Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: In a nutshell, it's because the film's protagonist is a mentally disturbed killer, and certain groups in America thought the film's violence would lead to copycat behavior.


I never got this aspect of the controversy, if anything, it goes to show what can happen when mental illness goes untreated.


I agree with you on that, but unfortunately, there's so many people, at least in the United States, that have no sense of nuance and are prone to knee-jerk reactions. They would rather condemn and blame different kinds of media for society's ills, rather than stop and look at the message something is trying to tell.


I read about the concern over possible copycat behavior in an on-line article; Phaneron's answer is correct.


Answer: Because the left thought it would encourage violence and mocked liberal run cities.The right thought the same on violence, it seemingly justified a mentally ill guy's actions, that it made white businessmen bad guys. Both sides in general only complained about Joker for attention.


Question: Larry and Anna meet because Dan pretended to be Anna and chatted with Larry online. How is the Internet chat shown in the original play version of this movie?

Question: Surely the Federal government would realise Goldfinger's involvement once he tried selling them his gold? That and what does China promise him for creating economic chaos in the West?


Answer: He wouldn't have to sell the gold. He would keep it and become the new Fort Knox. He'd become the richest man in the world, worth billions, back in the 1960's, it was unheard of.

Answer: Yes, the U.S. government would realise that Goldfinger was involved. The movie's plot is deliberately unbelievable and merely intended for entertainment, not reality. Audiences are expected to employ a "suspension of disbelief." China promised Goldfinger the nuclear bomb so that he could carry out his plan. They wanted to create economic chaos in the US while Goldfinger's own gold would become far more valuable.


Question: When the Mandarin shoots the guy on the TV broadcast, is it real or fake?

Answer: It was fake. I believe at one point later in the movie you see him shaking hands with the guy after shooting him, showing they staged it. Remember, he is an actor.


Question: Did the real Lefty actually have "cancer of the prick", as was claimed in the movie?

Answer: Benjamin "Lefty" Ruggiero suffered from testicular cancer, as well as lung cancer.


Answer: He was startled for a brief second, then quickly realised, Bruce had gotten the remote pilot device fixed on the Bat-Hover craft.

Show generally

Question: Whenever there are scenes in the shower tent, it seems that the direction of the showerheads change. Assuming the door is facing North, sometimes the showers are on the East side, sometimes West. Is this considered a mistake?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: According to the show, they have "bugged out" (moved) more than once. The shower would not necessarily have been put back in the same place each time.


Question: I have to admit that I don't know if this can be called a 'mistake', so I just post is as a question also to gauge the response from others who may have seen the movie. The 'trick' the movie's second act is based on, with Jude Law showing back at the novelist's house posing as an investigator... Would ANYONE be fooled by this? I don't pinpoint an obvious flaw in the make-up that maybe would be a Character or Continuity mistake, but seriously; is there ANYONE who wouldn't see through that silly disguise, especially considering that it's the only other visitor the guy had in days, that he is obsessed with him, Law comes to see Caine about his 'own' disappearance, which as opposed to the audience Caine knows is fake and left him open to at least a prank or revenge. I mean, they are up close for so long during this, both times, it is such a wild stretch of the suspension of disbelief. I was truly convinced Caine had seen through him right away and was playing with him, but shockingly, that was not the case. (00:02:30 - 00:39:40)


Answer: Sleuth was originally produced as a stage play written by Anthony Shaeffer. In that medium, the surprise reveal was more plausible. The 1972 movie, starring Michael Caine in the younger role, was relatively more successful in deceiving the audience, though, it too, was fairly obvious. The 2007 version, directed by Kenneth Branagh, seemed to assume that most of the audience already knew about the plot twist and, as it comes midway through the story, it appears the movie instead focused on the psychological aspects of the cat-and-mouse relationship between the two characters.


Question: When Officer Blake leaves Wayne Manor after telling Bruce Wayne that he knows he is Batman and that funding has stopped to the Smithens Boys' Home, Bruce asks Alfred "Have you run that name? Bane?" and Alfred responds with his findings. How did Bruce hear of Bane in the first place? Nowhere prior in the movie is Bane ever mentioned to Bruce. It's not mentioned by Selina Kyle, by Officer Blake and there is no news media mentioning anything. How did Bruce come-about asking Alfred to run Bane's name in the first place? (00:29:22)

Answer: Officer Blake does mention the name Bane to Bruce when visiting him (Blake says Gordon was babbling about an army and a masked man named Bane). That seemed to be his primary purpose coming over, to get Batman to help fight Bane. When Blake is at the door about to leave, the scene cuts to him outside walking to his car, so we don't know how much time passes. And while we don't see Alfred, it was possible he was listening. I don't know if there was a cut scene, but in the film it does seem there's meant to be enough time for Alfred to do a quick check on the name.


Answer: Officer Blake did in fact mention Bane to him, in the conversation that they just had. At the start of the conversation, Bruce asks "What can I do for you, officer", then Blake tells him Commissioner Gordon's been shot. After saying that, Blake says "He chased a gunman down into the sewers. When I pulled him out, he was babbling about an underground army. A masked man called Bane." That was how Bruce found out about Bane. (This line is said at 00:26:47).

Casual Person

Question: What is the song playing at the beginning of the movie when the characters are talking online to each other?

Answer: This series is hardly an accurate depiction of the real CIA (or FBI, for that matter); for example, Avery Bullock would never be deputy director given his mental instability, and Stan would have been fired many times over for his incompetence.


Answer: I always thought it was a play on words. They're harboring an alien, which could mean someone who isn't a citizen. But Roger is an outer space alien.

Question: Why did the magnet in the junk yard look upset as the master was picking his old stuff up?


Answer: Because it was the magnet's job to pick up the trash to be crushed. He didn't like seeing his items being taken away.

Answer: For one, it's usually cheaper to film in Vancouver because of the tax breaks. But all the CW Arrowverse shows (with the exception of "Black Lighting") are/were filmed in Vancouver. So it makes it easier and cheaper for sharing set designs, crossovers, etc ("Black Lightning" filmed in Vancouver during its crossover). Originally "Supergirl" wasn't part of the Arrowverse when it was on CBS, but it was too expensive to produce and wasn't reaching the wider audience the CW shows had. So CBS moved it to its sister company, The CW.


Answer: In general, quite accurate as that was the point of the show. To teach kids about science. As the show is now over 20 years old, some facts have changed as we're always discovering new things. For the time, it was as accurate as it could and much of it is still accurate now.

One thing I think the show gets wrong is the idea that electrons stop moving when you break a circuit. Electrons never stop moving.

Show generally

Question: Does Kat ever wise up again to Kara's secret? That and why did she (Flockhart) leave the show only to come back?


Answer: Yes, s02e22. As Kara leaves her office, she said "go get them, Supergirl" to herself. After season 1, the show switched from a CBS production to a CW production and filming moved from L.A. to Vancouver. Flockhart isn't really a fan of traveling to shoot, and didn't want to be away from her family for so long.


Question: When the TX tastes a sample of John Connor's blood at Kate's vet clinic she seems stunned. How is this possible on a cyborg and why look so surprised?


Answer: Advanced Terminators occasionally show signs of emotion: T-X also exhibits frustration, anger, and genuine malice, as well as smirking mischievously on two occasions. When she samples John Connor's blood, she's stunned to come across her primary target, whose whereabouts Skynet was unaware of.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: Her goal/duty was to terminate John Connor. She must first find him in order to terminate him. Identifying John's blood - fresh blood, in fact - meant he was nearby and she was getting close to achieving her goal. This excited her. There was a stimulus and response, similar to Pavlov's dogs who salivated when they heard the bell indicating that food was coming.


Question: When Johnny and Lorna are in the castle, before they go into the small room where Johnny accidentally announces his plans over the PA, Lorna is seen with a back tattoo. It looks like perhaps it's a number, "05" maybe? Was there a deleted scene where we see the tattoo more or where characters talk about it? Or was this Natalie Imbruglia's actual back tattoo? Later it seems to be gone.


Question: If Amelia had David towards the end of the 21st century during her reign, how is it possible that Viktor would be suspicious of her whereabouts and send Semira to find her?

Answer: Amelia was a Vampire Elder. She had responsibilities to the coven, to be gone for days or weeks would be normal, but months. Viktor had a suspicious nature. After discovering his daughter's affair with Lucian and the rebellion of the Lycans, he probably feared another betrayal.

Season 2 generally

Question: Johnny punishes his Cobra Kai class after learning that certain members trashed Daniel's Dojo to try to get the culprits to confess (with no luck). Why didn't he just send them all to Daniel's Dojo to clean up the mess and fix it up? That would have been the more honourable thing to do.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: He was trying to flesh out the actual culprits but, as you pointed out, he wasn't having any luck. But if he hadn't received the phone call, he might have sent the entire class over to clean up. However, in the same episode, check Robby and Demitri's reactions to the former Cobra Kai students joining Daniel's school. Tensions were high between the two dojos and Daniel's anger at Johnny's dojo might have convinced Johnny that the current students would not be welcome there (risking a fight which both Johnny and Daniel wanted to avoid), so he might have been reluctant to send anyone even if it was the honorable thing to do. Also, Johnny mentions in an earlier episode that there is a difference between mercy and honor. He wants to make sure the real culprits get punished properly. Once he discovered who did it, the innocent would be off the hook and then the real punishment would begin for the guilty. So, in closing, there could be any number of reasons why he didn't send the entire class to clean up Miyagi-Do.


Question: What's the meaning of the text in the opening credits, starting with "For nearly forty years..."?


Answer: The novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" was published in 1900 and this film came out in 1939. Many adults that would be watching the movie would have read the book as children and remained "young in heart", meaning filled with childlike wonder and kindness that the story of Oz is filled with, etc. The story presents a philosophy of kindness that Time (i.e. growing older) has been powerless to make out of fashion (unpopular). The film is dedicated to those that have been faithful to the story of Oz and it's philosophy of kindness, and to the "young in heart."


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