Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early to mid 70s.The story was about a couple who were having a pool or something built in their backyard.The people building it discovered an old box or suitcase that held an old miniature horse or other small toy animal that came to life and started to attack them.Can anyone help out with the name of it.

Answer: It's an episode from the TV series "Ghost Story" (aka "Circle of Fear") called "Dark Vengeance.

Can anyone identify this movie? Probably made in the late 40s, a romantic comedy. A woman tries to elude a wealthy bachelor so she boards a train for a vacation in the mountains. He finds out and diverts her train car to Palm Beach (?) (a warm place). The scene I remember is her striding across the lobby of the train station. She is wearing a plaid wool jacket/winter clothes and the bystanders are staring at her. It is not Palm Beach Story. Thanks.

Answer: That sounds like "My Life with Caroline" with Ronald Coleman. IMDB summary: "Caroline and Anthony Mason have been married for five years. Due to his successful business, Anthony spends a lot of time away from Caroline. Even though Caroline loves Anthony, she is 'in love' with another man every two or three years. It is at these times that Anthony arrives to save the marriage." The part about the plaid jacket sounds familiar. She was about to run away with a man, but her husband (Coleman) diverts her somehow. She's a lot younger than he is.

Woman counting cards and getting kicked out of casinos had a friend pick her up and take her to the main man that recognizes her talent. Dressing as a man with mustache and plaid suit, she hires other artists to help her break the casinos that ended up killing her friend and had kicked her out of their casinos. Title?

Answer: The title is "Stacey's Knights" - Kevin Costner is the guy that gets killed.

There was a movie released sometime in the past 25 years where characters watched the skeleton scene from "House on Haunted Hill" on TV. What was it?

Answer: I remember seeing that when I was a kid. It was Amazing Stories book 2, go to the head of the class or something. Christopher Lloyd is a teacher and his heavy metal listening students play a record backwards to get a spell to give him the hiccups, but they do it wrong and his head gets cut off but he still chases them around.

I saw a film about 30 years ago about a couple and their teenage daughter who go on holiday. The girl has asthma. A mysterious old lady who says she can cure her becomes involved in their lives. The mother and daughter get sucked in but the father is suspicious. Towards the end of the film, things turn nasty. He gets locked up somewhere but escapes and sees his wife and daughter in some kind of devil worship procession. A typical 1970s film - does anyone know it or what it was called?

Answer: The movie starred Rosanna Arquette and Bette Davis. I think it was called Harvest Home or something like that. It was one of my favorite movies. It was the first time I ever saw Rosanna Arquette. She was a child.

I've been watching "Melrose Place" on DVD, and I'm curious: since the show was aired on FOX, why are the DVDs released by CBS?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: CBS bought the rights to the show. You can also view them at

Carl Missouri

This movie is quite old, I saw it about 25+ years ago in 3rd grade. It was about a young boy who lost his hair, because he got spooked after peeping in an abandoned building. Two homeless ghosts (I think they were ghosts) gave him a recipe to mix up and put on his head to make the hair grow, but the hair would not stop growing, it grew by the second. Then the boy was kidnapped by an artist who wanted his hair to make paintbrushes. That is how they found the boy at the end, because his sister saw some of the brushes in a store and knew it was made from her brother's hair. Can anyone help me out?

Answer: It is called The Peanut Butter Solution. Check out


There was a movie out a while ago that is similar to Death Race, but it featured Ice T., and it was about all the criminals that got locked in a building and they had to kill each other to be the last one out the building. I remember one scene well. They had just gotten there and all these guns fell from the ceiling onto a table and that was the beginning of the movie. Does anyone know this movie?

Answer: The movie is called 'Mean Guns', released in 1997.

Super Grover

This was a movie that I saw on TV (not sure if it was made-for-TV) sometime in the mid-'90's to early 2000's. A record label found a woman who had a great voice, but was not attractive, so they made a music video with a younger girl (I think she had dark hair), and put the other woman's voice in the video. I think the other woman was cleaning a house when she suddenly saw the video on TV, with the younger woman singing the song she recorded. Does anyone know the title?

Answer: I believe this is the made-for-TV movie "Out of Sync," starring Gail O'Grady and Kari Wuhrer, and aired in 2000.


There was a cable TV show, during the mid-1980's on Sunday evenings (I think), that was about a woman veterinarian who flew a helicopter. It was set on a island. For the life of me I can't remember the name of that show. Can you possibly help me? Thank you.

Answer: It sounds like the Canadian series Danger Bay.

Jeff Swanson

Does anyone know the name of the Abbott & Costello movie that had the "Who's on First?" routine? Thanks.

Answer: Per Wikipedia: "The routine was featured in the team's 1940 film debut, "One Night in the Tropics". The duo reprised the bit in their 1945 film "The Naughty Nineties", and it is that version which is considered their finest recorded rendition. They also performed the routine numerous times on radio and television (notably in the Abbott and Costello Show episode "The Actor's Home")."


It seems that whenever they try to make a TV show from a movie the show never lasts. I can think of two shows that were successful (M*A*S*H and Buffy The Vampire Slayer). Does anyone know if there are any other shows that have lasted more than one year? Thanks.

Answer: There were/are many successful TV shows, both live-action and animated, that were/are adapted from or inspired by films. To start with, two spin-offs of TV's M*A*S*H and Buffy the Vampire Slayer are Trapper John and Angel. A few others that that come to mind are: The Odd Couple, In the Heat of the Night, Highlander, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which just started its second season. For a more concise list see here:

Super Grover

What is the title of the fairly recent movie which portrays one black and one white man as brothers?

Answer: It's the 1996 movie, "A Family Thing," starring Robert Duvall and James Earl Jones. After discovering they are half-brothers, two middle-aged men, one white, one black, struggle to bond with one another.


I'm trying to remember the name of a movie. I think it was released mid-late 90's. It's about a guy who meets a girl on a train/subway, then tries to find her again. All this talk about "my sassy girl" reminded me of it and I can't get it out of my head. Thanks for any help you can give.

Answer: Could it be "On the Line" starring Lance Bass and Emannuelle Chriqui?


I am trying to find the name of a late 80's or early 90's movie. The film features a newlywed couple who are honeymooning in a castle. The castle has a few ghosts inhabiting it, and the husband falls in love with one of the ghosts. Somehow the ghost becomes human again at the end, and then she and the husband end up together. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: The movie is called High Spirits. It starred Steve Guttenberg and Daryl Hannah.


This was a comedy show that I think was part of ABC's TGIF line-up, but it might have been Nickelodeon. A single mom with a teenage daughter and younger son somehow found a genie, who was a man with dark hair. I remember a Halloween episode, where the mom wished that the genie had to be a normal human with no powers for Halloween (since she had explained that Halloween was about dressing up as something scary, and having no powers was what the genie thought was scary). It was on in the late '90's or early 2000's. Does anyone know the name of it?

Answer: I believe what you're looking for is "You Wish" which did air on ABC in 1997. It starred: John Ales as Genie, Harley Jane Kozak as Gillian Apple, Nathan Lawrence as Travis, and Alex McKenna as Mickey. Hope that helped!

Angela Brown

I saw a movie about this girl, Holly (I think) and her best friend whose name I don't remember. Her best friend convinces her to apply to the Playboy restaurant, and the two of them end up working there. Holly becomes one of the best bunnies but her best friend falls apart and starts breaking the rules and abusing diet pills. This leads to a falling out between the two. Holly ends up falling in love with the bartender and there is an emotional reunion scene between her and her best friend at a train station at the end of the movie. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about?

Answer: You are thinking of "A Tale of Two Bunnies", a TV movie made in 2000.

Why don't very many 2-D animation movies come to theaters anymore (whenever I see a commercial for a new one, it's always on DVD right away)?

Answer: Mainly because the entertainment medium has moved on since the days of drawn animation. They're very time consuming and labor intensive, so they cost a lot. That means such a film is less likely to make a significant profit. The film financiers don't want to put money into drawn animation while moviegoers, generally speaking, are no longer interesting in paying to see them. Having said that, Disney's releasing "The Princess and the Frog" in theatres in 2009, which will their first hand-drawn animation in 5 years.


I once saw a movie where a bunch of strangers were locked in this building, Then a whole bunch of guns and weapons were dropped onto a table. The objection was to make it out of the building alive and win a reward. The less people that made it out alive the bigger share the winners had to divide. I remember Ice T was in it.

Answer: The movie is called 'Mean Guns', released in 1997.

Super Grover

Was it ever true that actors would get paid more if they were willing to do nude scenes? If so, is it still true today (since nude scenes are not such a shocking new thing)?

Answer: There is really no definitive answer to this. The best example to say they would is Demi Moore. She was paid around 12.5 million dollars to do the film Striptease, which was substantially more than what she usually got. While the main reason behind that might have been because the quality of the film was fairly poor, it seems to be more of an artistic decision than money. Stars in arthouse and foreign films are more likely to do nude scenes and the likelihood is they are getting less in salary. While in major films it would seem unlikely. Actors who reach a certain success will generally be able to have clauses in their contracts preventing them having to do nude scenes. Studios would also be unlikely to pay more as they would not want to risk higher ratings for their films as it might hurt box office receipts. The way it might directly be true is if someone specifically demands more money if they're asked to do a nude scene - Halle Berry was reportedly paid an extra $1m for her topless scene in Swordfish (her first nude appearance), presumably because the studio thought the extra press was worth the cost.


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