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[Tom clocks a turtle at 001 MP/H with his speed gun].
Tom: Hey, buddy! Where's the fire? Got kids living around here... thought it was kinda funny, sorry.

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Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I'm sorry, Mister...
Tom Wachowski: Wachowski. But everyone calls me Tom. Except my dentist, he calls me Tim. But it's gone on for so long that it would just be weird if I corrected him.

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Crazy Carl: I know you're out there! And I know you're real!
Sonic: No, I'm not!

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Wade: Tom, we need you down on Main Street. There's been a violent gang shootout. Ha ha ha! Just kidding, a duck stole a bagel... but they do need it back. (00:05:25)

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Tom Wachowski: Hey. So, what's this next planet you're supposed to go to like?
Sonic: It's no Earth, I can tell you that. There's no people, just breathable air and giant mushrooms and stuff.
Tom Wachowski: Well, look at it this way. At least you won't be the only "fun-guy."
Sonic: No. Don't ever do that again!

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Wade: Tom, do you read me? Are you there?
Tom: No, Wade, I'm actually on a yacht... in Barbados... with Rihanna.
Wade: OMG... that's amazing, please send pics!
Tom: No, Wade. I'm at the speed trap.
Wade: Already? How did you get back so fast? Barbados is in the ocean.

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Sonic: That's Longclaw. She took care of me. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi... if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice. (00:02:02)

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Longclaw: Listen carefully, Sonic. You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen, and that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden. (00:02:47)

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Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: At the speed trap, Tom points his radar gun at a turtle. From his perspective, he seems to be looking through some sort of scope with cross hairs and numbers on it at the turtle to line up the beam. However, when he then looks at the radar gun at the speed indicated as 1 MP/H, there is nothing on the gun where he could have been looking through such a scope. At best, the top of the run appears to have plastic iron sites. The scoped view would not have been from the device itself perspective since it would not need cross hairs or numbers on said cross hairs as that would be for a person looking through it to have reference points. This scope view of the turtle was most likely just added by the film makers to have a better visual representation of Tom aiming the radar gun at the turtle. (00:04:29)

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Continuity mistake: Longclaw tells Sonic that if he's ever discovered, to use a Ring. Mid cut while saying this, she goes from looking straight on down at him, to suddenly her wing wrapped around him from the side pushing him towards the portal. (00:03:21)

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Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sonic runs by the radar gun the first time, triggering it to show a 296, Tom picks the radar gun up and looks at it. In the view of the radar gun, he lifts it and has it tilted to the left of himself, left of screen in this shot. When it cuts to a front angle showing his face, the radar gun is now tilted to point to his right, which is now still left of screen. (00:04:49)

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Factual error: Speed radar guns work by measuring the speed of an object that is either approaching or moving away from it. So when it shows Sonic running across, the beam giving the measurement wouldn't work, and he would have barely even registered on the device. (00:04:44)

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Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the Echidnas first start attacking Sonic and Longclaw, she slams the door shut quickly to catch the arrows shot at them. The In the close up of the door from the outside, the arrows are in a different pattern and are closer together than the holes when seen from inside that are a bit more spread out. (00:02:23)

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Trivia: The music during the opening logos are a variant of the theme from Green Hill Zone from the first Sonic the Hedgehog game from 1991. Additionally, in the opening scene of the movie when Eggman is chasing Sonic, a dramatic version of the theme also plays. Green Hills is also the name of the town most the movie takes place in. (00:00:05 - 00:00:50)

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Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Eggman is chasing Sonic through the streets and there is a shot of the city skyline down a street behind Sonic as he makes a turn. The camera then cuts to inside Eggman's ship to a close up him with the city skyline still behind him, only now it's different buildings behind Eggman. (00:01:00)

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