
5th Jan 2024

Demolition Man (1993)

Stupidity: Dr. Cocteau's choice to unleash an enhanced Simon Phoenix without any way to restrain him is incredibly reckless and stupid. Even if Simon were to kill Eager Friendly, in the best case situation, you'd still have a madman with total computer access, martial arts knowledge, etc., that you would have no way to rein in. Sure, he can't kill Dr. Cocteau, but what would stop him from say, holding the city hostage or something? Why not add in a kill code or something to keep him in check?


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Suggested correction: Who says he didn't? Cocteau has put in mental conditioning compelling Phoenix to kill Edgar Friendly and make him unable to kill Cocteau. Who says he hasn't put in something that makes him kill himself after the deed is done? Or perhaps paralyze him so he can be put back on ice. It's just that Cocteau didn't count on the fact that his henchmen could kill him. He doesn't care about how dangerous he is, not until he has done the deed.


Dr. Cocteau is a narcissistic egomaniac type that would see himself as a king or a god, even. And Simon is making him very angry. He even tells Simon, "you're beginning to be more trouble than you're worth..." Someone with an ego like Cocteau wouldn't stand for Simon's antics for very long. And would happily enjoy putting Simon back in his place by shocking, paralyzing, etc.


But he first needs him to kill Friendly. Until he does that, he'll let him play. He still sees no danger to himself.


18th Jun 2023

Bad Boys (1995)

Other mistake: In the film, Lawrence and Smith's characters are Narcotics detectives with Miami Dade Police. There's no way they should be at any homicide investigations. Narc and homicide are totally two different units within law enforcement, so it's unlikely narcotics units would be at a homicide scene. Being the scene where they're investigating Smith's friend getting killed, and then they stumble across the dead body at the mansion.

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Suggested correction: The captain called Mike and Marcus to the scene to help because it appeared related to the missing drugs. They were there to find leads to the missing heroin.


Yes, that could be correct, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. A captain from Narcotics wouldn't even have authorization to call his detectives to a murder scene to help out homicide detectives working a murder. Any information or clues would be collected and shared with other units or agencies if deemed appropriate.

Then you missed the entire premise of the movie.


We're talking about real-life scenarios here, not the fictional script or scenes in the film.

Implausible is not the same as impossible. The movie scenario is implausible. That doesn't make it a mistake.


Factual error: Poirot attends a Halloween party in Venice in 1947. Halloween was never publicly recognized as a holiday in Venice or Italy in general in the XX century, especially with the traditional pumpkin-centered iconography. One could argue that, for the most part, Poirot is attending a private party organized by an American soprano. But, besides how unlikely it would be for 1947 Catholic nuns to take part in such a pagan-themed event, there are scenes showing Halloween decorations in the streets of Venice far away from the party location, as if it were a public holiday and not a private gathering from an eccentric foreigner.


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Suggested correction: Besides what Oliver says to Poirot in the beginning about Americans bringing over Halloween to Italy, it's not true. Halloween has a European and Christian origin. A day called All Hallow's Day on November 1st has been a national holiday in Italy since the 9th century. There have always been activities in Italy the evening prior to All Hallow's day. This includes games, themes of death, carved pumpkins (turnips before), and masks ("guising"), all of which are very old traditions done all over Europe.


Being Italian and having lived in Italy for the past decades, may not make me an authority over all things Italian, but I can assure you that Ognissanti (which is what you quote as being "All Hallow's Day," since we obviously haven't been borrowing English names for our festivities) has never been observed as a national holiday with anything remotely close to what is shown here, which is, like Ariadne Oliver says, plain and simple Halloween. Like I said in the entry, it'd be perfectly fine for Americans to celebrate it, but no pumpkin banners in the public streets and parades with people shouting "Happy Halloween!" with nuns in full garb, no less! Halloween has never been celebrated here with any mainstream fanfare until the very, very recent years.


11th Nov 2023

What If...? (2021)

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Suggested correction: I feel like this falls under the "Not a mistake because it's an alternate universe" umbrella. We're in an entirely different universe with a different timeline in this episode.


The show also makes a point that the only difference should be the minor choices or events befalling the MCU characters, and how these minor things have huge consequences for them, basically creating a new, alternate timeline. Basic world history before these events is not affected by the new timeline.


Suggested correction: The black spot spreading is not representing territory physically conquered by the Nazis, but more of their sphere of influence expanding. It is a steady spread and not a true representation of the war's progression. You can notice how Switzerland is also covered by the black, even though it was neutral during the war. Nor was Italy conquered, but their ally instead.


10th Oct 2023

Starship Troopers (1997)

Stupidity: When the invasion of planet P begins, we see the Rodger Young get hit. In the explosion sequence, we are treated to people sitting around tables in what can only be described as a mess hall exploding. In a military environment, this would be a time where everyone would be at their "battle stations". Nobody would be having chow or off-time when the ship is expecting combat. In this case, it was a planned troop landing.

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Suggested correction: Yes, it was stupidity, but it was an intentional depiction that supports the plot. During the landing, the Captain is completely surprised by the bombardment and says something like, "This isn't light uncoordinated resistance." The fleet's lack of preparedness at Planet P is a major plot point that later results in the replacement of the Air Marshal in command.

No, you are talking about a different sequence. When they are unprepared, they are doing an invasion of Klendathu, the Bug's home planet. This is earlier in the movie and the Rodger Young was only slightly damaged in that. The stupidity is about the invasion of Planet P at the end of the movie, where the Rodger Young is cut in half.


30th Oct 2023

Hackers (1995)

Plot hole: To play a practical joke on Dade Murphy and other new students, they are told, "There's a pool on the roof." The victims accordingly go there and are trapped by the roof access door being one-way until – we don't see how or who frees them (Janitor? The least-mean of the prankers?). How do the new guys get onto the roof in the first place? I should think that the aforementioned access door would be locked to prevent it.


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Suggested correction: Compared to half the mischief they cause, picking a lock is easy. I, myself, learned how to jimmy my middle school's door locks with my student ID and accordingly let myself in, and even did so in the sight of other students. It's only because I lacked their level of will for mayhem, their imagination for excuses, and, more importantly, their level of powerful parents to perform legal rescue, that I stopped doing so before the teachers got suspicious.


Suggested correction: This is in the form of a question. You can assume they lock the roof door, but they don't have to. Or, the person tricking them has unlocked the door for the prank. Or, they picked the lock. Plenty of possibilities, I'd say.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, when Lorraine is telling her children about the dance, she turned to George and said it was the same night as the terrible storm. At the courthouse, the storm was fierce - wind, thunder, and lightning. At the dance, however, it was a pleasant evening. No evidence of a storm whatsoever.


Correction: "Same night" doesn't mean "at the exact same time". The dance and the storm both happened the same evening.


Correction: The school is some distance away from the courthouse, and the storm simply hadn't arrived there yet.


Corrected entry: Kirsty tells Detective Ronson to destroy the mattress because Julia died on it and could come back. In the first Hellraiser, Julia died on the stairway after being stabbed to death by Frank. (01:16:12 - 01:16:41)

Correction: She ended up on the mattress. When Kristy grabbed the box and Pinhead says his famous line "we have such sights to show you".

No, she didn't. Julie was murdered on the stairwell by Frank in the first movie. If you rewatch the movie, you'll see it. The timestamp that was posted for this mistake is for the first movie, not this one.

After Julia was stabbed and drained at the stairwell, the Cenobites took her and put her on the mattress, peeling off her face with chains. She was probably still alive when they did that. It's there where Kirsty takes the box from her hands. The proper timestamp for that scene in the first movie is 1:23:23.


12th Oct 2023

Stargate (1994)

Corrected entry: For both opening the Earth gate (they mention having never gotten beyond six symbols), then opening the Abydos gate after Daniel Jackson knows the first six symbols from that cavern, why can't they simply use trial and error to find the seventh symbol? For 40-odd symbols apiece on both, it would only take approximately that many guesses by process of elimination.


Correction: This mistake has already been corrected, twice. The military in control of the project might not have allowed them to experiment with different symbols simply because they didn't know what it might do. Not fully far fetched since the entire compound starts shaking when entering the 6th symbol. It might explode for all they know.


Then the Abydos gate alone. Six symbols down. One to go. 40 odd guesses, easy enough, less than an hour.


You missed the point of the correction. It could have been 4 options and still not worth the risk of entering the wrong symbol.


Well, we don't know if the gate on Abydos makes everything shake. So, I'd say there is a point there. But they only discover the symbols on Abydos till later. By then, they are already at the tribe, I think.


7th Aug 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Factual error: No one would have used the phrase "black hole" in 1939. The term "black hole" was first used in 1963 in "Life" and "Science News" and by Ann Ewing in an article in January of 1964. Princeton physicist John Wheeler popularised the term.


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Suggested correction: Nobody uses the term "black hole" in the movie, only the term "dark star". Oppenheimer once refers to it as a hole in space, but not a black hole.


When Oppenheimer walks into the room of cheering people (after he says he'll be in Pasadena), someone says "paper on black holes, it's in!"


Ah, yes, I see. I wonder, though, if it's really that unlikely someone would call it a black hole before it was popularized? It is essentially what they are. Certainly, it's possible somebody before 1963 called it that without it ending up in a paper. Just a coincidence, then.


Corrected entry: Near the end, when Needles challenges Marty to a street race, the smartest thing for Marty to have done was nothing. By speeding away in reverse, he could have just as easily hit another car behind him, with the subsequent chain of events leading, more or less, to the future that Jennifer witnessed in 2015.

Cubs Fan

Correction: Well, Marty didn't know about that future anyway, as Jennifer never told him she found out what caused his failure. Him reversing is a lot more like a definite change in character for Marty, rather than an attempt to change the future. That's what the scene was about. Next to that, he quickly spins the car around without coming to any intersection, so no immediate danger of running into someone.


The Vengeance Formulation - S3-E9

Corrected entry: Sheldon caused thousands of dollars of damage to university property when he exacted his revenge against Barry Kripke in an act of blatant vandalism. Not only does he get Barry, but also the university president and other dignitaries. Sheldon would have certainly faced a disciplinary hearing, along with paying for the damages he admitted to causing. But nothing of the event is mentioned after that.

Mike Lynch

Correction: Nothing about it is mentioned in the show. Doesn't mean that he wasn't punished. He's lucky he held his job, probably. That's all we know.


Corrected entry: Chapter Nine: Hermione says that Snape mentioned Polyjuice Potion "in class a few weeks ago." He said that the potion is described in the "Moste Potente Potions" book. This is pure plot convenience. There is no practical reason for Snape to tell second-year students about a risky, complicated potion, nor mention a book that contains the recipe. He is cruel and unfair, but not blatantly irresponsible.

Correction: Why would Snape think any second-year student would actually be able to make the potion? Not irresponsible at all for him to mention an advanced potion like that to second-year students. Mentioning it doesn't seem all that unlikely either; he is, after all, the potions teacher. Maybe he just listed a few complicated potions as examples compared to easier potions the second years are taught to make.


I would like to add that Snape believes a "select few" students will appreciate the art of potions. He may have mentioned this potion and book, in case it catches the attention of a "worthy" student.

17th Aug 2023

The Flash (2023)

Corrected entry: Barry knocks out his upper left front tooth in the middle of movie and glues it back. In the end, the upper right front tooth falls out.

Correction: The first time we saw him glue it back in through a mirror. It was his front right tooth both times.


16th Aug 2023

The Longest Day (1962)

Factual error: All throughout the movie, whenever some German officer, speaking German, wants someone to shoot off some artillery piece, he screams, "FIRE!" German words for shoot include schießen, drehen, trieb, aufnehmen, abschießen, erlegen, spross, jagen, and ballern, but certainly not "fire".

roy sandefur

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Suggested correction: But they don't say "shoot," they say "feuer," which is German for "fire." This is the accurate word for the German command to firing a weapon. Btw, most of the words you take as an example don't mean "to shoot," but are only associated with shooting. Like "jagen," which is German for "hunting."


Nay - They are screaming "FIRE!" They aren't saying feuer. It probably is indeed illegal to yell "Feuer!" in a German crowded theatre. Lol. My original assertion of a mistake in this movie was because they go to great lengths to specifically always be having the Germans speaking German with subtitles - to not be one of these war movies where all the German officers are speaking English (usually in a refined British accent for some reason - lol) - and I maintain they dropped that in this case and went for the English word - and it's a mistake - Whatever the word feuer means, even if it does, or CAN mean SHOOT!, they CLEARLY (and multiple times throughout all the battle scenes) are screaming the English word "fire," not the German word FEUER. The two words may be close, but they do not sound the same. Watch the movie and I'm sure you will hear what I'm saying. You will hear "FIE ur," not "few ERR." There is no long 'I' sound in feuer.

roy sandefur

You are entitled to your opinion, whether you hear "fire" or "feuer," but I hear them say "feuer" enough (Omaha beach scene). About everything else you say, I think the problem is easy - you don't understand the German language. Now, I'm not a native German speaker, but my knowledge of German is adequate enough to know that the German word for firing a weapon is "feuer." I'm also pretty sure the English word "fire" means "flames" as well, so your logic is flawed.

lionhead At the 2:03 timestamp, you can hear a German say "feuer" to firing a weapon.


Ok, I just went there and no one says anything at 2:03. (If you mean two minutes and three seconds into the movie). Maybe you meant two hours and three minutes? Gimme a day or so to watch the whole movie again, and I will mark every time I think they say "feuer" and every time they say "fire." If I'd heard "FEW AIR," I wouldn't have asserted that there was any mistake. I would have assumed that was German. I hear some actor from New Jersey screaming "FIE UR" every time - lol.

roy sandefur

I gave a link to a YouTube video of Bundeswehr soldiers training. In the video, at 2:03, you hear a German say "feuer" when ordering to fire the artillery. Just to prove, Germans say "feuer" when firing weapons. Plus an idea of how they pronounce it.


Yes, what happened is, I copied and pasted that link - but I included the period you put at the end - and that just brings up Youtube movies, so I thought you meant for me to go to The Longest Day movie - lol. My bad. Again, I acknowledge that there is no way to account for accents and dialects - you made a good point - I just always hear what sounded like some actor from New Jersey saying FIE URR! - (Or should I say JOIZEE) - lol.

roy sandefur

Maybe that's one time they did it the correct way - there are more than one times throughout the movie where you hear "FIRE" and not "FEUER" - they are not pronounced the same.

roy sandefur

Ok - I am GIVING you the understanding that both English and German have a word that means both flames and shooting. I will acknowledge that. But you are not understanding my logic. I repeat: Irrespective of whether any German officer ever screamed "feuer" to mean "shoot", you will, beyond doubt, hear that very strong, long 'I' sound every time they scream the word. Anyone who is reading this is invited to watch the movie, and the word FIRE, pronounced "fie ur" with the long 'I' sound, will be heard at least two or three times - never "few air." Feuer is, (supposed to be), pronounced "few air." But, then, what does "supposed to" really mean, when it comes to any language? I guess differences in accents have to be considered. I mean, how many English words sound different than they seem to be spelled? - tons.

roy sandefur

Think logically about the fact that these actors in the movie are actual Germans, and they are supposed to speak German in the movie. So, absolutely no reason for them to say "fire." They can pronounce it however they want; they mean to say "feuer" and not "fire."


Yes, but I hear FIRE, not Feuer. But then, a lot of British people pronounce Lia fail as LAYAFOIL, so I will admit that there may be no way to prove my theory that the makers of this movie abandoned their attempt to stick with German and went with the English word FIRE in this one instance.

roy sandefur

I agree, it's more likely they're saying "Feuer." Even Google Translate says "fire at will" translates to "Feuer frei." But the pronunciation is closer to "fire" than what you're suggesting. You seem to be implying "feuer" is pronounced more like "führer."


Yes, a German might be saying "feuer" some time in some actual war, but in this movie, you will hear "fire" every time. Go watch the movie and you will definitely hear that long 'I' sound. Ultimately, this may be impossible to totally resolve, as I guess there may be no way to determine how different Germans with different accents might pronounce something. I hear the dude from New Jersey saying FIE UR! lol.

roy sandefur

2nd Aug 2023

Secret Invasion (2023)

Season 1 generally

Plot hole: The Skrull base is inside an abandoned nuclear power plant with enough radioactivity to force any human (like, say, Nick Fury) to constantly pop iodine pills to fight the symptoms of a poisoning that would kill them in less than half an hour. Despite that, Skrulls also detain prisoners, for years in some cases, in rudimentary shackles without any sort of shield or protection against the radiation.


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Suggested correction: Iodine pills don't fight the symptoms of radiation poisoning; they prevent the body from absorbing radioactive iodine. It does not protect from exposure to radiation; it won't save you from it. Secondly, it's all an act by Gi'Ah posing as Fury anyway. Thirdly, they are in the reactor control room where Gravik says the radiation is higher. The prisoners are in a low radiation room, which could be extra shielded from radiation. It could also be that the prisoners are fed iodine to block radioactive iodine.


We can make up if we want that there's a special, super-secret anti-radiation serum and/or super-effective shielding, helping humans even during an exposure that lasts years (a decade in the case of Rhodey!), but there has to be something in the actual visuals that remotely hints at it. It's hard to headcanon that the dingy area of the plant where they are racked together, strapped to bed nets behind tarps, can be "low radiation", or that they are given anything to counter it. In particular, in the ending, the rescued people leisurely walk around the plant with zero radiation protection, even casually in the open yard where "Fury's" Geiger counter was going mad earlier. And the radiation was not something induced by the Skrulls that just ended when the baddie died. Not only is there no techno-babble justification (one could argue it's simply a pedantic detail not unlike the lack of hair growth or muscle atrophy), there's a direct flagrant contradiction in how the environment of the location - which is the only reason why they picked that site as a base - is deadly to humans only to a dramatic degree only when it's convenient.


26th Jul 2023

Jumanji (1995)

Other mistake: Judy tells Sarah, "You can win if you roll a 12." She rolls 3, meaning she would need a nine to win. When trapped in the floor, she is told she needs a 7 to win. But that is not correct. If I count correctly, you need 32 spots to win. I don't know if any get 32 or more.

Rebecca Venter

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Suggested correction: There are cross sections on the board. Meaning probably, if they land on one, the pawn will go in a different direction and either take longer or shorter to get to the end. It's impossible to know what path the pawns did take. The total number of squares is either 21, 26, or 30 squares to reach the end, depending on the route the pawn takes. But possibly even longer if the game wants that, as the pawns move on their own.


20th Jul 2023

The Fifth Element (1997)

Corrected entry: When Leeloo escapes the lab by ripping through the wall, it's painfully obvious that the presumably "metal" wall is just made out of regular old tinfoil or a similar substance. It bends and breaks super easily, seems to be paper-thin, and tellingly, you can even see a bit sticking out at the end of the shot and the other side of it isn't painted... it's just the classic tinfoil "silver" color.


Correction: It is not meant to be a metal wall. It's not the outer wall of the room, just encased around the regeneration tube. It's possibly equivalent to MLI (Multi-Layer Insulation) used in astronautics. That is also gold on one side and silver on the other.


I did not know about MLI. Thanks for mentioning that. That actually would explain it very well. It always drove me nuts how cheap and flimsy it looked, but if it's meant to be something like MLI, it 100% makes sense.


23rd Oct 2012

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Corrected entry: The boglodites invasion starts when agent J is about to time jump. It doesn't make sense for them to wait 40 years to invade Earth in the the new reality (after Boris succeeds to kill agent K and steal the arcnet) especially when we hear that they would starve to death before finding another planet to consume in case they fail to penetrate Earth. This reasoning is confirmed when we know that in the original timeline they are extinct 40 years ago, which means they were already very very hungry at that time and couldn't have the luxury to wait few more years.

Correction: This is explained if you listen very carefully. The boglodites planet is 20 lightyears away from earth, meaning, it would take Boris 20 years to get back to his planet and then another 20 to return ot invade Earth equalling 40 years.

That's so totally wrong in many ways, not the least of which, that's not how light-years work. More importantly, in the original timeline, it is said that the Boglodites tried and failed to invade 40 years before - meaning shortly after the arcnet was deployed. So, Boris takes the device, and suddenly they decide to wait 40 years? This plot hole still makes no sense.

I think the arcnet prevents them from invading 40 years later, effectively defeating them because they can't reach another planet in time. They didn't invade in 1969 originally. So with the arcnet present (not deployed), the boglodites never invade.


Even if we accept this correction, it still doesn't explain why they didn't starve to death! However, the explanation still doesn't hold. Remember, the Boglodites' fleet "was" there, upon us on Earth, 40 years ago, yet they failed because the ArcNet was deployed. They all came to invade Earth along with Boris number 1. In the altered timeline, Boris 2 travels back in time, kills K, steals the ArcNet, but there is still no reason and no explanation whatsoever for them waiting and starving to death.

They didn't invade in 1969, they invade in the present. J enters a different reality, one without K, but he is is still in his own time. That's where the Boglodites invade because there is no ArcNet. Then he goes back to 1969 so they can deploy the ArcNet and prevent the Boglodites from coming to Earth at all.


Character mistake: Hicox claims to be from around Piz Bün to explain his strange accent. However, Piz Bün isn't even in Germany and nobody around there spoke German at all. Yet nobody reacts. It's very weird that Hellström, being a German officer, would not know the borders of his own country.

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Suggested correction: A lot of Germans come from Austria, or lived in Austria. To the Nazis, Austria is part of Germany. Hitler was born in Austria too.


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