
Answer: The gargoyle had been watching Preston through his window for a long while and, falling in love with him, assumed a human form so she could be with him.


Awkward. I mean eww, should've just left him alone as it was a murderous creature who killed for no reason. She could've done the human form without killing anyone you know.


Well, love makes people (and gargoyles) do weird and stupid things.


Answer: She most likely wanted to keep an eye on him, to make sure he would never break the vow.

8th Jan 2020

Aquaman (2018)

Question: How does Black Manta master Atlantis' technology to make his suit?


Answer: Just because he's the bad guy doesn't mean he didn't go to college. He could be a genius and gotten a brief working knowledge from the Atlantis soldiers.

8th Jan 2020

Aquaman (2018)

Question: Why didn't they move? Surely they could've hidden in one of the other states mainly a landlocked one like Iowa, Nebraska, or Kentucky, as in not near an ocean.


Answer: Yes I mean as in his father and mother should've moved, not the Atlanteans.


They both obviously love the ocean very much, and it might have been to hard for them to live away from it. Call it a false sense of security if you will.

Brian Katcher

Answer: If you are talking about the Atlanteans, their entire civilization sunk into the ocean. Instead of leaving it, all that history, culture and technology, they adapted instead. They didn't want to leave their home and be exiled forever. A lot did go and live in other areas of the ocean but by that time humans had taken over on land, and they didn't want to interfere, nor did they need to by that time.


I think the question is asking why Arthur's parents didn't move. Why, knowing that people from Atlantis are hunting you, would you continue to live near the ocean?


8th Jan 2020

Elf (2003)

Question: I thought Santa, according to all stories, only had a list of naughty and nice children so how does Walter get on there? He's an adult.


Answer: Obviously in this version of the Santa legend adults are on the list as well, like the reporter.

Lots of stories rely on 'believers' indicating adults are involved too. So if adults are included they're on the list too.


Answer: Charlotte Dennin was on the list too.

8th Jan 2020

Carrie (2013)

Question: Was that a real baby in the opening scene? The kid looked real to me and if it was how'd they make it look newborn, covered in stuff?


Answer: Infants in movies that are supposed to be "newborn" are covered in food substances like strawberry jelly or jam. I remember reading that it is the only thing legally allowed to be used on a baby in a movie.


8th Jan 2020

Rocky III (1982)

Question: Why is Mickey stubborn about seeing a doctor for his heart? Does he think this would distract Rocky?


Answer: A lot of older people are stubborn about their health, especially if they fear the news will be bad or if there's nothing to be done. At his age, Mickey doesn't want to hear that his heart is bad, that he doesn't have long to live, and that he has to make major lifestyle changes. As an ex-boxer, he's not going to want to sit in a rocking chair eating healthy food.

Brian Katcher

Question: So was there a point to the dressing room scene between Amy Adams and Gal Gadot? She trying to seduce her to get info or was this merely an excuse to get these two half nude?


Answer: It was definitely meant to be a sexy scene, but it isn't pointless. The two were genuinely bonding during that scene and the gradual friendship built between the couples forms a major part of the plot. The sexiness between them also sets up the scene later in the film where the two kiss and Karen discretely passes a knife to Natalie. As an aside, Karen isn't played by Amy Adams, she is played by Isla Fisher. Amy Adams and Isla Fisher share a striking resemblance and are constantly mistaken for one another.


Answer: Yes, though that was more common in the past. Several brands contain alcohol, though they're obviously not intended as a beverage. In the book 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, ' there's a scene where the inmates get drunk on a jug of industrial cough medicine.

Brian Katcher

4th Jan 2020

Movie 43 (2013)

Answer: There have been several conflicting reasons given as to why this movie is called "Movie 43." Some people claim it's a reference to "rule 43 of the internet." (Although there are also several different conflicting versions of the 43rd rule of the internet, so this explanation is pretty shaky.) Some claim it's an inside joke between the main producer and his kids about a fictional "banned film" they heard about called "Movie 43" that didn't really exist. And some people claim it's just a random title they attached to the film with no actual meaning.


Question: Why would they tape a match between Mimi and Jean Kirkland in a studio instead of selling tickets and making money off it?


2nd Jan 2020

Venom (2018)

Question: I'm a huge Spider Man fan, but I've never understood Venom's weaknesses. Why would he be affected by sonics and fire?


Answer: It's from the comics and much like Superman's weakness to kyptonite, it was just written that way. Venom is part of a species of extraterrestrial symbiotes that were forged in the head of a dead Celestial (which would later be known as "Knowhere") by an evil deity known as Knull. One of the unintentional effects of the forging in the head is weakness to sound and fire.


2nd Jan 2020

Venom (2018)

Question: Given how Ann is, why would she let the symbiote briefly bond with her unless it told her about Eddie?


Answer: Ann let Venom briefly inhabit her because it was quite obvious to him that she still had feelings for Eddie. This is most noticeable when Ann takes Eddie to the hospital and Eddie apologizes to Ann for making her lose her job.

2nd Jan 2020

Basic Instinct (1992)

Question: Did Stone have a motive for all that she did or was she nuts and doing it all for fun?


Answer: She is portrayed as a psychopath with an uncontrollable urge to kill.


I wouldn't say that she had an "urge" to kill. Rather, she was willing to "dispose" of people by killing them. She would kill people who were in her way or were no longer interesting/useful.

Question: If Harry's relatives hate him, then why are they against him going to Hogwarts to study magic? Why wouldn't they be excited to be rid of him most of the time?


Answer: Because they know of his wizard heritage and they hate it. They think he and his parents were freaks.


Good answer, but I'd add they also knew it was something Harry would very much want, and they would always deny him simply to be as mean-spirited as possible.


Not to mention one of Vernon and Petunia's overriding motivations is to appear normal to their neighbors, and the more magic Harry knows, the less likely they are to achieve that. It could presumably also be dangerous for them, as future books/movies confirm.

1. They were constantly being barraged with letters from Hogwarts in an increasingly disruptive manner. Eventually, this would be noticed as something weird by their neighbors, which is something they REALLY don't want: anyone to know about Petunia's magical relations. 2. They were flat out threatened by Hagrid and terrified on both him and Dumbledore Better to let him go there then have to spend their entire lives on the run without it even working.


They were against it long before the barrage of letters or Hagrid showing up. They knew about the school, Petunia's sister went there and she told Vernon. They don't want to seem weird to the neighbors in general, they aren't afraid people around them will think they have a wizard in their family because nobody believes in wizards.


29th Dec 2019

Ghostbusters (1984)

Answer: The part of Winston was written for Murphy. He was unavailable because he was filming Beverly Hills Cop. The director and writer are on record as saying had Murphy accepted the part, Winston would have had a much larger role in the film.

Question: What good would it do for Laurie to see Michael's face? She didn't see it in the first movie so how would she know what he looked like?


Answer: By this movie Laurie has been dealing with Michael for over 20 years. Michael had been institutionalized for a long time and Dr. Loomis had lots of files on Michael. There is no reason to believe Laurie hadn't read those files which would've included photos that would show what he looked like growing from a child to a young adult. Those pics would her a good idea of what he should look like as an older man.


29th Dec 2019

Carrie (2013)

Question: Why did her mother spare Carrie after giving birth? When they made eye contact was she suddenly sane and filled with love for her new daughter?


Answer: It's doubtful she became momentarily "sane" but the mother/child bond is incredibly strong, and apparently was stronger than Margaret's initial desire to kill her infant.


Thank you, happy new year. I found this to be a touching scene, they just love having Julianne Moore hold babies as she's done this in four or five movies now, latest being Still Alice, took them forever to give her an Academy Award, should've won at least for The Hours prior to this win.


Answer: At the end of the movie, Margaret tells Carrie that she wanted to keep her, and asked God to let her. There's also a small implication that Carrie's powers may have stopped the scissors blades right as they were about to stab her (remember that Carrie doesn't always have control of her powers, and the deleted scenes reveal that she's had the powers since she was very little. They aren't new). This may have led her mother to believe that God himself was stopping the scissors and allowing her to keep the child.

29th Dec 2019

Joker (2019)

Question: Why doesn't Arthur's doctor recommend a new doctor after their sessions end so he can keep getting his meds?


Answer: Arthur's therapy and medication are paid for by the city government. The entire program was cut and Arthur can't afford it on his own.

Brian Katcher

29th Dec 2019

I Love Lucy (1951)

Drafted - S1-E9

Question: Why would Ethel think Fred's enlisted? He wouldn't be allowed in due to his age right? I know the plot yet this thinking makes no sense.


Answer: There is no reason. It's a just a silly plot device, typical of the era. Women characters were often portrayed as making uninformed assumptions or decisions.


Answer: The real world answer is poor storytelling. In the film, he's trying to find a way to destroy Nuclear Man, who is genetically the same as himself.

Superman dropping Nuclear Man into a nuclear reactor scene contains serious plot hole. Namely, it should have made Nuclear Man much more powerful because it would be giving him a lot of nuclear energy. For some absurd reason, he gets absorbed by it instead.

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