Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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There was a movie starring James Earl Jones. The movie takes place sometime in the '50s and he plays a man who shows another black man about racism by taking him to a corner market and when they both look inside, they watch a black woman buying something and the white store owner placing her change on the counter rather then giving it to her.

Answer: This might be the 1994 movie, "The Road to Freedom: The Vernon Johns Story.


I saw a film not long ago but can't remember the title. It features a bumbling spy, and in one scene when he is trying to break into a place, he pulls out a credit card, types some numbers on the side and it emits a laser beam. When he is finished, he can't turn the laser off properly and it burns a hole in his pants. Does anyone know this film?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I haven't seen the film in a few years, but I believe it's from the movie Johnny English. Starring Rowan Atkinson.

Not sure why the name of this movie is so elusive. It was a 90s family film about a kid who is able to test out different moms to find one better than the one he has. I remember that they each go by a different name: "Mother," "Mom," etc., and that one is too outdoors-y for him. Of course, at the end he picks his real mother. Anyone remember this one? Thanks.

Answer: I think the movie is Trading Mom. (1994) A trio of kids are tried of their no nonsense, workaholic mom (Sissy Spacek). So they go to the Mom Market. All the other Moms have different personalities. All played by Spacek.

I remember watching a film in which a girl, another girl, and the father of one of them get into a car accident. One girl survives and she has to have her face reconstructed. The doctors end up making her look like the other girl that was in the car. I've searched Google and IMDB with no luck.


Chosen answer: A movie called Scalpel (aka False Face) 1977. Robert Lansing plays a surgeon, who finds a topless dancer beaten, her face damaged, on the street. He operates her, giving her the face of his long lost daughter. He hopes to use her to get at an inheritance, but the real daughter returns.

In the beginning of this movie Jack Lemmon auditions for a job as a sax/flute player in a jazz combo. He does well, and then they flip a rigged coin to see who goes for coffee. When he returns all his instruments have been stolen. He's now destitute with no way to make a living. He then meets a woman, but I don't remember the rest. I have Googled Jack Lemmon movies but don't see anything that seems right for this one.

Answer: I'm not exactly sure, but it could be The Rat Race. Starring Tony Curtis and Debbie Reynolds. They are a saxophonist and dancer trying to make it in the big city.

I kind of remember watching this episode of what I believe was The Twilight Zone, and the episode was about a woman who started to find stuff in her home moved after she was gone, or not the way she left it. Then at the end she finds out someone was living in her house during the hours she was working or something, sharing the same house and did not know until then... It may be something else.

Thais Circelli Ok

Chosen answer: Actually, that is from a short lived TV series called Night Visions. A Twilight Zone type show that came out in 2001. The episode was titled, The Occupant. Bridget Fonda played the woman who believed someone was in her home. It turned out she was the intruder.

I am looking for the title of a movie I watched back in the late 70's/ early 80's. It centered around an old man who told his life story (in a flashback) to a young kid. In the end, the man showed a white feather from a box on his mantle. There had been two white feathers and they were used in a race. The one who survived the race with the white feather was the winner. But, the boy was very surprised that the old man had the feather. It seemed to have a western flair. (Very Disney-esque like "Hot Lead, Cold Feet") Any ideas?

Answer: It was The Incredible Rocky Mountain Race. Made for TV (1977). An old Mark Twain tells a young boy the story about he and the town braggart raced across the Rocky Mountains, collecting items along the way. One of which is an eagle feather.

A question about a movie: there are twin brothers, a car accident, and the wife does not know which brother is her husband. I would like to know the name of the movie. Thank you.

Answer: There are five TV movies with an evil twin. Brotherly Love (1985) with Judd Hirsch. Natural Selection (1994) with C. Thomas Howell. Mr. Murder with Stephen Baldwin. Actually the last two are about clones. Echo (1997) with Jack Wagner and Alone with a Stranger with William R. Moses.

I can't remember the name of this western I saw on TV. A woman was raped and her children and husband killed. She got this gunman to train her to shoot. I think the last name of the actress was Sears but not sure. It is a fairly new film.


Chosen answer: "6 Guns" (2010) starring Sage Mears, Barry Van Dyke and Greg Evigan.


I saw a movie, probably in the 80s, that I thought starred Christopher Reeve and Sissy Spacek. He returned from the civil war as her husband, but it was questionable whether it really was - his shoe size was different, etc. In the end he was hanged. Can't find a movie with both Reeve and Spacek so maybe it was somebody else, esp. In the female role. Any ideas what movie this might be?

Answer: The film is "Sommersby". It starred Richard Gere and Jodie Foster. It was a remake of "The Return of Martin Guerre" which starred Gerard Depardieu.

Don't know if this movie had Steve Martin in it, but, it was about a man who traveled to a city who I think was going to con its citizens out of their money. Eventually, he changes his mind and decides to collect money for a good cause. While doing this, the people of the community he's in find out what he really does and has him put in jail. The end of the movie shows that the money he collected he used to create a Little League baseball field for the kids to play at.

Answer: My Blue Heaven stars Steve Martin. Martin plays a mob informant living in a suburban town under witness protection. There he commits petty crimes as well as a scam to raise money for a new ballpark. When his scam is found out, he acts quickly to actually have a ballpark built. In the end, he decides to go straight.


I remember a movie where this girl ran away from her mother. Before she ran away, her best friend was in the car with her and her mom. They were parked in the woods and then they ran away together. Then I remember them in an 18-wheeler smoking weed. The girl meets the leader of a cult and wants her. She runs away and her mom comes to save her. In the end they're at a gas station and the girl sees the cult symbol hanging in the car.

Answer: The movie is Octane (2003). Madeleine Stowe plays the mother and Mischa Barton, the daughter.

I'm looking for a movie I saw on TV around the late 1990s. I am not sure if it was a made for TV movie. I remember a scene where a town was surrounded by a forcefield and the townspeople could not leave. The setting was kind of old timey. There was a little girl playing on a swing set in the forcefield and she convinced another little girl to come into the forcefield and play with her. When she did, the first girl attacked and killed or ate her. I can't remember exactly. Does anyone know the name of this movie? Thank you.

Answer: There was a TV episode ("A View Through the Window") similar to what you described in the series Night Visions. The army calls upon Bill Pullman to explain an open portal, which shows a Pioneer family. They can not enter, only observe. As time goes on, he begins to appreciate their simple lifestyle, but when the army wants to invade, he figures a way to enter the portal, to warn them. Once inside they attack and eat him.

I'm trying to find this movie from the 70's. Might even be a made for TV movie. From what I remember it was about a happily married couple that lived in their car or they were poor with little money. The car was this tiny sports car. Maybe in NY city. One scene I remember they were parked on a main street in front of a big building sleeping. It was the morning and lots of people were standing around laughing at them. They get into a car accident and the husband dies, but he is able to communicate with his boss or older uncle or friend. Any help would be great - thanks.

Answer: I believe what you're describing is a TV remake of the movie Topper. Andrew Stevens and Kate Jackson play a rich couple, who party all night and wake up in their car the next morning. On the way home, their car crashes and both are killed. To get into heaven, they must convince his lawyer boss to embrace life and not hide from it.

What is the movie when there is a white woman and a black man who own a very superpower hotel and have a child. They get a babysitter - the wife traps her in the hotel and has her set up to be killed, then they kill her friend instead, so the lady tries to kill her. In the end the babysitter ends up with the man.

Answer: Murder on the 13th Floor. Starring Jordan Ladd as the babysitter. It airs on the LMN, at least twice a month.

Need help knowing the name of a book. According to the plot summary on the back, there is a kid from the very distant future with the last name of Pineapplefour. In his timeline, time travel is possible and his classmates can use a time machine to travel into the past. However, they remain invisible when in the past and must obey one simple rule. While in the past, they are not permitted to touch anything out of fear that it could seriously alter the future. Instead of being sent to some historical era like Ancient Rome, he ends up in a girls bathroom of a high school in the eighties and can even be seen. Now his people from the future have to find a way to return him home or risk possible destruction of the future.

Answer: Jumpman, by James Valentine. The character's name is Theodore Pine Four, and the book's tag line is, "Rule #1: Don't Touch Anything."

There is a scene in a movie, possibly a Martin Scorsese movie, where there is a stage. On that stage is a magic show, with what looks like belly dancers or just his assistants. I think it takes place in a casino, but I'm unsure if it is the movie "Casino".


Chosen answer: It is Casino.


I'm trying to find a movie I saw on hulu about 3 years ago. Ill try to describe it as best as I can . It wasn't a high budget looking film, possibly made for TV or straight to VHS kind of thing . Timeline 80's to early 90's. in the movie a young girl about 17 runs away from her stepfather and follows a letter to LA I believe to find her older sister who claimed to be a singer living well . She gets off a bus in the beginning with some money and luggage and tracks down the last know address on the letter. When she gets there there's no answer and and she ends up staying in the hallway of the apt overnight where she see some strange things (explicit) in the stairwell. Next morning she is awoken to a guy shooting a gun, and runs out leaving her stuff in the hallway. When she comes back she finds she was robbed. Without anything she leaves again. Later she bumps into a guy who questions her, not knowing he is a cop she kicks him and runs away. He chases her and both fall into a fountain or pool. Meanwhile we find out the sister is a prostitute in hiding? One scene has her setting a man up and tying him to a bed, he is later murdered. The cop takes the sister to the station and finds out she is a runaway. Skip some and he has let her stay with him for a while, meanwhile agreeing to help look for her sister if she stays put. She doesn't and goes to the club where her sister supposedly worked. The guy who runs it is a criminal that the cop is familiar with, he drags her from the club and they fight. Later they make love and begin to fall for each other. The cop and criminal continue to be confrontational and at the end the criminal kidnaps the girl, the cop says not her and fights him and saves her. sorry for the long description it's everything I remember but can't find on Google or hulu. Any suggestions?

Answer: It's been a long time since I saw it, but the plot is similar to Jailbait. Mid 80's. Renee Humphrey plays the girl, who comes to L.A., for some reason, and gets involved with a criminal who runs a club. C. Thomas Howell plays the cop trying to save her. I think.

I watched this movie on cable around 1996-97. The only scenes and characters I remember were that there were two young males and a female around their late teens. The girl was attractive and blonde-haired. One guy was a studly looking bloke whereas the other guy was your typical nerd type, like Stewart from revenge of the nerds. Both of the boys daydream and have sexual fantasies about the blonde. The nerd fantasizes about having sex with her in a bed in the middle of the desert, she is on top, whereas the stud imagines making out with her on the hood of a car. The only other scene I remember is that as they think they may die from starvation, because they are in the middle of nowhere in one of the hotter American states like Arizona maybe, so they take photos on a disposable camera. Anyone know a movie like this?


Chosen answer: Except for the character descriptions, everything that happened was in a movie called Never on Tuesday. Two guys and a sexy babe, Claudia Christian have a collision in the middle of the desert. While waiting for help, the guys fantasize about her, but she's gay.

I'm trying to remember the titles of two films. I can only remember brief fragments of each, but maybe someone will recognize them. 1: a scene where a man is watching t.v. in his living room and a thick, red/green slime begins to develop and invade the room, eventually (somehow) killing him. I think this film might have been done in the 80's. 2: a man finds a clock that allows him to travel back in time. He boards a train with the clock and ends up in the 1800's. He meets a woman who runs a newspaper printing shop and gradually falls in love with her. He eventually decides to stay "back in time" and marry her.

Answer: The first one you describe, is I believe is from the movie, Son of the Blob. A man is adjusting his TV, when the Blob oozes behind him onto his chair. Later, a friend arrives and sees the Blob consuming him. The second is a TV movie, For All Time. (2000) Mark Harmon plays a man seeking purpose in his life. After buying a pocket watch, he boards a train and is transported to the turn of the century.

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