
Trivia: Director Pat Proft is from Minnesota. Almost all of the characters in this film are named after Minnesota towns. Lt. Fergus Falls, Hibbing Goodhue, Dr. Fridley, Cass Lake, Orono, Bagley.


16th Jul 2019

The Departed (2006)

Continuity mistake: Costello throws money down on the pool table and tells Costigan to get his hand fixed. In the next shot he has the money in his hand and throws it down again.


8th Jul 2019

Stranger Things (2016)

6th Jul 2019

Stranger Things (2016)

Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy? - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Steve is talking to Robin about striking out. Two girls come in and Robin encourages him to talk to them. In the first angle his shirt is lower and you can see his chest hair. Cut to the other side as he flips around to talk to the girls, and his shirt has moved up. (00:24:15)


1st Jul 2019

Ant-Man (2015)

Continuity mistake: When Scott and Hope are kissing at the end, Hope has her hands on Scott. When the shot flips to the other side, her hands are down.


Trivia: Fred Ward, who played John Anglin in this film, would later go on to play a character in Naked Gun 33 1/3rd who escapes from prison as well.


24th May 2019

The Town (2010)

24th May 2019

Breakdown (1997)

Revealing mistake: During the chase on the dirt road, Jeff pulls the Jeep up to the edge of a cliff. Look at the ground ahead of where he ends up. There are clear tire tracks, and the Jeep follows them to a T. This was obviously where they practiced the scene before.


24th May 2019

Breakdown (1997)

Continuity mistake: The police officer shows up to hear about the woman missing. When he stops the sun is behind him. The scene cuts and the sun is overhead. It changes several times after that.


24th May 2019

Breakdown (1997)

Audio problem: When Amy first gets into the semi, we can hear her talking to Red but her mouth isn't matching what she is saying.


18th May 2019

Breakdown (1997)

Revealing mistake: There are no keys in the Jeep when we see the breakdown happen. You can see the steering wheel and where the keys should be. How is this car even moving? (00:08:05 - 00:08:35)


9th May 2019

9-1-1 (2018)

Careful What You Wish For - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode, a bunch of money falls from a building. Of course people are grabbing it but when the First Responders show up, everything has miraculously been cleaned up. No money to be found. With the amount that has fallen and the chaos, there would likely be some left over. The street is squeaky clean.


Trivia: During the chase with the ark, the truck Indy is driving comes around a turn. The sound effect the truck makes is a lion roaring.


9th May 2019

Brake (2012)

Deliberate mistake: When the cop car is ramming the back of the trunk of Dorff's car, you can tell it is a Ford. The filmmakers however, have put gaffer tape over the logo.


9th May 2019

Brake (2012)

Factual error: Throughout the film Stephen Dorff talks to the other agent on the CB. CBs have no way to receive while transmitting, yet the two men overlap each other's conversations.


Visible crew/equipment: As the bad guys are leaving the dig site for Cairo, there is a shot of the black vehicle (lead car) looking right at the driver. On the bottom of the shot is a shadow of film equipment that shouldn't be there. The shot lingers, so the shadow is very visible. (01:22:50)


Continuity mistake: Arnold holds a hot stick of metal to Marion's face in her bar, threatening her. In the opposite angle, the metal is nowhere to be seen when it should be right next to her face. Cut back to the other angle and we see it again.


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