Quantom X

8th Jun 2020

Death Battle (2010)

Continuity mistake: Longclaw tells Sonic that if he's ever discovered, to use a Ring. Mid cut while saying this, she goes from looking straight on down at him, to suddenly her wing wrapped around him from the side pushing him towards the portal. (00:03:21)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sonic runs by the radar gun the first time, triggering it to show a 296, Tom picks the radar gun up and looks at it. In the view of the radar gun, he lifts it and has it tilted to the left of himself, left of screen in this shot. When it cuts to a front angle showing his face, the radar gun is now tilted to point to his right, which is now still left of screen. (00:04:49)

Quantom X

Better Call Saul mistake picture

Lantern - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: Jimmy shows up at Irene's door with a box and some balloons. From the side view as she opens the door, the balloon with flowers on it is closest to the door with the pink and blue peppermint swirl balloon behind it. When the camera cuts to looking at Jimmy from inside over Irene's shoulder, the peppermint balloon is now in front with the flower balloon up higher between it and the other balloon. (00:28:36)

Quantom X

30th May 2020

The Walking Dead (2010)

Sick - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: Towards the end after Lori tells Rick that he acted fast and if not for what he did... Rick looks upwards after this. When the camera cuts to the other angle, he has his head tilted down. (00:41:26)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the Echidnas first start attacking Sonic and Longclaw, she slams the door shut quickly to catch the arrows shot at them. The In the close up of the door from the outside, the arrows are in a different pattern and are closer together than the holes when seen from inside that are a bit more spread out. (00:02:23)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Eggman is chasing Sonic through the streets and there is a shot of the city skyline down a street behind Sonic as he makes a turn. The camera then cuts to inside Eggman's ship to a close up him with the city skyline still behind him, only now it's different buildings behind Eggman. (00:01:00)

Quantom X

27th May 2020

Spies in Disguise (2019)


Continuity mistake: When Lance is telling the guard at the start that he's going to throw his gun to the snowman behind them, the snowman that is there was not there in a previous shot and appeared from nothing.

Quantom X

17th May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

The Path of the Righteous - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: After Fisk says we don't always get what we want, not in this world. Wesley responds that someone of us deserve to. Wesley is looking over at Fisk in this shot. It cuts to a different angle and now Wesley is looking down. (00:22:19)

Quantom X

16th May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

16th May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

Speak of the Devil - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: At the art gallery, after Matt tells Fisk that he's aware of his work as well, Vanessa tells Fisk that Matt is looking to buy some art. Fisk is looking directly at Matt in the first shot, but in the next he has his head turned to look at Vanessa. (00:23:44)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Fall - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: At the start of the Bingo Hall scene, Jimmy calls out B-9 between cuts. His hand goes from being chest level, to stretched out way above his head from the distance to the close up. (00:36:21)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Fall - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: Howard enters Chuck's home as Chuck is cooking. Chuck looks down at the food he is prepping and stirring. When he says that yes he is suing HHM, he is suddenly looking up at Howard between cuts. (00:34:02)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Better Call Saul mistake picture

Fall - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: After the meeting and Howard pours a glass of drink for both him and Chuck, he walks to the end of the table and places his hands on a chair as he asks Chuck if he remembers Al McConnell. Chuck has just taken a drink and lowered his arm and glass down to the level of the table. The camera then cuts to Chuck and suddenly he's got his glass up to his face again. (00:12:25)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Fall - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: As Howard and Chuck are in a meeting about their lawyers' premiums going up, Chuck is spinning a pen around in his hand. He stop and lays it down as the woman tells them to not take it personally. The camera cuts to a different angle and suddenly he's got the pen spinning in his fingers once again. (00:10:43)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

Daredevil mistake picture

Shadows in the Glass - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Karen, Matt and Foggy are in Matt's office discussing, Karen looks over at Foggy and has her hair raked back over and behind her ear. When it cuts to a close up of her, she now has a lock of hair down over her cheek. (00:17:15)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Nostalgia Critic (2007)

15th May 2020

Nostalgia Critic (2007)

Nostalgia Critic mistake picture Video

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 - S8-E12

Continuity mistake: After they get the their mission from Santa Christ, The Nerd and Critic step out side and look around. Nerd notes that the city looks animated and the camera cuts to a cartoon landscape of a city that they are supposedly looking at to mirror the 80's TMNT cartoon. However, they are standing next to some glass of the exterior of their building and the reflections of the real world and real city are seen. (00:02:06)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: After Spock and Kirk attempt to trap Charlie into a room with a force field, Charlie makes the wall disappear and then freezes Kirk and Spock in place. Spock has his right hand against the wall at about chest level with himself. The camera cuts to a closer angle and suddenly his hand is higher up, about face level. (00:39:47)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Kirk begins to question Charlie about the melted chess pieces, there is a close up of Kirk showing light cast down him him with his chest void of any shadows. When cut to a wide angle, he suddenly has shadows on his chest from lighting changes. (00:22:36)

Quantom X

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