
Corrected entry: When Catwoman arrives to blow up the barrier to the tunnel, she puts her glasses/nightvision things down. The shot cuts to the front, and they are up on her head.

Correction: Actually she put them on top of her head and it doesn't cut too the front. They are still there untill she puts them on her eyes again.


Corrected entry: Near the end, on the island, Mystique changes into Shaw to command his peons not to attack her friends. She is wearing the correct outfit, despite having never seen Shaw dressed like this before.

Correction: Incorrect. She has changed into him wearing the outfit he had when she met him at the CIA base. The outfit with the red blouse and tie, not the one with all the buttons.


12th May 2011

Thor (2011)

Corrected entry: When Thor and Erik (the professor) are having a drink at the bar, Erik nearly finishes his drink then the scene changes and hes only just started again.


Correction: Erik and Thor only start drinking when they receive the boilermakers. Erik takes few good gulps and wants to end it about 20 percent through, but he sees Thor gulping it all in and he decides to do the same, with his glass still about 80 percent full. It doesn't cut to him just starting again.


Corrected entry: Before the wedding, Ginny asks Harry to zip up her dress, which he does. When the camera zooms out, the zipper is not all the way up, but when she turns to look at her older brother, it is all the way up.


Correction: Harry zips the dress all the way up right from the start, and it is all the way up the whole time. Also, the camera doesn't zoom out at any point in that scene.


25th Jul 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Corrected entry: While in the end credits when Trixie and Rex play on the computer, Trixie looks green. In several shots she is blue.


Correction: Trixie is blue. She looks green behind the computer because of the light of the screen.


11th May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Corrected entry: At the scene where Tony Stark was making the new element, the circular holder was supposedly cut by the laser beam that was directed into the triangle. However, when he went forward to pick the element up, the cut/burn line was not there and everything was intact.


Correction: After the element has been made you only see the holder from the back and since the beam didn't cut all the way through the holder its still intact at the back.


11th May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Tony Stark is testifying before Congress, Pepper Pots disappears and then reappears, and then finally disappears again about half way through.


Correction: She is not allowed to leave her seat? She leaves her seat the moment Justin Hammer starts talking. Seems like a good moment.


7th May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Corrected entry: During the scene when Hammer is about to lock Whiplash in the white room before going to the expo, in some shot Whiplash has his jacket unzipped showing his white vest underneath but in two shots his jacket is zipped up to his neck.


Correction: In between shots he had plenty of time to zip up his jacket.


In the scene the jacket goes from slightly unzipped to more unzipped to fully zipped up and back to unzipped and then back to zipped up. While he could have been zipping it up and unzipping it and zipping back up off-screen, it's unreasonable to think he was doing that and not a valid correction given he stays in the same position, isn't seen fiddling with the zipper when on screen, and we don't hear anything. In the context of the film and the spirit of the site, it's a valid mistake.


The mistake is about 1 shot. You can add a new mistake talking about the whole sequence if you want. I would be careful though, the jacket itself could simply be moving as well, without the zipper moving. At one point showing a lot of white shirt, in the next a lot less, simply by movement of the jacket. Only in the very last shot is the zipper actually up, which is the shot the mistake was about.


Corrected entry: Near the end before the party of Quatermain is found by the tribe we see a scene where a lemur is looking at the party walking by. But Lemurs are endemic to Madagascar, meaning they are only found on that island, so where did it come from?


Correction: Wrong movie. This is King Solomon's Mines from 1950. The mistake is made in another movie called King Solomon's Mines from 2004, with Patrick Swayze. The correct movie in not yet listed on MM, so when resubmitting just follow the submission instructions to add the correct movie title to MM.


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