Quantom X

16th Dec 2013

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: In the Rec Lounge Spock is playing his Vulcan lyre. When Uhura starts humming, he looks up and drops his hands. When the camera goes in for a close up on Spock, his hands are in the playing position again, and he drops his left hand. (00:09:52)

Movie Nut

15th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: After Spock and Kirk attempt to trap Charlie into a room with a force field, Charlie makes the wall disappear and then freezes Kirk and Spock in place. Spock has his right hand against the wall at about chest level with himself. The camera cuts to a closer angle and suddenly his hand is higher up, about face level. (00:39:47)

Quantom X

16th Dec 2013

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: In Janice Rand's quarters, Charlie mentally throws Kirk and Spock against the wall. After they collide with it and slide down the face of the wall, there is a huge indention and crack where Spock hit. After a camera cut to Charlie, when the camera looks at Kirk and Spock again, there is no damage to the wall. (00:36:52)

Movie Nut

16th May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

2nd May 2020

Daredevil (2015)

Daredevil mistake picture

World on Fire - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Matt is talking to Sgt. Brett who sets down a pen on his desk. After Brett starts to get up and lifts up his cup, the pen is still on his paper. When the camera cuts to an over the shoulder view from Brett, the pen vanishes. (00:21:53)

Quantom X

26th Apr 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Better Call Saul mistake picture

Witness - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: After Jimmy leaves Mike at the Los Pollos, Mike looks through is binoculars and is supposed to be looking at the mirror with them. The shot of the rear view mirror shows him looking off to his left however, not at the mirror as it should be. When the angle changes to the front, suddenly he's pointing the binoculars at the rear view mirror. (00:30:42)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Better Call Saul (2015)

Better Call Saul mistake picture

Fall - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: After the meeting and Howard pours a glass of drink for both him and Chuck, he walks to the end of the table and places his hands on a chair as he asks Chuck if he remembers Al McConnell. Chuck has just taken a drink and lowered his arm and glass down to the level of the table. The camera then cuts to Chuck and suddenly he's got his glass up to his face again. (00:12:25)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: After the rangers accidentally teleport to the Command Center and are piled up together, Billy lowers his arm and is braced against Alpha. But once the camera cuts to a close up, he's got his hand on Zack's back. (00:04:33)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: After Bulk's first attempt to climb the rope, falling to the mat on his butt, Kimberly and Zack are from the overhead view towards the bottom of the screen at the side of the mat. Kimberly is standing away from it, and Zack has one foot on. After Bulk stands up and there's a different angle, suddenly Kimberly and Zack are both on the mat right next to the rope. Jason, Billy and Trini also slightly change positions. (00:03:00)

Quantom X

15th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Kirk begins to question Charlie about the melted chess pieces, there is a close up of Kirk showing light cast down him him with his chest void of any shadows. When cut to a wide angle, he suddenly has shadows on his chest from lighting changes. (00:22:36)

Quantom X

7th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Charlie turns the playing cards into pictures of Rand and lays them down face down in a stack. The camera cuts to her then back and now the cards are noticeably in a different position here the film crew switched them out. (00:13:13)

Quantom X

7th May 2020

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Just before Uhura begins to hum with Spock's playing of his instrument, she is leaning over a table where they are playing cards. She has one hand on her cheek and then brings the other up to her face as well. When it cuts to a side angle, she's suddenly bringing her hand up to her face again in a repeated action. (00:09:47)

Quantom X

5th May 2018

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: As Charlie watches the pole lowering into a square hole in the deck, the wood grain of the set piece is visible. The wood has been painted gray/silver to look like metal. (00:06:06)

Movie Nut

18th Sep 2004

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Capt. Kirk and Charlie enter the turbolift heading for the bridge, Kirk is wearing one style of tunic and when the turbolift arrives on the bridge, Kirk is wearing a completely different tunic. (00:15:14)

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: As Bulk goes to start climbing the rope, Jason is standing behind him with his arms crossed and he has on his watch and wrist bands. After Bulk gets back up from falling, Jason's watch and bands have vanished. (00:02:55)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sonic runs by the radar gun the first time, triggering it to show a 296, Tom picks the radar gun up and looks at it. In the view of the radar gun, he lifts it and has it tilted to the left of himself, left of screen in this shot. When it cuts to a front angle showing his face, the radar gun is now tilted to point to his right, which is now still left of screen. (00:04:49)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: At the speed trap, Tom points his radar gun at a turtle. From his perspective, he seems to be looking through some sort of scope with cross hairs and numbers on it at the turtle to line up the beam. However, when he then looks at the radar gun at the speed indicated as 1 MP/H, there is nothing on the gun where he could have been looking through such a scope. At best, the top of the run appears to have plastic iron sites. The scoped view would not have been from the device itself perspective since it would not need cross hairs or numbers on said cross hairs as that would be for a person looking through it to have reference points. This scope view of the turtle was most likely just added by the film makers to have a better visual representation of Tom aiming the radar gun at the turtle. (00:04:29)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the Echidnas first start attacking Sonic and Longclaw, she slams the door shut quickly to catch the arrows shot at them. The In the close up of the door from the outside, the arrows are in a different pattern and are closer together than the holes when seen from inside that are a bit more spread out. (00:02:23)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Eggman is chasing Sonic through the streets and there is a shot of the city skyline down a street behind Sonic as he makes a turn. The camera then cuts to inside Eggman's ship to a close up him with the city skyline still behind him, only now it's different buildings behind Eggman. (00:01:00)

Quantom X

Sonic the Hedgehog trivia picture

Trivia: In the beginning of the film, young Sonic gives Longclaw a flower with spiky petals. This flower is actually based on a flower sprite from the original "Sonic the Hedgehog" video-game for the Sega Genesis. (00:02:16)


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