Quantom X

Continuity mistake: After Toothless and Hiccup defeat the giant dragon, Stoick finds Toothless on the ground and believes his son to have perished in the battle. As he is kneeling down and beginning to morn, the rest of the Vikings begin to emerge from the smoke behind him. They are a good distance away from Stoick. But in the very next shot, they suddenly jump much closer to him. (01:24:05)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: After the giant dragon crashes to the ground and begins exploding, you see Toothless and Hiccup flying up it's back to escape the blast. The giant's size is significantly bigger at this point. This mistake was admitted to on the DVD commentary. (01:23:00)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

The One mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Both Gabe and Yulaw have their hair parted on the right side. But during the fight between them, you can tell they flipped the image of the film as it shows Yulaw's part on the left side in one shot, and again a couple shots later. It then returns to his right side. (01:11:35)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

Continuity mistake: When TK sees the dust on the floor below the attic hatch, she takes off a white jacket and drops it on the floor right next to it. She then goes to get a chair and returns. Now the jacket is gone. (00:54:10)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

Continuity mistake: In the garage when two cops are looking for Gabe, they are startled by a cat. Just before the cat jumps out, both cops have their flashlights on. Once the cat jumps out and they follow its movement, the camera cuts to show them turn around, and now the cop with the green jacket's flashlight is off. (00:52:45)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

Continuity mistake: When Funsch does Gabe a favor and sends him to a new universe rather than his old one, Gabe goes through the wormhole and winds up in the middle of the street. Shown previously, traveling between the universes is extremely painful, and renders the traveler very disoriented for a time. Just before being sent to his new home, Gabe was already sent through a wormhole not but a few minutes before, and was barely able to stand, it being his first time dimension hopping. Yet when in this new universe, he stands up and rescues a dog, showing no sign of disorientation at all, despite not only just being ripped apart and put back together, but it happening twice within just a few minutes. (01:17:50)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

The One mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At one point in their fight, Gabe hits Yulaw hard enough he flies back into a machine, and causes a shower of sparks to start falling down like rain. One shot shows Gabe step into the shower of sparks, and shows many of the sparks bouncing off his head and shoulders. The shot cuts to Yulaw, then back to Gabe. Gabe is still in the shower of sparks, but not one is touching him. In fact, through the entire time those two are in the sparks, it never again shows any hitting or bouncing off them, except towards the end of the spark shower when Yulaw is flipping through them. (01:10:30)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

The One mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the fight with Gabe and Yulaw, Yulaw does a powerful move of lunging forward and smashing Gabe with both his fists, sending him flying into a green metal box that crumbles from the impact. Gabe then falls to the floor, close to the box. The shot changes to Yulaw thinking he has victory, then back to Gabe. Gabe is now noticeably further from the green box, and his arms and legs are in different positions. (01:08:40)

Quantom X

25th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

Continuity mistake: In the chase scene after Yulaw kills Lawless, it shows him leaping across a gap between two bridges. In second shot, when he first start the jump, it shows him make it half way across the gap. Then the next shot shows him barely past the first railing, not close to half way yet. (00:07:10)

Quantom X

20th Mar 2013

Daredevil (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Electra stabs Matt with her sai, she is bent down to him, with the front of her hair raked back over her ears. When she stands up in the very next shot, her hair changes to being straightened out.

Quantom X

20th Mar 2013

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Continuity mistake: A Bob-Omb explodes under the devolving Koopa and sends him flying. The shot shows him flying straight up, and without cutting, shows him begin to fall along the same trajectory. The big pot thing is off to his left, and well out of reach of him falling. Yet then it cuts to him falling at an obvious angle and into the pot. The trajectory was all wrong.

Quantom X

20th Mar 2013

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Continuity mistake: Just after the car chase scene, Mario drives the police car into a tunnel, which disconnects the vehicle from the power grid. The car even says, power shutting down, causing the monitor to shut down, and for the breaks to stop working. However, even after the car leaves the tunnel and is dangling in fungus, way out of reach of the power, the headlights and the police lights of the car are still lit. They should have shut down also when power was lost.

Quantom X

18th Mar 2013

Tropic Thunder (2008)

18th Mar 2013

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Continuity mistake: Just after the ambush scene, Speedman walks towards Lazarus and speaks to him, the camera viewing from behind Speedman's point of view. The very next shot shows it from behind Lazarus with Lazarus looking back in suspicion. There is a noticeable difference in the level of day light between these shots. Like an hour has passed with the sun going down. (00:33:20)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Will is wounded and riding on the back of a moped with Lucia, Jean steps out of her vehicle to try and shoot Will. At this time, she is wearing her black sunglasses as she points a pistol at Will. A Spanish cop steps in the way, and she can't take the shot. Her glasses are still on. In the next shot with her, she is watching them ride away and she looks disappointed, sunglasses still on. Shot cuts to Will and Lucia escaping, and then back to Jean. Jean is still in the same position with same look on her face, but suddenly she is not wearing her sunglasses. She shakes her head and says "Lucky" while putting on her sunglasses now, as if for the first time. (00:48:35)

Quantom X

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