido that she had to work hard to suppress, which may have been a factor if true.


6th May 2020

I Love Lucy (1951)

First Stop - S4-E14

Question: Why did they go by car to California? I assume it was to get several episodes out of it though wouldn't it have been easier to go by train?


Answer: Well, within the storyline of the show, the answer to your question is given in the prior episode, "Getting Ready," where we see Lucy reading various brochures while Ricky is on the phone trying to book their tickets. The decision went from going by plane, to train, to bus, and finally to the idea of going by car so they could stop where they want for as long as they want, etc. Of course, production wise, this decision allowed for the following episode scripts to have more creative shenanigans.

Super Grover

Answer: There is no explanation, but as you mentioned, it was likely to add some new adventures to the show's overall story line.


6th May 2020

Superman II (1980)

Question: 1. Did Luthor kill Miss Tessmacher after going to the North Pole? 2. How do Clark and Lois get back from the North Pole without freezing to death? 3. Why does he go back to that diner since Superman should be above petty revenge? 4. If the villains have Superman's powers then how could Ursa be affected by the snake bite? She shows irritation from being bitten.


Answer: 1. No. 2. It's unclear, but can assume Clark had that part planned. 3. Agreed, this is out of character, but Clark isn't perfect. 4. Exactly, she shows irritation. There's no indication the bite actually hurt her or broke her skin. But as someone who is only now realizing the extent of her powers, she reacted as though she thought it might have.

6th May 2020

Monk (2002)

Answer: Given Monk's state of mental health and that Monk's been able to continue to function as well as he does, pretty effective. Therapy isn't about "fixing" someone, it's often about helping the person be able to accept themselves. Some people need regular therapy as part of their life. Even a regular person who doesn't get into all the antics Monk does can be in therapy for decades. A few years ago, TV host Billy Bush revealed he had been seeing the same therapist for 30 years.


Answer: Imagine how much worse Monk would be *without* regularly seeing a good therapist.

Answer: Robotnik is a genius inventor and the quill is an incredible source of energy, so presumably he will use it to power whatever invention he can create that will help him escape the Mushroom Planet and return to Earth.

Thank you.


28th Apr 2020

Wonder Woman (2017)

Question: If Amazons are immortal and never age then how can Diana grow up there?


Answer: It would be more accurate to say they grow to a certain age then stop aging. Similar to the elves in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.


Answer: They may never grow old, but they are not immortal since we see some die.

Answer: Diana is unlike the other Amazon women, so her physiology differs. In mythology, Amazon women were demigods - half human and half god. Diana's mother, Hippolyta, crafted her from clay and Zeus gave her life. Diana grew from an infant into adulthood, then, like the other Amazons, becomes either immortal or long-lived.


Answer: Thank you both.


28th Apr 2020

Divergent (2014)

Question: Why did they remove Christina and Will's romance? This takes away some of the emotion Tris has from shooting him later and the agony of telling Christina the truth in Insurgent.


Answer: It's typical for movies to delete or dilute various plot elements from a book source. The movie's running time is a factor, and eliminating characters, side stories, combining plot points, etc. streamlines the plot. The movie chose to keep the focus on Tris and Four.


28th Apr 2020

Batman Returns (1992)

Question: If people are for Penguin then why did they bring eggs, lettuce, and tomatoes to his speech? That and why aren't the police out looking for the kids once informed given Batman has to go home and suit up?


Answer: The crowd of people were likely carrying bags of groceries.

Question: Shouldn't Peter's spider sense work when he meets Dr Octopus?


Answer: She wasn't a danger to him in the moment they met. The Doc Oc from his universe was likely still the male version we all know and his senses were attuned to recognize him. At the moment they met and she started geeking out over him, she wasn't immediately trying to harm or threaten him so his senses had no reason to be triggered by a strange woman who, at that moment, seemed normal.

Quantom X

17th Mar 2020

A Christmas Story (1983)

Question: Given Ralphie's mother said no to the gun then why would his father give him one? Surely this would start an argument between them.


Answer: This was more in the past than in today's culture, but it wasn't all that atypical for a husband to simply ignore his wife's opinions and wishes in many matters, including what would be an appropriate present for their children, particularly a boy.


Answer: Even though she was probably still against it, it was Christmas and most likely didn't want to upset Ralphie by taking the Red Ryder BB gun away from him so she let him keep it.

17th Mar 2020

Batman and Robin (1997)

Question: How is that Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, The Riddler, and Cat Woman can suddenly have perfect vision after going insane as well as their accidents?


Answer: Most of these, if not all of them, had something supernatural happen to them. This supernatural event enhanced their abilities, their bodies. This includes their eyesight.


Question: Do hospitals have devices for women with asthma so they can breathe while in labor and can a baby really be breastfed by another woman as done here?


Answer: As far as breastfeeding, yes, a woman can breastfeed another woman's infant. Historically, wet nurses (lactating women who were not a child's mother) were used when a woman produced too little milk or was otherwise unable to breastfeed her own child. Today, commercial formula is used to fully supply or supplement a baby's diet.


17th Mar 2020

Watchmen (2009)

Question: Did this movie have some sort of point? That genocide of several million to prevent war was a good idea? That and how did they avoid being sued considering Batman's got an Owl Man, a Spider Woman was in existence before this spider super heroine and the white masked guy seems to be a take on The Question.


Answer: Why would they be sued? DC own both the DC comics properties and the Watchmen characters.

Answer: You forgot where DC ended up owning Captain Marvel claiming he was a Super Man ripoff and how Marvel sued the name away from the character.


Answer: There is no "spider super heroine" in this movie. Silk Spectre has no superpowers, so I'm not sure where you're getting the connection to Spider-Woman from. Watchmen is a DC property, as are Batman and The Question, who was acquired by DC several years before the Watchmen graphic novel was published, so there would be no plagiarism lawsuits in response. The point of the movie, much like the graphic novel it is based on, is to illustrate the dangers of nuclear tension and war, and how regular people pay the price of the actions of contentious governments.


And to show that someone who is supposedly super-smart is also usually super-insane.


Answer: I mean as in Bob Kane suing since Owl Man's sort of like Batman.


Bob Kane undoubtedly received royalties for creating Batman, but the character is owned by DC. It's not as if he had the right to start his own comic book company and take Batman away from DC, so even if he felt slighted by Nite Owl II having some similarities to Batman, he would have no legal grounds to sue for it. Furthermore, characters would have to be blatant ripoffs in many ways in order for comic book companies to be able to sue over. Marvel and DC have many characters that are similar in powers, appearance, etc, but those similarities are usually so superficial that they can be dismissed as homages or parodies and it would prove difficult for one company to sue the other over it. A really good example would be Deadpool who was practically created as a parody of Deathstroke. The only case I can think of where a lawsuit had enough merit to go to court was Marvel suing Awesome Entertainment for redesigning Fighting American into a shameless ripoff Captain America.


15th Mar 2020

Three's Company (1977)

Show generally

Question: Who decided to make Chrissy stupid? Watch an early episode like "Roper's Niece" then a later one like "Jack's Pie", So who decided to make her stupid? Some network executive?


Answer: It's also likely a case of "Flanderization", where as the show progresses, the writers zero in on a single aspect of a character that they get the most material out of, and think is the funniest, and expand it at the expense of realism or development, to the point where it is the character's entire personality.

Answer: It was likely a group of male executives who decided the show's format. The sexy, ditzy/dumb blonde was an over-used and cliched trope in an era when women were blatantly objectified.


14th Mar 2020

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: Why don't Nicholas' two goons wait for Harry and Lloyd to come back to their apartment? The woman said they'd have to come back sometime, so why not wait, instead of killing their bird as a message?


Answer: At this point, Shay and Mental think that Harry and Lloyd are professional criminals who have been following them secretly for long enough to know about the entire kidnapping operation. They don't want to wait because it could leave them as sitting ducks if Harry and Lloyd were violent. In addition, waiting simply puts them for a long time and in front of many witnesses at the scene of what could be a murder (if they killed Harry and Lloyd).

Answer: Plus, Nicholas' cronies think that Harry and Lloyd work for someone who's trying to stop them retrieving the briefcase, which is shown when they go to confront them the second time and find the note on the apartment door. It's not until later on, that they realise that Lloyd and Harry aren't the pros that they think they are, and it's then that they try to kill them at Dante's Inferno.

Answer: Because if they had, the movie would be over in 20 minutes, and on a very violent note. It's a common film convention: To advance the plot, and to fit the tone of the film (here, a goofy comedy rather than a gangster thriller), characters behave in ways that real people in their position would not. There is no in-universe explanation.

Answer: She wanted room for her own things. The apartment was cluttered with so many collectables that Leonard never looked at, that he never noticed when she put some in storage.

Brian Katcher

Well if they're a couple why not talk to him about it? After all couples are supposed to compromise on things, imagine if he'd done this to her.


Not sitcom couples. Every reaction has to be exaggerated and borderline psychotic.


It's a play on the "women always do what they want and the man goes along with it" type scenario. Plus, Penny is seriously hot and way out of Leonard's league so its entirely plausible she knows this and knows he wouldn't question her anyway, as he will always give in and give her what she wants.


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