Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Nope, Charlie's British, most likely from Manchester. The name Liam was chosen for his brother as a deliberate nod to Liam Gallagher, who, with his brother Noel, formed the real-life band Oasis, which was part of the inspiration for Drive Shaft.


Absentia - S13-E13

Question: In one of the court scenes it states the date as the 26th of December. Upon a bit of searching it doesn't seem to fall as a holiday in the New York Supreme Court holidays calendar. While the day is generally observed as a holiday in many countries I am not sure about whether it is observed in any states of the United States?


Chosen answer: December 25 is observed and some places close on the 24 (or just close early). The 26th is a normal work day.


Answer: This is difficult to answer. Tolkien, in the books, appears to tie the use of magic to the staff. There are several times that staffs are lost or broken and it is inferred that the Maia (the race, if you will, of wizards) is lessened by it. However, Gandalf is able to defeat the Balrog after he lost his staff at the chasm in Khazad Dhun. To do that, he needed his powers although he died in the process. So it doesn't seem that he absolutely needs his staff to do magic, but it certainly helps.

Zwn Annwn

Question: I forget why Obediah Stane went bad. Why did he?

Answer: He doesn't go bad, as such, he just is bad. It's made reasonably clear in the film that he's been surreptitiously selling weapons to pretty much anybody who'll buy them, rogue governments, terrorist groups, anybody. In all likelihood, he's been doing this for years behind Stark's back. After Stark's attitude to their work changes and he starts to investigate what Stane's been up to, Stane takes steps to protect his various illicit enterprises.


Speaking of selling weapons wouldn't Stane need a license to sell weapons?

As Stark Enterprises makes weapons as a major part of their output, they would certainly have every licence they would need to sell those weapons legally. When you're selling illegally, to terrorist groups, rogue governments and the suchlike, licences aren't really something you worry about too much.

In order to legally sell weapons yes.

Question: I was wondering, and I've seen the movie, do Rob and Beth live? And will there be a number 2?

Answer: Whilst they have made a second film, 10 Cloverfield Lane, it does not have much, if anything at all, to do with the first film. So we aren't told what happened to Rob and Beth.

Alan Keddie

Answer: We will not know unless they make a sequel. Right now they are still deciding if they want to make a sequel or not.


Question: After Tony turned Prince and the trolls into gold, what happened to his ability to turn things into gold? Could it only be used once?

Answer: Yes, you only get to use it once, I think it mentions it on the plaque on the front of the tank "the first thing you touch will be gold" or something like that. If not it says it in the book so maybe that's where I got it from.

Question: In what town or city were the scenes where Indy is supposed to live and work actually filmed?


Chosen answer: They were filmed in New Haven, CT and Yale University.

Michael Piscitelli

Answer: Michael Jackson was slated to record a song and music video for the film. The music video had him living in the Addams family mansion with angry townsfolk trying to drive him out of town for being scary and weird. The scene in the film was suppose to reflect that he scared "normal" kids, it had nothing to do with a scandal. When Evan Chandler started talking about his son being molested by Jackson, the song and music video were pulled and not included with the film. But the poster scene was left in. Later, when the scandal fully broke and more accusation were made, the joke of the scene took on another meaning.


Good thing the accusations were all false! :).

Answer: If memory serves, it's a poster for Heal the World? I think he probably screams because this song was WAY over-played on radio stations at the time! It certainly was in the UK where I am from so I imagine in America it was over-played so much more.

Chosen answer: Not only is it a reference to Jackson's general scary weirdness, but also his alleged pedophilia (child molestation), causing the boy to react in fear.


Impossible, the first pedophilia accusations were made just a few months before the movie came out.

Those accusations had been an open secret for a long time, though.

Question: Anyone in a sales floor realizes that if you have a lot of people in one room talking at the same time, there's background noise. Yet only one or two people have active noise canceling headsets. Everyone else uses handsets. Either everyone should or no one should. Why the difference?

Answer: I spent some time as a telemarketer (my apologies to anyone I may have called) and only certain people got headsets. They were used as a reward for top closers. Everyone else had to use handsets in a room similar to the one in the movie.

Question: We all know that Marlena is bitten by one of the smaller monsters in the subway. When the group finds the military hospital, Marlena is escorted behind a curtain because of the bite. We see blood suddenly spray onto the curtain, meaning there was a small explosion to kill her. Was the explosion caused by the monster bite, or did the military have to do it to her?

Answer: It's very unlikely that the military would have to resort to exploding her, given they not only had guns, but access to all of the hospital's drugs and sharp instruments. While we can't say for sure, it's most likely an extreme reaction to the monster bite.


Show generally

Question: In several episodes, the kids mention their friend, Preston, who has parties or gets beer. Has he ever actually been shown?

Answer: Yes, he is the one wearing the Fedora Hat. Look for him in Season 1 Episode 4.

Question: What exactly was Hank's "plan" with the lawn darts, shovel and whatnot? I never quite caught that.

Answer: Those weren't part of his plan. As he explained later, those items belonged to the cop whose car it is they have stolen. The cop was planning to kill and bury them.

That makes so much more sense.

Question: When Obi-wan says that Anakin saved him for the ninth time instead of the tenth, because the business on some planet doesn't count, what is he referring to?

Answer: He is referring to an incident on Cato Nemoidia, the home planet of the Nemoidians. It's not shown in the film, but, if I remember correctly, it is told in the novel Labyrinth of Evil.

Cubs Fan

Question: This might be just me, but at the beginning of the movie, Grievous seemed to especially not like Obi-wan. If so, what was his grudge against him?

Answer: By nature, Grievous hates every Jedi due to their role in defeating his people during their war with the Huk, a conflict known as the "Huk War." As far as Obi-Wan goes, Grievous and Kenobi encountered each other many times during the Clone Wars in battle and duelled each other prior to Utapau. He has a history with Obi-Wan, and also likely views Kenobi's status as "The Negotiator" with contempt.

Question: What reason did the bounty hunter (Leia in disguise) have for staying in Jabba's palace overnight? Wouldn't Jabba expect the person to leave after getting the payment for Chewbacca?

Answer: Not necessarily. Jabba's palace is sort of an entertainment hub for the likes of Boushh (the bounty hunter Leia is disguised as). Jabba runs the place like a business, sort of a hotel/club.


Show generally

Question: In the episode with Uncle Earl in it, what happened at the end when Miley tried to help him out of the chair?

Answer: He falls and breaks the chair, landing on the deck.


Question: At the beginning of the film, when Indy's first shown, he says "Russians" upon seeing the Soviets. Weren't the Soviets just called Soviets and not Russians (since the Soviet Union still existed)?

Answer: While "Soviets" would probably be considered the official term, "Russians" was still widely used as a descriptive term, as Russia was by far the largest and most dominant state in the Union. The two terms were effectively interchangeable during that period.


Chosen answer: No particular reason why they couldn't if they wanted to. The gesture goes back into antiquity - the origins of the gesture are completely unknown, so they would be aware of it. It certainly wouldn't be the done thing for a well-brought-up young lady to do, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't if the situation appeared to warrant it.


Exactly. There have always been people who display behaviors that are not "proper" or standard for the time. Another example is Cal and Rose having sex despite not being married yet. Considering his comments about her being "his wife in practice" and him asking why she didn't come to his room one night.

Actually, in Edwardian times, it was considered acceptable for upper class engaged couples to be sexually intimate before being married.

Question: At the very end of the movie, when Sy's camera ends up having only photos of "the little things" as opposed to the pictures of the other characters pretending to have sex, I interpreted it as Sy not having actually TAKEN pictures of the couple, but really taking pictures of the room itself, on purpose - so that the pictures wouldn't get out, but instead he would just be giving them what he feels they deserved. However, on a couple other websites I have found the ending interpreted as Sy having hidden or disposed of the film that he took the lewd photographs with. Are either of these considered to be "correct"?

Answer: There is a line from the cop at the very beginning of the film in the interview room with Cy "We processed the roll of film we found in your bag Mr. Parish, they're not very pretty pictures. Also you left a camera in the hotel, we processed that roll as well. "As he talks about the second roll he indicates the folder containing the photos we see at the end. Therefore we can assume the "not very pretty photos" found on the roll of film in the bag are the lewd ones of the pretend sex acts. Whether he left the other ones behind as a cover or what he intended to do with the lewd ones we can but guess.

Question: Healy tries to impress Mary by pretending to be an architect, drugging the dog, getting new teeth, liking the same movies, and by saying he works with handicapped children. Why then would he call them "r***rds" and say he keeps one in a cage and puts him on a leash like a dog?! Wouldn't he think this would piss Mary off? I never understood that scene and why he would say this.

Carl Missouri

Answer: Because he is ignorant and doesn't know anything about disabled people, he actually doesn't realise what he is saying is offensive.

Chosen answer: Apparently he didn't consider that - either he's just being an idiot or he's trying to make an extremely ill-considered joke. Either way, that's a character mistake, not a movie mistake.


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