Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Not Pictured - S2-E22

Question: 1. At Neptune High graduation, the colors are green and gold. In season 1, wasn't there red involved with the cheerleader uniforms? 2. Why is Dick Casablancas watching the seniors graduate, and then in season 3, he has graduated and is off to Hearst College with the rest of the gang?

Double Agent Venom - S4-E6

Question: Why did Rhino leave his friends for a cure? I thought that he was accepting his transformation. And also he became best friends with Agent Venom so why did he help Doctor Octopus kidnap Agent Venom? Did he not think this would be going to far? Besides didn't he think Otto would betray him once he had done everything Otto needed him to? Why was Rhino also surprised that Otto was hurting Venom? He knows how evil Otto is.


Question: Why do Nic Cage and Peter Stormare have metal chains for their dog tags while others all seem to be leather?

Question: I heard there's a scene in the credits where Eddie's bunkmate is snorting cocaine, but I just can't find it. Could I please have a little help?


Question: In the Sabbath backstage scene when Stillwater is leaving, is that the band manager played by Jimmy Fallon following the band out, before he was introduced as their manager in the timeline?

Mr. Bean Goes To Town - S1-E6

Question: In the first act when Bean can only get a decent TV signal by sitting in a certain part of the room, we can hear the soundtrack of a programme "on" Bean's TV. Does anybody know what programme Bean was trying to watch please?

Neil Jones

Question: What was the point of showing us the living-room doors opening, then closing, after Ruth has gone to bed, leaving Charles and Elvira alone?


Question: There are three filming locations that I haven't been able to identify. All three have been falsely identified on numerous sites. I'm heading to Sicily next month, and would like to shoot some images of them, if I can find them. All three are from The Godfather Part II. 1. Don Ciccio's villa. As seen early in the film, when Vito's mother is killed, and he escapes. Then seen later, when Vito returns as an adult to kill Don Ciccio. No, it is not Castello degli Schiavi, as commonly believed. 2. The Corleone train station. Also used twice in the film. First, for Vito's arrival, as an adult, and later, for his departure. It is obviously a small country train station, with the signs changed. 3. The olive oil mill/facility of Don Tommasino. This is where young Michael, in his fathers arms, makes such a cute face when he tastes an olive. I'm a teacher, using the trilogy in my classes, and would love to present some photos to my students, so any help would be appreciated.

Erik Christiansen

Question: What is the name of the soundtrack when Basher is detonating the pinch as a part of the plan?

Question: What is the name of the soundtrack being played when Benedict is watching the tape and rusty is explaining him the escape plan?

Cape May - S3-E19

Question: At the beginning of the final segment, the American Flag is flying upside down outside the beach lodge. Since it is pretty clear that Red would not being trying to elicit support/backup for the deeds that he and his female accomplice were about to undertake, what is the significance of this widely accepted distress signal?

Ed Hills

Question: What type of dress is the red dress Sophie wears when Alex makes her talk to Sloan?

Luka Keats

Question: When Mr. Matuschek is recovering in the hospital and explaining to Mr. Kralik why he suspected him of having an affair with his wife, he mentions having received an anonymous letter warning him of his wife's infidelity. But who sent the letter? To all appearances, the errand boy Pepi seems to know everything that is going on, or nearly so. He doesn't know the cad is Mr. Vadas, but he probably has a good idea about what is going on from Mrs. Matuschek's phone calls. Still, the author of the anonymous letter to Mr. Matuschek is never revealed. Or is he?


Season 4 generally

Question: In season 3, they were setting up how it was probably going to be Mendoza running for the Republicans. Is there any particular reason they chose Conway instead of Mendoza? (Be it behind the scenes or not).


Show generally

Question: I Need to Know in which season and episode of House the following monologue took place. A dying patient is lying in bed and complaining about the chaplain who came by to visit him. The patient says that he wants to see a hell-fire and brimstone preacher, someone who believes in judgement and Hell, and who won't deny all the rotten things he'd done in life.

Gregory K.

Question: We all know The Headmaster and Derek Jr. are gone from the orphanage because The Headmaster is actually the Evil DJ and he kidnapped Derek Jr. But, why exactly is the orphanage in despair and where are the rest of the staff and students?

Question: How did Peter Lake know Beverly's name? It was never given when they first met (at least in the movie). When he rescues her, he calls her by name.

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