Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Where were the cans for fuel for the automobiles?

Question: Do Julie and Fern not realise when they expose Courtney, she'll probably expose Julie for having been there when Liz died and Fern for knowing about it but accepting their bribe?


Question: I know Evan wanted to take responsibility for lying about being friends with Connor, but wouldn't everyone hating him and giving him nasty looks make him more suicidal?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Mad Dog - S7-E18

Question: Surely McCoy would be in a lot of trouble, maybe even get disbarred, for using the power of his office to harass a former convict when he can't prove the guy did something else wrong?


Question: Could you please tell me the names of the extras whom are sitting on the bleachers by Danny's at Those Magic Changes scene? I guess that the first girl at Danny's left side is Wendy Jo Sperber but I'd love to know the name of the second and the third. Thank you ever so much.

Question: In Robocop 2, Robocop electrocutes himself to remove all the ridiculous directives he was given. When he came back online, even his original prime directives were gone. In this movie he was given his first three prime directives back but, why would the fourth prime directive be reinstalled?

Kevin Goes Nuts - S2-E3

Question: Kevin is wearing a T-shirt that says "Long Island" with some sort of mascot on it. At first I thought it was Dumbo with the big ears, but it looks like a mouse with a hat on (I'm assuming those are whiskers and not 6 legs of an insect.) What is this animal suppose to be? A character or mascot from some show, team, restaurant, etc? Or just a silly shirt with a random silly animal? Has anyone seen it sold anywhere?


Question: Was any of the movie shot on film? IMDb has Arri and RED digital cameras listed, but there are couple scenes (especially early on) that seem to have noticeable graininess that looks much more like traditional film grain than the digital "noise" you sometimes get in modern movies.


Question: What phone was used by Nicolas Cage while in the car towards the end? (01:47:10 - 01:49:31)

Question: What exactly is the crowd chanting at the fighting match? It's sounds like "Go Rumba" or something but I can't make it out.

Gavin Jackson

Question: Right after ET's death scene we see the people in the suits taking some weird cone things out of the house. What was it they were taking out in the cones?

Emissary (1) - S1-E1

Question: Did Nana Visitor's hairstyle change from her first appearance in the episode to the next scene when they were going down the stairs?

Question: What song is playing during the opening credits?

Sunflower - S8-E3

Question: If head of MI5 gave Foyle the file on Strasser at the start of episode, why, when American officer comes to the office for first time, why does he say to Miss Pierce that he didn't know about Stasser?

Joey's Funny Valentine - S7-E16

Question: Maybe I'm missing something, but the whole situation with Roxy doesn't make sense to me. For one, if she found out that she insulted the Tanners with her comedy bit about them, why didn't she just come out and apologize to them? That would've been the most obvious thing to do. I understand Roxy is shy and that Joey cares about her a lot, but the way the rest of the episode played out (especially during the dinner scene towards the end) is just something I can't quite wrap my head around.


Question: At the end it shows Dick Best coming off the Enterprise with the rank of Lt. Commander when he started the battle with the rank of Lieutenant. Did he get a promotion during the battle?

Question: Was there a "winner" for the final race in London, or was it forfeited? As far as I could tell, the race was still going on when Mater took Lightning McQueen away to help figure out the lemons' plan involving him.

Question: Is the Spanish flag seen on the building in Huelva the accurate one used during Franco's regime or the modern one?

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