
23rd Oct 2012

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: When the Fallen are displayed in the sky after Thresh is killed by the mutts, he is the only tribute shown, despite that Clove and Foxface both died earlier that day. In addition, the Panem national anthem is not played when the Fallen are revealed even though it's meant to be every time they're shown. (02:01:15)

Correction: Just because we don't see it in the movie, does not mean that off-screen Clove and Foxface's images hadn't already been projected onto the arena's sky to the TV audience who are watching the Hunger Games. We saw Clove and Foxface being killed. Thresh's face is being shown to us so we're aware that he was also a victim. For the purposes of streamlining the movie's plot line and running time, it simply wasn't necessary to show us Clove and Foxface's pictures after we already knew they were dead or to hear the anthem again. It was the movie makers' choice to avoid boring repetition.


Corrected entry: After Harry has fallen from Hagrid's arms and reveals he is alive, Voldemort tries to cast spells his way. After this they show a shot of Lucius, then back to Voldemort. Afterwards, Draco is grabbing his mother's left hand to leave, but later when they show Lucius catching up with them, Draco is holding her right hand.


Correction: There was quite a bit of distance traveled by them in between the time Draco first grabs Narcissa's arm when they are leaving Voldemort's group to the time you see Lucius running after them. At any time they could have stopped and change places.


24th Jul 2012

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: When Ruth and Molly are getting into the lifeboat, at one point you see someone passing a blanket for someone to put in the lifeboat. It is a plaid blanket. Later when Jack and Cal are trying to convince Rose to get into the lifeboat, before Cal puts his jacket on Rose, it is the same blanket. When she is in the lifeboat at the end of the movie, it is the same blanket. Also, after Jack saves Rose from jumping off the ship in the beginning, and Jack is about to be arrested, the same blanket is on Rose's shoulders.

Correction: How do you know it's the same blanket? It seems more likely this is just one "type" of blanket that White Star, the company that owns Titanic, would have supplied to its cruise ships. All the deck chairs would likely have blankets put on them or be placed nearby for passengers to use when they're sitting out on the deck. It would be logical that all of the blankets were the same color and design. Therefore, you'd see more than one person covered with the same plaid blanket.


20th Aug 2009

Sex and the City (1998)

My motherboard, my self - S4-E8

Corrected entry: When Carrie and Aiden are waiting at the Techserve store, Dmitri (the Tech Guy) calls out Carrie's number as 'Number 64'. He says this twice. But after Carrie and Aiden are finished talking with Dmitri, he calls out 'Number 78' for the next customer in line. He says this number twice as well. Why would he go from 64 to 78? (00:04:50 - 00:06:25)

Correction: There are multiple computer techs at Techserv. During the time Dimitri is helping Carrie, waiting customers numbered 65 through 77 would have been called by the other technicians. There could be an overhead digital counter that each technician would look at before calling out the next available number.


Corrected entry: When Tom Riddle is talking to Professor Slughorn about horcruxes, Slughorn mentions that you have to kill to make a horcrux as it rips the soul apart. Tom Riddle says, "Can you only split the soul once, for instance seven?" This shows that Tom was planning to make seven horcruxes, however he only intentionally created six horcruxes and as Dumbledore said in 'Deathly Hallows Pt 2', "You were the horcrux Voldemort never intended to make, Harry". Surely Tom would have said six horcruxes then, not seven.

Professor Lazarus

Correction: Sorry, but this incorrect, and the film has muddled it a bit. Riddle's (Voldemort) intent was to split his soul into seven pieces by making six horcruxes "in addition" to the soul piece left inside his body. He believed that "7" was the most magical number. Harry became an accidental horcrux, which then made seven horcruxes in all, plus the soul shard that was left in Voldemort. That made eight soul fragments total, but only Dumbledore, and later Snape, knew about the one inside Harry. It was only before his final confrontation with Voldemort that Harry learned he carried a horcrux. Voldemort never knew about the horcrux inside Harry.


9th Apr 2012

Silverado (1985)

Corrected entry: When Rae walks down the stairs soon followed by Slick, she stops to talk to her brother Mal. In the background there is a windmill that is not turning despite the fact that you can see the wind blowing on Rae's hair and dress.

Robert Sullinger

Correction: It would only take a very light breeze to cause her skirt and hair to flutter, but not necessarily enough to turn heavy windmill blades.


4th Apr 2012

The Godfather (1972)

Corrected entry: At the wedding scene, Michael is wearing many ribbons. The 'highest' rated ribbon, the first, is the 'Silver Star'. It is very visible. In a scene much later in the movie there is talk about 'knocking off' Michael but someone says,"He is a war hero. He won the Navy Cross . This is higher ranked than the Silver Star and should have been worn first in the line - if he did in fact earn it.

Correction: Character Mistake: The person who said this didn't know what he was talking about. He knew Michael was a decorated war hero, so he mentions a type of medal he'd once heard about, thinking that must be what he had received.


Corrected entry: Normally, when you get hit by the killing curse, you fall to the floor dead and whole. When Voldemort gets hit, he dissolves into ashes, and doesn't stay as a whole.


Correction: Voldemort's soul had been so severely damaged by being shredded into the seven horcruxes that the small portion remaining inside him could have been insufficient to keep his body intact. It was also a resurrected body, and may have been weaker than normal, making it react differently to the killing curse.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Esme takes sandwiches to Jacob, Leah, and Seth, she holds her hand out to give them the food. The scene cuts to another angle, and she offers them the food again.


Correction: I've watched this several times. Esme actually offers the sandwiches to each person (Seth, Jacob, and Leah) one-at-a-time. Esme first gives a sandwich to Seth, who takes it, but when one is offered to Leah, she refuses. Esme then hands a sandwich to Jacob.


Corrected entry: When Alice is putting in Bella's hair comb, Alice and Rosalie constantly change sides from shot-to-shot. At one point, Alice is behind Bella on the left and Rosalie is on the right, and in the next shot, they switch, then switch back.

Correction: They don't change sides at all. The scene is shot from two viewpoints, one looking directly at the three, then from behind them and you are seeing their reversed reflections in the mirror, making it look like they switched places next to Bella. You can see the back of Bella's head at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen as she looks into the mirror.


Corrected entry: In the scene where they get the idea for Bella to drink blood, Jacob moves to the other side of the couch away from Bella twice.


Correction: Jacob does move twice, but it is not the same shot. First, he is next to Bella (to keep her warm) before moving away. After a brief interval, he moves from that spot to even farther away and then on to an adjacent sofa.


Corrected entry: After the housekeepers come in, Bella and Edward sit on the couch and Bella puts on a purple shirt over her tank top. They begin to make out when the maid comes in. When they cut from the maid to Edward and Bella again her purple shirt has disappeared.

Correction: Actually, she is still wearing the purple shirt, but its sleeve gets pushed up over the top of her shoulder, making it look like she only has the sleeveless tank top on. If you look closely, you can see she is still wearing the purple shirt.


Corrected entry: When Voldemort destroys the protective enchantments, in one shot Bellatrix shields her face with her arms but in the next shot she has her arms wide open with no time for her to have moved them.

Correction: Nonsense. There is usually a brief time lapse between shots, and it would take hardly any time for Bellatrix to move her arms from her face into the position you described.


Corrected entry: When Harry and co. change clothes after jumping into the lake, Harry puts on a long sleeved gray shirt that has a dark collar. Later, in the "limbo" scene, he is shown wearing the same gray shirt with dark collar but the sleeves are short.

Correction: The "Limbo" scene has no relationship whatsoever to what Harry was wearing after the Trio jumped into the lake. After being hit by Voldemort's curse, everything is occurring inside Harry's head. Whatever he sees is from an altered reality. You'll also notice all his clothes look clean and new, Harry is perfectly groomed and his hair neatly combed, he no longer has cuts or bruises, nor is he wearing his glasses, as he would have no need for them in a state between life and death. Everything around him is altered too, such as the train station, and even Dumbledore, who looks fully restored to health. Harry's shirt is just a style he has often worn throughout the series, so it is logical he would see himself wearing some version of it.


Corrected entry: When Bathilda Bagshot changes into the snake (Nagini) when Harry and Hermione have come to visit her, Hermione cast 1 or 2 spells who both affect Nagini. But because Nagini is a horcrux she shouldn't be. In the second part of Deathly Hallows at the great battle, Nagini is trying to kill Hermione and Ron just before Neville cuts her head off. At that moment Ron is casting a spell, but Nagini is not affected and just goes on like he should be. Also when Hermione trows a stone to Nagini, she isn't affected.

Correction: Even though Nagini is a horcrux, she, being a living being, can still be affected (though not killed) by magical spells, just as Harry, also carrying a horcrux, was when Voldemort's killing curse struck him near the movie's end, knocking him out. Ron used the same spell (confringo) that Hermione cast at Nagini earlier, but hers was stronger and unexpected. Ron, still less accomplished magically than Hermione and Harry, was attempting to get away and cast a weaker spell. Nagini, being sentient, seeing Ron, and was not taken by surprise, thus lessening the spell's effect. Also Hermione threw the stone to distract Nagini, not to inflict injury. Also, Bathilda didn't change into a snake. Nagini had killed Bathilda and was inside her dead body, animating it to walk. Nagini then slithers out through Bathilda's mouth and her body crumples to the floor.


29th Oct 2011

Taken (2008)

Corrected entry: It seems that the truck that hit Peter had enough time to see him standing there and therefore at least hit the brakes, but it was going at full speed.

Correction: Peter had just jumped off an overpass and into a busy street full of oncoming traffic. There's no way of knowing if the driver, who was hardly expecting a pedestrian to suddenly appear in front of his truck, actually saw Peter in time to react to the situation safely. Slamming on the brakes of a large truck in the middle of a busy highway is potentially quite dangerous.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Lavender dies, her head is facing away from us while Fenrir Greyback is biting her neck. After Fenrir is blown out the window, her head is turned toward us, conveniently so we can see who just died.


Correction: That is wrong. When Greyback is attacking Lavender and is then blown out the window, her head is pointing to the left-hand side of the screen and her face is turned away. The camera shifts its angle, and Lavender is now seen from the "opposite" side, with her head still tilted in the same position, but her body is now pointing to the right, showing her face to the audience.


Correction: So can many other items that have appeared in the series. The Room of Requirement is in its "storage room" mode, and it is the most likely place that the chess piece, as well as many other objects (that were also seen in the films) would be stored.


Corrected entry: In the '19 years later' scene Harry and Ginny have three kids, two from themselves, and one is the son of Lupin and Tonks, so that kid must be about 19 years old. Instead, both in the book and in the movie he is the same age as Harry and Ginny's other 2 kids.

Correction: Sorry, but this is incorrect. Harry and Ginny have three biological children: James Sirius (the eldest at about 13-years-old), Albus Severus (the middle child who is eleven), and Lily Luna (the youngest, aged nine). That is who is seen at the train station. Harry is godfather to Remus and Tonk's son, Teddy Lupin, who would be almost 20, but he was raised by his widowed maternal grandmother, Andromeda Black Tonks (sister to Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy). Teddy was close to Harry, and often visited with him and Ginny while growing up. In the book, Teddy was at the train station seeing off his girlfriend, Victoire Weasley, Fleur and Bill's daughter. If he is at the train station in the film, he is not identified, nor is it mentioned in the film that Harry is Teddy's godfather.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Harry is at the edge of the Forest on his way to die, he tells Lupin he is sorry he will not be able to know his son. However, in Part 1, in the scene at the Dursley's house, Mad Eye interrupts Tonks and Lupin before they tell Harry that they will be having a baby - Harry never finds out about Lupin's son.

Correction: Just because it's not shown on camera, does not mean Lupin and Tonks did not later announced the news while Harry and the others were at the Weasleys' home, following Voldemort's attack and prior to the wedding. There was also ample opportunity for Lupin to have told Harry that he and Tonks had a son after meeting up with him again at Hogwarts for the big battle.


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