
Plot hole: In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy tells Marcus he doesn't believe in magic or superstition. However, in this movie, which is set a year before Raiders, Indy not only witnesses supernatural acts, but takes advantage of them to win the day (by using the incantation to ignite the stones at the end). Therefore, by Raiders Indy would not only believe in magic and superstition but would know they exist. Listed for this movie as it was made after Raiders.

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Suggested correction: Just because Indy saw magic and supernatural powers in India doesn't mean he should believe the stories revolving around the ark of the covenant. Stories can still just be stories and not believed even by witnesses of unexplained phenomena.


Suggested correction: Indy saw some very surreal things and understands why people would form cultures and superstitions around them, but that doesn't mean he's concluded that it's necessarily "magic" or extrapolated that into a belief in superstition in general. You can read the end of Raiders, in which Indy suddenly orders Marion to shut her eyes when the Ark is opened, as being informed by the events in Temple of Doom and him knowing it's better to be safe than sorry regarding matters like this.


Continuity mistake: When Indy tries to grab the antidote vial from the table, in the closeup just as the vial falls off the table the camera follows the vial as it lands in the empty area to the left of Lao Che's chair where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it's not, and the rug's edge with wood floor beside Lao Che's chair though it shouldn't be. Then Indy hits Kao Kan who is again seated closely to Lao Che's left, as he should be, and when Kao Kan falls backward we see the rug edge is nowhere near Lao Che's chair, also as it should be. (00:08:20)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: Actually it appears the vial falls to the left of Kao Ken's chair, not Lao Che's. It appears after Indy pierces the other guy with the shishkebab, Kao Ken, off camera, takes the vial and puts on his left side. Indy jumps on the table and after missing the vial he slides further and then elbows Kao Ken who is on the right side now. The vial is still on the left side of Kao Ken's chair when it's kicked onto the wooden floor.


You're very much mistaken. Lao Che is wearing an embroidered dinner jacket and has a pinky ring on his left pinky, and Kao Kan's left hand is bandaged in gauze. After Indy skewers Chen, in the closeup of Indy's hand just as it knocks the vial off the table, it's Lao Che's hand (note the pinky ring, etc) that we see on the table next to Nurhachi's urn, the stack of money, and the vial. That is not Kao Kan's hand/arm, remember his left hand is bandaged. And as this closeup continues to pan down it follows the vial as it lands on the floor in the empty space where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it isn't.

Super Grover

Yep, you're right I see it. There are 2 shots of Indy trying to grab the vial off the table and the second one is followed through with the vial falling off it and that one is wrong. Alright.

Corrected entry: When Barty Crouch Jr., as Moody, near the end of the film says about him providing Neville Longbottom with the book for the Gillyweed, Harry is mouthing his lines (before his close-up). (02:08:45)

Correction: He just licked his lips and swallowed, that's all.


Correction: He was talking to himself because he was shocked by things that Crouch Jr was telling him.

Corrected entry: When Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, it is written on lined paper and not parchment. Wizards only use parchment.

Correction: In the books wizards only use parchments, but it is not stated in the movies that they never use paper.

Yep I even think its done intentionally. Barty Crouch Junior intentionally used muggle paper for Harry's name to make it more believable that Harry did it himself.


I highly doubt that would be the case because he already managed to trick the cup why go the extra mile.


Because he wants to be the only person Harry can go to for help.


15th May 2018

Con Air (1997)

Corrected entry: The Jailbird is supposed to be state of the art super max facility, but the guards don't scan the prisoners for pins, which some of the prisoners use to escape from their handcuffs.


Correction: Cyrus had a pin inserted into his hand. There is no way to scan for that. Pinball had something in his stomach. They had concealed their means of escape very well. Not even a plot hole if they didn't scan for it anyway, just a human mistake to not see something that is concealed.


Correction: He's crazy, he believes those rights give him a lot of power, make him untouchable. He doesn't care about world war 3. Of course it's short-sighted, that's why he is crazy. Crazy is not always stupid.


11th May 2018

Midway (1976)

Corrected entry: A couple of scenes show Japanese planes diving into US carriers. Kamikaze planes never struck until late 1944.

Correction: Planes diving into US ships doesn't make them kamikaze planes, who are specially fitted to be a flying bomb. They just had a damaged plane and decided to sacrifice themselves to hurt their enemy, even American pilots did that.


10th May 2018

Gremlins (1984)

Corrected entry: The Gremlins die, or at the very least are stopped in their tracks, if exposed to bright light, and we see in a couple of scenes that a flash from a Polaroid is sufficient for this. How then are the many Gremlins OK when sat within the range of a very powerful projection light that is projecting Snow White onto the screen in the cinema?

Correction: Direct sunlight hurts them, but not reflections or any type of artificial light. Artificial light is just discomforting. The projection isn't bright enough to give them discomfort. The Polaroid wasn't all that bright either but the shock of the sudden light startled them, that's all.


3rd May 2018

The Thing (1982)

Corrected entry: When Mac, Garry and Nauls are underground, they split up and go alone to separate areas to plant the explosives. They do this instead of staying together despite knowing full well "The Thing" usually attacks a human while they're alone.


Correction: On the other hand if they go plant the explosives together one by one then the thing has plenty of time to disable the explosives right behind them. Sometimes you gotta take risks, if you want to beat this thing knowing it's trying to escape. Stopping it was bigger than their survival.


1st May 2018

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: In the background of the vampire nightclub after Blade's killing spree, a man is visible in the background covered head-to-toe with blood, however his bright blue shorts don't have a speck on them, even though it rained from the ceiling a few moments beforehand.


Correction: Well firstly it's a girl and secondly the material is some kind of plastic or latex from which the blood simply runs off. No stains.


10th Jun 2005

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: In the room which contains manuscripts from the book of Erebus, Blade senses the child vampire but when he actually comes face to face with her, he offers her his hand as if she is human. This is only a mistake because she moved like a vampire and he showed earlier on the film that he was very capable of sensing whether people were vampires or human. Yet he didn't notice that she was.

Correction: He knew she was a vampire. But she's also a child. It's not in the nature of Blade to just kill a child, even a vampire one.


1st May 2018

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: Karen knows the reaction between the vampire blood and EDTA is going to be energetic, in fact so much that she feels the need to advise Blade to take a step back. As such, why on earth does she demonstrate it under a microscope, gratuitously blowing up expensive equipment? Hardly a prudent move for an underground resistance movement.


Correction: She wants Blade to see the effect under the microscope before the reaction destroys it. She doesn't care it destroys a microscope, she's out of there pretty soon anyway. Whistler can get a new one, no problem, they do enough funding for security measures, lab equipment, weapons, fuel, etc. They don't seem to be on such a tight budget, considering how carelessly both Blade and Whistler operate.


Corrected entry: When Caparzo is shot by the sniper in the church the shot hits him in the front of his chest/lung, indicating the church is in front of them, but when Jackson sees the church the sniper is stationed in, it's behind them.


Correction: No, the shot hits him in his back and goes through his body, you see it exiting out his chest. He had his back to the church, facing the rest of the squad, when he is hit. There is no error in this scene.


23rd Apr 2018

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: Diana was sculpted from clay by her mother, and Hades, her former lover. Aphrodite then breathed life into the statue. She was not born in the usual sense. Ignoring above and assuming she is in fact the daughter of Zeus (or Hades), this would make Ares her uncle. Not her brother as she says in the film.

Correction: This entry is doubly wrong - first off, the film states that Diana's origin story is different than it was in the original comics, so here, Hippolyta told her she was made from clay and all that, when in reality, she was made the old fashioned way by Zeus and Hippolyta. Basically, the movie radically streamlines her comic book origin story, just like the first Thor movie did. Second, what is true in mythology would not necessarily translate one on one to the movie, and the movie mentions during the storytelling scene at the beginning that Ares is Zeus' son.


Well I do think she was made from clay and turned to life by Zeus, that still makes her Zeus' daughter. A demigod. Technically Ares is her half-brother.


Correction: The comic book origins don't necessarily apply to the films.

Greg Dwyer

Corrected entry: Okay, giving the movie a huge benefit of the doubt and say that it is in fact possible for Black Widow to survive a hand grenade exploding three feet away by hiding behind a mercenary, it's inside of an armored car. The sound of the blast alone would be concentrated by the metal walls, and leave her very deaf.


Correction: She could be wearing earplugs, 1 for a radio the other to protect her ears from explosions.


27th Aug 2001

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Rose is looking at Jack on the bow of the ship, you can see a tiny bit of desert behind him. (01:19:25)

Correction: What you are seeing is cloud formations tinted gold from the setting sun. Not a desert.


Indeed. So funny to post a "mistake" like that. They shot it all inside a studio, nowhere near any desert. Why would there be a desert?


They quite famously built a full-scale replica of the Titanic at the Fox Baja Studios in Rosarito, Mexico, and a lot of shots were on that replica. Rosarito isn't exactly a desert but it's not lush and verdant either. The cloud formations were real clouds, outside.

It was only about 60% of the ship that built for the film.


Corrected entry: If the mission is to capture and use xenomorphs, why on Earth aren't the areas of the ship meant for them acid-proof?


Correction: Perhaps there is no material strong enough to resist the acid. It's extremely volatile. Also, the station isn't built for the containment of xenomorphs, and since it is a secret operation they couldn't get any materials without drawing suspicion.


Yep, not even the Predators have armor that can stand the xenomorps' acid, and they have been technologically advanced for thousands of years.


Even 400 years in the future!? My entire point is that why aren't they better prepared for confining the xenomorphs?! By any means and at all levels?! Weyland Yutoni is powerful enough to get what they need secrectly.


It may well be 400 years in the future, but that doesn't mean they have developed a very specific material to resist the acidic effects of the alien blood.

26th Mar 2018

Tremors 2 (1996)

Corrected entry: Kate finds a Graboid fossil and explains that the rock is from the Precambrian era (which ran from about 4.5 billion years ago through about 500 million years ago), thus making them literally the oldest complex life-forms in the history of Earth. Cool idea, but it makes no sense. Life in the Precambrian era was mostly bacterial or simplistic organisms such as sea-sponges and jellyfish late in the era. Something like the Graboids just couldn't have existed, both because they're too complex to have existed in that time-frame and also (and more importantly) because there wouldn't be an adequate food source for them to thrive. Sure, maybe they could have existed during the time of dinosaurs, but that only started about 250 million years ago, way after the end of the Precambrian era.

Correction: They retconned this in the TV series, saying that Kate had misdated the fossil, which was actually from the Devonian Period.

Greg Dwyer

I don't think a retcon validates a movie mistake.

Correction: The oldest known life forms. Graboids existed, therefore other life forms existed too, which they ate, we've just not discovered them yet.

Jon Sandys

Correction: The graboids might not have originated from earth. Like suggested they could be aliens and their species landed on Earth 5 billion years ago.


The movie states that they are from Earth. The suggestion that they're aliens is invalidated in the film itself, as it is proven wrong by the scene in question. Ergo, this correction is invalid. Also, this correction fails to address one of the key issues brought up in the mistake - they wouldn't have a viable food source and would have died out, even if the preposterous notion that they were aliens were true.

Correction: This is speculation at best regarding creatures that don't exist in real life. There's no way to say they wouldn't have adequate food source without knowing what they needed to survive, or how they evolved.


26th Mar 2018

Batman and Robin (1997)

Stupidity: Batman blows up a rocket to avoid it crashing back to Gotham. You would've thought he would have more sense to detonate it whilst it was out of the earth's atmosphere So, basically, he has turned 1 falling object into hundred of falling objects. (01:11:15 - 01:11:50)


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Suggested correction: Batman's bomb probably has a set time to go off, couldn't have it go off until it was higher. So he slapped it on immediately and went after Freeze. The rocket disintegrated in the explosion, making it harmless.


Completely ridiculous correction that contradicts what the movie itself shows. You literally see it explode right after Batman exits. There's no "set timer" outside of a couple-second delay.

I said it exploded right away, the supposed mistake said Batman should have waited for it to go into space to explode, which he can't do if the bomb he planted can't be delayed. Thats all I said. A couple of seconds delay is a timer.


30th Oct 2017

The Book of Eli (2010)

Corrected entry: The protected copy of the Bible is placed at the end next to a copy of the Artscroll Tanach which includes the Hebrew/English version of the original bible as well as the other 39 holy books, so they had it all the time.

Correction: The Tanakh, as much as it is the "Hebrew bible", does not include the entirety of the new testament, which, as well as there being numerous changes between the Tanakh and the KJV, means that no, they did not "already have" what Eli was bringing to them.

Yeah he specifically said he had a King James bible, meaning the English translation of the old testament. Though it just a translation the old testament of the King James bible is still of important historical value. And of course the inclusion of the new testament and apocrypha like Maccabees.


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