
10th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Bella storms into the house after the baseball game, she says, 'Robert, I said just leave me alone.' She was meant to call him Edward, which is his character's name.


Correction: Sorry, but you are incorrect. I've listened to this at least half-a-dozen times, and Bella definitely says, "Edward," not "Robert" when she storms into the house. Movie scenes are filmed multiple times to get the best version, so it's highly unlikely a mistake like that would make it into the final cut.


10th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: Vampires don't eat human food; but in the scene in the cafeteria after the greenhouse scene, the camera zooms in on Edward picking at his food. Look to his left and you will see Emmett chewing on a rice crispy treat he was playing with in the shot before. (00:29:25)


Correction: Vampires can ingest food but are unable to digest it or receive any nourishment from eating. Edward and the other Cullen kids only nibble at or pretend to eat food or leave it untouched while at school so they can appear to be (as much as possible) "normal." Anything they do eat, must be regurgitated later.


7th Apr 2009

Twilight (2008)

Correction: Which time is Bella getting out of her truck (not a car) can you see this? If it's at the school, it's certainly possible that the reflection could be a student, a teacher, or some other staff person rather than a film crew member that is reflected. How can you tell it's a crew member and not some random person standing nearby? Is he/she wearing technical gear or holding film equipment that identifies them as a crew member? Sorry, but you need to be more specific for it to qualify as a mistake.


29th Mar 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: When Bella comes downstairs to leave Charlie's house for the prom, her dress is a light purple, but once inside the prom her dress is suddenly a teal blue color.

Correction: It's the same dress, and in the DVD commentary, the actors also mention how the color looks different. Colors change with various lighting effects (indoor or outdoor) and different types of film may have been used for shooting the interior and exterior shots, which causes subtle color changes. These are not mistakes, just the by-product of filmmaking.


27th Aug 2001

Cast Away (2000)

Corrected entry: He is on a flight going to the Far East. All the packages have domestic airbills. If they were on international airbills it would not be necessary for him to open the package to see what was inside, a description of the contents would be clearly visible on the airbill.

Correction: Having sent many packages internationally using FedEx, I know the airbills are filled out by hand, and they are not in a water-tight seal. The seawater could have blurred or washed away the ink, making it difficult or impossible to read small handwriting.


13th Jul 2008

Dr. No (1962)

Corrected entry: When crawling in the pipes at Dr. No's, why is Bond's T-shirt torn? He was beaten up by the guards, but a T-shirt doesn't get torn sleeves from a guy getting beaten up.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: He could have torn it any number of ways, including while crawling in the pipes.


Corrected entry: When Indy and company arrived at the temple containing the Crystal Skulls, they needed the key to access the stairs leading down to the temple (or whatever it was). As they descended the stairs, the steps disappeared into the wall, and they fell into the water but stayed perfectly dry. So, how did the bad guys get down with no stairs or other visible means, and also appear dry in their next scene?

Correction: The well-equipped Soviets could have used ropes to descend to the temple's entrance, which would also allow them to remain dry. As to Indy and company falling into the water and then reappearing dry inside the temple, that is a separate mistake which has already been noted.


Corrected entry: When Carrie is typing, she hits the "period" key three times on the computer, but only two show up. Also, when she hits backspace, the same thing.

Correction: That doesn't mean it's a mistake. It's possible to hit a computer key too lightly and the letter or symbol does does not appear on the screen, especially with an older keyboard. I often do this myself and have to retype it.


The Voyager Conspiracy - S6-E9

Corrected entry: As Seven of Nine goes over her conspiracy theories with Janeway, she mentions "Commander" Seska (the Cardassian spy from the first two seasons). But prior to her being exposed in "State of Flux", she only had the rank of ensign.

Correction: Character mistake. The new cortical processor that Seven of Nine added to her regeneration alcove malfunctioned, causing Seven to misinterpret new data downloaded to her cranial implants. Seven may have erroneously perceived Seska's rank as being a commander, making Seska appear more significant to Seven. Janeway, meanwhile, is intently listening to Seven's highly-detailed (and ultimately wrong) "conspiracy theory," and the captain either did not notice the error or she simply chose to ignore it while Seven was speaking.


27th Aug 2001

Vertigo (1958)

Corrected entry: How does it happen that Madeleine/Judy is able to enter the McKittrick Hotel unnoticed by the manager, and leave unnoticed by either Scottie or the manager? So far as I could tell this was not explained by the fact we subsequently learn that she was an actress posing as Madeleine, as there should in any case have been someone in the room when they checked, and her car can't have got away on its own.

Correction: Madeleine/Judy could have slipped into the front entrance and snuck upstairs when the manager was busy, had her back turned, or was away from the desk for a few moments. Madeleine could have stayed in the room just long enough for Scotty to see her from the outside, then gone down a back staircase (quite common in an old building like this) and left in her car while Scotty and the manager were otherwise occupied. It was a bit risky, but it was possible.


Corrected entry: When Harry enters his room at the Dursley's after being expelled, this is the first time he's been in there since before the dementor attack, during which he used his wand. However, his wand is already lying on his bedside table when he enters the room although he should be carrying it on him.

Correction: This is incorrect. Harry is not shown entering his bedroom, with or without his wand. When the scene cuts from the Dursley's leaving in the car to take Dudley to the hospital, Harry is already inside his room, banging his fists on the wall. At some point he came in and placed his wand on the nightstand (all off camera), then he is seen reacting in anger.


Corrected entry: When Bellatrix Lestrange comes out of the shadows laughing and saying, "He knows 'ow to play," her mouth is noticeably still.


Correction: Untrue. I've watched this several times, and she speaks before she fully emerges from the shadows. Her entire face is still in darkness when she says that line.


Corrected entry: Throughout the film they refer to Harry as being fourteen. Really, he's fifteen.

Correction: No one ever says he is fourteen. There are only references to events that happened fourteen years before when Harry was a little over one-year-old, making him fifteen now.


Corrected entry: During the first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Umbridge, when the students are told they will not be using practical defensive spells the class is shocked as the camera pans out you hear a pencil drop and roll across the floor - even though the students write with quills.

Correction: It's never shown what was dropped. It could have been any number of objects, including a wand. And just because the students write with quills, it doesn't mean someone, especially a Muggle-born student, couldn't have a pencil with them. Also, there are pen-like writing instruments on Umbridge's desk, and the students use a pencil when they sign up for "Dumbledore's Army".


Corrected entry: The East India Trading Company's flag actually looked a WHOLE lot like a US flag - red and white stripes, with a field of blue in the upper left corner. See the Wikipedia article for "British East India Company" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_East_India_Company) for several examples.

Correction: The East India Trading Company in the movie is fictional. It is modeled on the real-life Honourable East India Company that was based in Britain. Therefore, the flags would be different. Also, the Honourable East India Company's flag is red and white with a red cross in the corner, although earlier versions had the British Union Jack in the upper corner, which contained blue.


Corrected entry: There is no way that twenty or so people running back and forth on the deck of a ship can make it capsize. Even if the cannons and cargo were cut loose, and the ship were rolling it would all fall over to one side of the ship and just stay there, and so would the ship. It wouldn't be able to roll back.

Correction: Under normal circumstances a ship could not be overturned in this way, but they are not in the living world; they are in Davy Jones Locker. Sao Feng's navigational chart has revealed that there is an escape route from the Locker by capsizing a ship, therefore it is indeed possible to overturn a vessel in this manner.


Corrected entry: In the first movie, it's established anyone under the Aztec gold's curse cannot eat anything for it will turn to ash. However Barbossa is able to feed Jack the monkey (who is still cursed) a peanut, and he consumes it properly.

Correction: The monkey doesn't realize it can't eat, it just knows it's hungry and demands a treat. Barbossa uses peanuts as a way to dote on his beloved pet. Also, it may take a few moments before the food turns to ash in its mouth, and it would probably only encourage the monkey to want more.


Corrected entry: In the scene where you see the ship sailing through the snow and icebergs, it shows the snowflakes are lightly falling randomly which indicate there is no wind, yet the ship is sailing as if there was a lot of wind. If there was a lot of wind shouldn't the snow be falling in the same direction as the ship is sailing?

Correction: Ships travel by strong ocean currents as well as wind. They are also approaching World's End, a rather unusual (and magical) geographical location where the normal laws of physics would not apply.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Jack is fighting with himselves, he runs his sword though one of himselves. As he withdraws the sword, there is no blood anywhere on the blade. When the shot changes to him wiping the blade with his hand and on the boat's timber, there is blood now visible on the blade.

Correction: There is no blood because Jack is hallucinating the other Jacks. Davy Jones' Locker is an unreal world where his normal perceptions have been drastically altered.


Don't Trip Over That Mountain - S2-E22

Corrected entry: Laura and Millie leave the house. The phone rings. They dash back, but still miss the call. Laura says that after nine o'clock Rob never lets the phone ring more than four times, and that this one rang six times. The phone actually rang seven times.

Correction: She miscounted. Character mistake.


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