
Question: How in the world were Nicky and the models able to slip past the guard dogs?


Answer: As shown in Nicky's office, him and the models are professionals, judging from the different tools that they are using and a map of the Mallory Gallery. All they would have to do is watch and wait for the dogs to leave a specific area, and they would be able to get in because of how quiet they were while Kermit and friends were caught because of how much noise Animal made while trying to eat through the bars.

24th Feb 2021

Dallas (1978)

Show generally

Question: Given how long it ran and its popularity, was there ever talk of a crossover with Dynasty regardless of different networks?


Answer: No, back then such things were unheard of. Too much politics, contract disputes and what would the characters do if they met.

23rd Feb 2021

Power Rangers (2017)

Question: How could whoever made Rita a ranger not tell she was evil? Did she become corrupt over time like those who possess the ring in Lord of the Rings?


Answer: Rita was a part of Zordon's original team, but she betrayed them in her search for the Zeo crystals. She even killed the original members of Zordon's team until only Zordon's remained.

Question: Why does Michael turn on and kill Dr Wynn and other cult members?


Answer: Because they no longer controlled him, his evil was so strong it broke free, like a volcano erupting.

Answer: Thank you.


18th Feb 2021

Halloween 5 (1989)

Question: The scene where Jamie flees to the clinic's basement because she thinks Michael's there, was it all in her mind or what?


18th Feb 2021

Marathon Man (1976)

Question: Why does Babe throw Szell's diamonds away when he could've kept a few? Why would Szell be stupid enough to risk exposure when going to the diamond district of New York where somebody might recognize him?


Answer: The diamonds were "blood money" that were stolen at the expense of many Jewish lives during the holocaust and also resulted in Babe's brother, "Doc" being murdered. For that reason, Babe would not want them, nor would he allow others to profit from them. Szell needed to risk being recognized in New York in order to retrieve the entire cache of diamonds from the bank safe deposit box after his brother, Klaus, was killed. Klaus would retrieve as many diamonds as Szell needed to sell to support himself in South America. Once Klaus was dead, no-one else could gain access to them for Szell, or if they could, probably would have stolen them.


Question: Depending on child labor laws just how did they get the young Diana actress to do her own stunts?


Answer: Lily Aspell, (young Diana), performed many of her own stunts. She is naturally athletic and was already an expert equestrian rider (her parents and uncle are professional jockeys). Stunts are carefully coordinated, and she would never have been allowed to do anything dangerous. Stunt doubles perform the more dangerous action scenes. Often, CGI superimposes an actor's face over a stunt double's body. Safety harnesses and suspension cables are used and later removed digitally. Actors also perform many scenes in front of a "green screen" and special effects are added later to look like an extreme environment. I once observed a movie scene being shot. What looked like a wild car chase in the move was actually filmed with the vehicles driven at slow speed. The action was sped up during the editing process.


Thanks brother. Regardless of it being a hilariously "so bad it's good to watch and laugh at"movie I was concerned for the child. All the best and have a nice day.


You're welcome, and I'm a "sister." :-).


Answer: Rosie O'Donnell auditioned for the role of Marla, but lost it. Penny Marshal thought she was a good actress and so funny she created the role of Doris for her. As for Madonna, she was like all singers getting offered movie roles. She was very popular back in the 90's, but reportedly a total diva to work with.

Question: During the Nazi rally books are being burned. Why and what kind are they?


Answer: This is from Wikipedia on what type of books Nazis wanted burned: The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, religious, and sexologist authors among others.


14th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Question: Why is Asteria living among regular people? She couldn't return home?


Answer: This was not explained in WW84, so any answer would be speculation. It is rumored that Lynda Carter, who played Asteria, may appear in Wonder Woman 3, which will hopefully explain her backstory. She is probably similar to Diana, who also chose to live among regular humans, secretly using her powers for good.


14th Jan 2021

House, M.D. (2004)

Role Model - S1-E17

Question: Could the woman going to her ex's while in a sleepwalking state and having sex with him have him arrested?


Answer: She could if her ex knew she had this condition and she was at that time in an incapacitated or altered mental state where she could not knowingly give consent to any sexual activity. She would, however, have to prove that she was sleepwalking at the time.


14th Jan 2021

Rocky V (1990)

Answer: Yes, it was a variation of him.

11th Jan 2021

Justice League (2017)

Answer: To start, oftentimes it's hard to establish a Green Lantern character without establishing a vast "universe." You have the Green Lantern Corp filled with thousands of aliens from across the galaxy, the Guardians, a power ring that creates virtually anything, etc. It's easier to do this in animation over live-action. Ryan Reynolds' "Green Lantern" film underperformed and future projects were scrapped, failing to set-up a Green Lantern universe. So when Warner Bros. Set up the DCEU, they went with Superman (from the "Man of Steel" film). After DC's "New 52", Cyborg became a founding member of the Justice League (along with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Lantern). So it's not that film makers replaced Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) with Cyborg, they simply left Green Lantern out.


11th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Answer: When Barbara Minerva wished to be just like Diana, she was granted the same strength and powers as Wonder Woman. Barbara additionally became less humane and even more powerful and dangerous after morphing into "Cheetah." Diana needed the armor to outmatch and defeat Barbara. She was also expecting to fight a multitude of soldiers to get to Max. The armor was originally Asteria's, who needed the extra protection when she battled an army to save the other Amazons.


Answer: It's never specified, but 40 actors were credited with being members.


Question: Does the song The Darkest Side of the Night have anything to do with the movie?


Answer: It's hard to find information about the song online. From what I can gather, I believe the song was written for the film, and a few of the lyrics do seem to have imagery that's reminiscent of the film... but I don't think the song is "about" the film itself.


Question: Did John Carpenter not have The Street Thunder talk for a reason?


5th Jan 2021

Suicide Squad (2016)

Question: How come The Joker's not affected when he jumps into the vat with Quinn?


Answer: Because he's already been into the liquid, it's how he became the Joker. He wanted Harley to be just like him.

30th Dec 2020

Superman (1978)

Question: Why, in the 3 hour TV version of the movie, does Luthor waste time on that elaborate trap if he already knows, from reading Lois' interview, that bullets, fire, and cold won't stop Superman?


Answer: He wanted to see for himself if the stories were true. Some reporters tend to exaggerate the facts and if he had any other weaknesses. He couldn't be sure the kryptonite would work.

While I don't exactly disagree that Lex wanted to see for himself how invincible Superman is, I don't think that's the main reason why he did it. The bullets and fire were simply a charade to make it look like this was his security system. Keep in mind, he wanted Superman to enter his lair because the real trap was the Kryptonite that he had in the lead box.


23rd Dec 2020

Justice League (2001)

Answer: They're a warrior race, when something gets in your way, you either ignore it or smash it to pieces.

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