Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is it implied that Bleaker's mother doesn't know he got Juno pregnant? She makes no secret of not liking her, but I thought there was a phone conversation between Juno and Bleaker, saying she wouldn't say anything to his mother.

The Fuller Dogfight - S1-E1

Question: At the end, why was Fuller drugged and dragged? What were they trying to keep him quiet about that he could possibly have let slip? What exactly was it that he saw and engaged that night up in the plane?

Show generally

Question: One thing that confuses me. Unser said Gemma ran away from Charming when she was 16. Came back 10 years later with a motorcycle club and a baby. Gemma told Nero she was 19 when she met JT and was knocked up 2 months later. So when Gemma returned to Charming 10 years after she ran away wouldn't Jax be between 8-10 years old? And wouldn't she come back with two little boys because Jax wasn't that much older than Thomas?

Show generally

Question: Someone on Reddit said there was an episode where a woman used her son to lure women into entering the sex trade - can anyone ID this episode (not the one with the preacher's wife pimping out her daughters, that was a different one)?

Question: When the terrorists masquerading as Lee's protection detail were being scanned as they came in, how was Kang's face not immediately red flagged? Since he was "one of the most wanted terrorists in the world", wouldn't that facial recognition data go through all FBI, CIA, INTERPOL, and Homeland Security databases?

Question: How did Dimitri manage to get to Anya on the bridge if Rasputin had blocked all the entry ways?

Question: Which scene was the last one to be filmed for this movie?

Question: What kind of wetsuit did Susan have in the film?

Question: The night that Eddie left the studio, why did Sal blame everything on Frank? If it hadn't been for Frank, they would have been stuck playing other people's songs for the rest of their lives. Because of Frank writing all of their songs, they got far enough to almost get a record deal.

Question: Why did Velma believe that everything that happened was just a hallucination, considering in the previous movies the Mystery Inc. Team dealt with zombies, voodoo, aliens, witchcraft and even got pulled into a computer?

Question: Why was Clyde still activating the latest bomb when he had already taught Nick the lesson not to make deals with criminals? That was his whole point he wanted to make, wasn't it? That had succeeded, so why the intent to kill more people?

Question: Since Rachel's husband and friend were revealed to be bad guys, was it the husband who left the gate unlocked? (Instead of Rachel).


Question: What was the soundtrack when Bourne was searching for Neski and Hotel Brecker? Could not find it anywhere.

Beyond a Joke - S7-E6

Question: Who actually placed the bomb on the Simulants' ship? All three of them were together the whole time, and Kryten had been stolen.

Question: Why didn't the NSA agents look for the floppy disk with the film when installing the wiretaps? (00:35:00 - 00:39:00)

Season 1 generally

Question: Was wondering why no explanation is ever given as to how and why Rust's weird ass, very detailed philosophy of space and time - with the crushed metal time disc and rotational electrical souls going around it forever etc. etc. - somehow is the exact same thing, right down to specific details, that at least three of the freaks, throughout this series, espouse. The underling freaks may espouse it because the main freak believes it - but we see Rust just arriving at it in his own mind.

roy sandefur

Question: Does anybody else remember at the end when they're playing Trivial Pursuit and the Russians get it wrong, the girl tipped it over and says, "You lose, we get the Ukraine"? I saw it the other day, and it said, "You lose, we get Eastern Europe." Why/when was the change made?

Question: What's up with Stanley seeing Sam and Mary Lou's apparition come into view and disappear while he was on the bus approaching the camp? Was that some kind of almost prophetic hint to Stanley as to the true nature of his trip to Camp Green Lake being to find the treasure and thus avenge Sam by doing so?

Question: Why didn't the rescue guy from the boarding plane bring spare parachutes across?

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