
6th Jan 2014

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: Ripley has just seen Lambert and Parker dead, she has set the ship to destruct, so why does she go to the lower deck? The only reason is to show us, the viewers, Dallas and Brett still alive and cocooned and to show us the sticky secretion on the wall, which we see more of in "Aliens."


Correction: After setting the destruct sequence, Ripley realized that Jones, the cat, was being left behind. She went back to find him. That's when she discovered the two other crew members, although that scene had been cut in the original theatrical release.


13th Jun 2010

The Lovely Bones (2009)

Corrected entry: In one scene where Suzie is falling (after the house charm is removed), her bracelet falls slowly - but the house charm is still attached.

Correction: It's not the actual charm bracelet that is falling. The scene and the bracelet are seen from Susie's altered state of existence.


Corrected entry: Spock stated that Vulcans "embrace technicality" but there was nothing technical about the violation of the Prime Directive when the crew decided to stop the volcano from destroying Nibiru. Given Spock's insistence on following rules and regulations, there is no way he would have agreed to render the volcano inert, as doing so violated the Prime Directive (as stated by Pike, under the Prime Directive the Enterprise crew was "supposed to survey a planet, not alter its destiny").


Correction: Spock is half-human and that part is often at odds with his Vulcan side. Despite following the Vulcan way of life, this internal conflict at times causes Spock to do things other Vulcans would not. He is also affected by his friendship with Jim Kirk and his loyalty to him, and can be swayed by that. Spock may have agreed to go along with Kirk's plan as long as they remained unseen by the indigenous people, though the plan went awry. It would also go against Spock's logical nature to let a civilization die when it could be saved without altering its destiny.


Corrected entry: During its fall to Earth, the Enterprise rotated wildly out of control, which tossed people and machinery throughout the ship. Yet after the ship was stabilized the dead tribble is sitting in the exact same spot on McCoy's table as before.


Correction: There was enough time after the ship was stable for someone, maybe McCoy, to have picked up the tribble. Considering he was conducting an experiment on it, its reasonable that he'd put it back on the table. There were a number of other objects that presumably had also fallen off that were sitting on the table as well.


27th Aug 2006

Red Eye (2005)

Corrected entry: After Lisa kicks Jackson, her shoe gets stuck in his leg. In the next scene (in the bathroom), she is barefoot and has had no time in between these shots to take the other shoe off her left foot.

Correction: She had plenty of time to take it off. As Jackson is coming up the steps, Lisa kicks him, stabbing his leg with her stiletto heel. Then you see her falling to the floor as Jack tumbles down the staircase to the bottom. He then goes to the front hall and gets the knife from his dead associate. During that time, Lisa, either while still on the floor or right after she got up, could have quickly slipped off the other shoe before going barefoot out the window and onto the scaffolding then into the bathroom where she locks herself in.


Corrected entry: As Annie walks toward Sam and Jonah she is holding Howard the bear and Jonah's backpack. Annie returns only the bear to Jonah; as the trio walks to the elevator Jonah is seen carrying both the backpack and the bear. (There wasn't enough time lapse between shots for the backpack to be handed over, either.)


Correction: I just watched this scene, and during the time that Annie and Sam are talking, just after Annie gives Jonah the teddy bear, the camera pans up to Sam and Annie's shoulders and faces. Annie is still holding the backpack in her left hand, and Jonah, who cannot be seen at this point but is standing next to Annie, could have taken the pack from her then and she just released it to him.


Correction: Annie does not hand the backpack to Jonah, as he does not have it when they're leaving and going to the elevator. It just disappears, as it appears she did not drop it.

Correction: Jonah can be seen stuffing his teddy bear Howard into something (I assume it is the backpack) as the trio move through the doors of the viewing back toward the elevator.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jem is in the bed and the doctor is checking his arm, after his encounter with Bob Ewell, Calpurnia is holding the door shut. When Scout is in the room she spots Boo hiding behind the door. Calpurnia and the doctor should have seen Boo when the door was being held shut.

Correction: Both Calpurnia and the doctor know that Boo Radley is there and that he is extremely shy and introverted to the extent he is totally reclusive and mostly remains indoors. He only occasionally goes out into his yard late at night. Only Jem's life being in danger forced him to leave his home and brought him to the Finch's house. Cal and the doctor are simply respecting Boo's privacy by purposely ignoring him because they know he is incapable of interacting in any type of social setting. The entire story is mostly from Scout's and Jem's viewpoint, and Boo has been an enigma to them. Scout is seeing him for the first time.


28th May 2013

Flight (2012)

Corrected entry: When Whip first returns to his family farm, he collects the alcohol bottles next to the stereo, one of which is a Hennessy bottle, and dumps all the liquor. Days later when he is drunk in his chair watching home videos, there, next to the stereo behind him, lies the same bottle of Hennessy.

Correction: If it is days later, and he is drunk after having gotten rid of all the other liquor, it can be assumed that he either found another bottle of Hennessy in the house that he overlooked or he went out and bought it. He had to be drinking something to become inebriated.


14th May 2013

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: Edward Cullen has a consistent accent in the beginning of the movie while in biology class, but does not have an accent for the rest of the movie (or series).

Correction: I would have to disagree that Edward has an "accent." When he first talks to Bella in biology class, he's struggling with his overwhelming desire for her blood, so his speech is a bit strained and deliberate as he attempts to control himself. Bella affected him so much that he was absent from class for about a week. He gradually becomes more comfortable around her and is able to talk more normally.


When he said, "So you're not worried because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because they won't approve of you?" it does sound like he has an accent of some kind.

Clues - S4-E14

Corrected entry: When Picard returns to the Paxxan planet, Data begins to replay the incidents that led to the "lost day". During the narrative that Data gives, he explains that Captain Picard asked the Paxxan representative, who is using Counselor Troi's body to communicate, who (meaning what species) they belonged to. The alien possessing counselor Troi never answers this question. Instead the alien informs Picard that because the Enterprise crew is aware of the Paxxans (who are xenophobes and isolationists) and the ship and its occupants must be destroyed. Picard asks the alien to allow the Enterprise safe passage through their space, and to erase the entire crew's memory of the incident, however the Paxxan representative says that Data is immune to their technology to erase memories (which would have been required in order for the plan to work). Captain Picard says to Data, "You will conceal your knowledge of the Paxxans for as long as you exist". However the species was never identified. This happens in the last 6 minutes of the episode.


Correction: As I recall, it was Data who explained to Picard that the aliens were Paxxans and xenophobes after it was discovered that Data's "cover story" about the missing day was untrue. Picard's question to the alien about who they are, could be interpreted a number of ways, and not just to identify what their species is called.


13th Feb 2013

Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

Corrected entry: While Joan & Betty are in the kitchen, we see a phone hanging on the wall. The girls are called out of the kitchen & Spencer says he just got a call and has to be in NY the next morning for a meeting. At no point during the time the girls are in the kitchen do we hear the phone ring and there was no such thing as cell phones at that time.

Correction: There were no cell phones at that time, but it was certainly possible to have more than one phone line installed in a house. Spencer may have had a second phone line put in on the pretense that it was for his "work" but to cover up his extra curricular activities, and to keep his wife from listening in on an extension. It is also possible to turn the ringer off on phones, even back then. They may just have preferred not to have the kitchen extension turned on.


15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: During the bloodbath, the District 6 girl is seen on the ground looking up at Marvel while he stabs her with his spear. Throughout the rest of the bloodbath, the same girl is seen battling to District 3 boy. (01:08:45 - 01:09:30)

Correction: It is not the same person. The girl from District 6 is the one who is killed. The girl battling the District 3 boy is Glimmer. Both girls have long blonde hair worn in a somewhat similar style that is pulled back, but the District 6 girl has tighter braids and Glimmer's hair is a looser pig-tail style.


Correction: She doesn't remove it twice. She takes it out and keeps it tucked in her palm while looking at Robert's book, then removes her glasses. When she goes to put her glasses back on, the envelope is still in her hand, tipping downward. She slightly shakes the glasses once to flip open one arm that is folded down so she can put them back on, although it looks like she's shaking something out of the envelope, but she is not. The cross is still in her hand the entire time.


15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Correction: Of course you can see the edge of the wig, because Caesar is wearing a wig. The citizens in the capital dress in outlandish costumes, use garish make-up, have strange hair styles often dyed in bright colors, and wear all kinds of odd hats, ornate jewelry, embellishments, hair pieces, and elaborate wigs. It's not meant to be Caesar's real hair.


15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: When Katniss is hallucinating from the tracker jacker stings, she sees and hears Caesar (the announcer) describing the effects of the venom, which he had just done for the television audience. However, as she is inside the arena, she could not have seen him do this and would thus not 'remember' it in her vision.


Correction: Katniss would not have to "remember" it. She is hallucinating it. Like everyone else, she's watched past televised Hunger Games and knows that Ceasar describes in detail everything that happens during the games. Tracker jackers have probably been used in previous games. It is hardly a stretch that she would hallucinate him explaining about the tracker jackers to the audience, or in this case, to her personally.


15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marvel throws a spear at Rue, Katniss pulls an arrow from the ground to shoot at Marvel, yet nowhere in the whole scene does she ever take an arrow out and put it on the ground.

Correction: She doesn't pick up an arrow up from the ground. She quickly reaches behind to pull one from the quiver that is hanging low on her shoulder. It's hard to see, and it's fast, but she does take it from there.


Correction: She is picking up her bow from the ground. She put it down so she could cut Rue free from the net she was trapped under. She then quickly grabs an arrow from her quiver.

15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: Clove dies twice. Once at the cornucopia and later when when later Thresh kills her for Katniss/Rue.

Correction: Clove did NOT die at the Cornucopia. She is clearly alive during the entire bloodbath. She is seen grabbing supplies and when she throws the knife at the tribute who is about to kill Katniss. She then throws another knife at Katniss, but misses. The two actresses who played the female tributes from District 3 and District 4 both have similar looks to the one who played Clove, but it was definitely not her. Also, Clove is wearing a dark-colored jacket, and the dead girl has a yellow one. If you look at a cast photo of the tributes, you can see the similarities between the three actresses.


15th Feb 2013

The Hunger Games (2012)

Corrected entry: After both Katniss and Peeta are healed, they are walking by the river discussing the remaining tributes in the Games. Peeta mentions "Foxface" in reference to the girl tribute from District 5. Neither Peeta nor the audience should know this nickname Katniss created, as she at no point mentioned it to anyone.

Correction: How is it known that she never mentioned it to anyone? Just because she is not heard saying it onscreen, does not mean she didn't previously use that nickname before the games when she was talking to Peeta or the support team. Haymitch, Cinna, and the others worked closely with Katniss and Peeta to prepare them, and they spent much time discussing the other tributes - who they were, what their strengths were, and so on. Katniss could have used that name at any time when referring to the girl from District 5.


Corrected entry: Bella and Jacob repeatedly refer to Renesmee as Charlie's "niece". However, Charlie, being Bella's father, is actually Renesmee's grandfather. Yes, he was not told that Bella gave birth to Renesmee, but he was still told that she is Bella's daughter, so she cannot in any sense be Charlie's niece.


Correction: Charlie is told that Renesmee is Edward's niece. Under that scenario, Renesmee would technically be considered Charlie's grand-niece by Bella's marriage to Edward. They also say they "adopted" her, also making her his granddaughter. To protect Charlie from the Volturi, he cannot be told the real circumstances about Renesmee's birth, so the explanation is deliberately left rather vague. Charlie suspects there is more than he is being told, mentioning that Renesmee has Bella's eyes, but he just goes along with it.


9th Nov 2012

Octopussy (1983)

Correction: Magda was not actually saying Octopussy's name. She was describing her tattoo, calling it her "little Octopussy." It may be the same word, but technically, she was not telling Bond that this was a woman's name. Kamal was actually referring to the person.


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