
29th Jun 2020

The Godfather (1972)

Question: What did Barzini promise Carlo if he set up Sonny to be killed?


Answer: It was never specified, but likely a large sum of money and some sort of business arrangement with the Barzini crime family.


Question: If imprinting is possible for werewolves then why didn't Jacob do it to Bella? Mad Magazine pointed this out as he does this to her daughter, kind of creepy it was.


Answer: Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism. The shape-shifter can't voluntarily imprint on anybody. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella but was unable to do so and began going around looking for other girls to imprint on but, is unable to do it of his own free will.

On the flip side, Sam Ulee was in love with Leah Clearwater, but then he involuntarily imprinted on Emily, dumping Leah and breaking her heart.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, imprinting is not only a sexual thing. As Jacob explains it, it is about being whatever the person who is imprinted on wants or needs, whether it is as a lover, a protector, a life-long friend, etc.


Question: Why does that vampire group slaughter whole tourist groups? Doesn't this put their secrecy at risk?


Answer: As the Volturi vampires have been doing this for some time, they apparently have a well-crafted means to make people disappear without it being traced to them. The local humans may even abet them in this, as there is a long-standing agreement that the residents are never hunted.


Question: Why wasn't the vampire army made in a big city? Mad Magazine pointed this out, surely they'd be noticed making one in a small town?


Answer: Victoria's vampire army was created in Seattle. The Cullens began noticing news reports of people, including Riley Biers, disappearing there. The army then traveled to Forks, Washington to attack the Cullens. Mad Magazine is a parody and not beholden to strictly adhering to the plot.


21st Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

Answer: It doesn't appear she was. Samantha was sexually adventurous and experimental to just about any type of relationship and had briefly sworn off men. She may have liked Braga, but she was too controlling and overbearing for Samantha, and ultimately, she only preferred men.


15th Jun 2020

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: There is no logical reason. Any normal person would notice these type of absences. The show employs a "suspension of disbelief," which is a literary device where the movie audience or a book reader accepts that certain things are unreal for the sake of the story to be told. It is similar to no-one noticing that Clark Kent looks exactly like Superman because he wears glasses.


Answer: Thank you.


12th Jun 2020

The Purge (2013)

Question: Why didn't those purge people just go find someone else? Why waste all their time on one house and why did the girls go around in flimsy dresses and barefoot on a cold night?


Answer: These purgers are pretty crazy. They were hunting this person, a homeless man, and they wanted to kill him specifically. They wanted their prize, the trophy of their hunt. And they won't let anyone stop them as it's their right. So being blocked from their target only increases their desire.


Answer: Shortly after letting the black guy into their house, the gang leader tells James that he (the black man) killed one of their members, and they wanted revenge.

Answer: For one, Jedi are not allowed to marry or father children. More importantly, it would have been a rather obvious and predictable plot device.


They are allowed to have children, just not be in a serious relationship. To be honest, it baffles me.

12th Jun 2020

Ultraviolet (2006)

Question: Why does Violet keep changing hair and clothes color? This is supposed to help her hide?


Answer: Because she has a superpower when her hair is violet.

Answer: Tim Drake's origin in the DC Animated Universe differs significantly from his origin in the comics, but it also differs greatly from Jason Todd's. This version of the character is unique to this universe, similar to many of the other supporting characters with origin stories that range from being nearly identical to the comics to being entirely different from the comics.


10th Jun 2020

Moonlighting (1985)

Show generally

Question: What's with the show's title and why does their receptionist rhyme, and why'd she hire such a dork for a partner?


Answer: The show's title, "Moonlighting" was a take-off the agency's name, the "Blue Moon Detective Agency." The owner, Maddie Hays, a former model, renamed it after a shampoo brand she was once a spokesperson for. She did not hire her partner, David Addison. He already worked at the agency when Maddie took it over. The agency was struggling financially, and David convinced Maddie, who knew nothing about being a detective, that if she made him a partner, they could make it successful. Agnes, the receptionist, had a very quirky personality, and simply chose to use rhymes when answering the phone.


Also, the term "moonlighting" refers to someone who works a secondary job, usually at night. Maddie was a former model whose career had waned and the detective agency became her other career.


8th Jun 2020

The Proposal (2009)

Question: Given Margaret admits to committing fraud even though they do dig each other by the end wouldn't they still get in trouble?


8th Jun 2020

Frasier (1993)

Answer: Niles did love Maris, but he was very much a pushover who let Maris control his life. He accepted that because of Maris' money and connections, which gave him a very good life.


Answer: I forget exactly, but I believe it's along the lines that Niles enjoyed the social status that being married to her brought him, despite her flaws; it's somewhat akin to someone staying in a bad relationship because the sex is good. As for the second part of your question, the producers were planning to cast someone, but as the show wore on, the writers found they enjoyed writing Maris as an unseen character, and as the descriptions of her became more outlandish and contradictory, it was felt that finding the right actress for the part would next to impossible.

Cubs Fan

Answer: The other answers accurately explain Niles and Maris' relationship. As to her never being seen, Maris is a version of Norm's wife Vera in "Cheers." Vera remained unseen throughout the entire series, but was often talked about and incorporated into various episodes. It was left to viewers' imagination regarding what she looked like and guessing if she'd ever appear. Vera sort of appeared in one Cheers episode when she was hit by a pie that entirely covered her face. Her voice was also occasionally heard. This same plot device was used in "Frasier."


Question: What was Wesley's problem with the Geek House female bodybuilder?


8th Jun 2020

Blue Bloods (2010)

Show generally

Question: Just what is it with them always relying on each other in the police department or the D.A.'s office? They don't trust anyone else?


8th Jun 2020

Rocky IV (1985)

Question: When Rocky says "Come on" before a round Drago says something angrily, was he cussing in Russian? Also, Rocky and Drago both kept pummeling each other after the bell, Rocky slams Drago, shouldn't they have been disqualified for this stuff?


Answer: I think he says "Da", which is yes in Russian, so he's just responding to Rocky's challenge.

Answer: He is telling his coach "My hands hurt, it's like hitting a slab of iron" referring to Rocky's seemingly superhuman endurance.

8th Jun 2020

Halloween 2 (2009)

Question: I can understand Michael hallucinating his mother but why is he also hallucinating his younger self? Is this supposed to be him remembering an innocent period of his life?


5th Jun 2020

Batman (1989)

Question: Batman states Joker killed his parents, Joker acts confused. Then after being told he made Batman he says he was a kid when he did it. My question is did he remember, or was he humoring Batman?


Answer: Thank you.


Answer: The Joker most likely did recall the specific killing by that point, especially when Bruce confronted the Joker at Vicki Vale's apartment earlier in the film and told him the story of "a kid I once knew" followed by the physical confrontation in which the Joker "killed" Bruce. The Joker had enough time to put two and two together by the time of the climax at the clock tower; when Batman repeated the Joker's "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" line from earlier, everything fell in place within the Joker's memory.


5th Jun 2020

Justice League (2017)

Question: If they know the mother boxes are dangerous why not destroy them? Surely they'd have figured out some way before Steppenwolf came back.


Answer: "Surely they'd figure it out" is hardly a suitable solution. If they knew how to destroy them, they would have. They did the next best thing by hiding them in different places.

Question: How can Gwen pose as a student at the Academy wearing part of her costume, tights and ballet shoes, with no teacher noticing and forcing her to wear the same socks and shoes as the other girls?


Answer: Gwen is only briefly shown in school, there's nothing to suggest she wasn't given any warnings about uniform violations. If she did receive warnings, she simply didn't address them, considering she isn't even a real student. Some schools don't force students to correct uniform violations on the spot.


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