
Computer Error - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: When Brackett's examining the teenager (Donny Most) with paralysis Morton's standing beside him, but in the next shot as Dixie takes the teen's BP, we see Morton standing behind the teen with the student nurse, then Morton's back beside Brackett.

Super Grover

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: After bringing in the atropine overdoses from the daffodil bulbs, in the shot from inside the treatment room when Roy and John leave treatment 3, which is opposite the nurses' station, they turn left to head towards receiving, but next shot they're walking from around the corner in the hallway, then pass that door they just left from.

Super Grover

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: After Roy tells Johnny to call Barbara, while they're standing by the telephone in the kitchen, Squad 51 is dispatched to 'man unconscious at Observation Park', and when the squad rolls out of the apparatus bay, the engine we see parked in the bay is the Crown from the first two seasons, not the current Ward LaFrance.

Super Grover

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: When the parathion victim is brought into the ER, they go into treatment 2, but in the view from inside the treatment room when John opens the door to leave, we can see that he's actually on the opposite side of the hall facing treatment 2, which means he's in treatment 1.

Super Grover

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, when Roy and John are going through inventory in the trauma and drug boxes, there are three rolls on the trauma box lid and John takes two of them leaving only one, but it cuts to another angle and now there are two on the lid.

Super Grover

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Johnny's on the ledge with Richard, just as Richard awakens he knocks the penlight out of John's pocket, but when Roy joins them on the ledge the penlight is back in Johnny's pocket, beside the green pen.

Super Grover

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Bo goes to Richard's room for the first time, in the view from inside the patient's room, as Bo pushes open the door we can see the hallway behind him, and there's a perpendicular wall beside the door. This wall does not exist when he visits Richard the second time, because there's a hallway leading to the elevator outside of Richard's door.

Super Grover

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Bo Jensen goes to Richard's room for the second time, as he pushes open the door we can see there's a wall perpendicular to the door, but when Bo is in the room there's a wide widow covered with curtains where that wall was. The window with curtains can also be seen in the exterior shots, when Richard jumps out the hallway window.

Super Grover

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: After Johnny finds the missing mechanic, when he turns him over from his stomach to his back, Johnny's wearing a watch on his left wrist, but in the closeup showing Johnny's arms turning the catatonic mechanic over, Johnny's watch has vanished.

Super Grover

Zero - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: When Tommy's in the treatment room, drinking chocolate milk and playing with the Lincoln Logs, the building he's putting together changes significantly between the two side shots and the shot facing him.

Super Grover

Inheritance Tax - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Dixie opens the door to Brackett's office, there's a pile of white papers on the desk in front of Brackett, but when he walks out of the office, in the view from the hallway, the desk lamp has moved and there are no papers where there were in the previous shot.

Super Grover

The Mouse - S4-E20

Continuity mistake: At the apartment complex fire, after Truck 82 sets its outriggers, Engine 28 is right behind them with their supply line and duals laid out, but quite a few shots later Engine 28 is just pulling up behind 82, even though they were already there all set up.

Super Grover

To Buy or Not to Buy - S5-E14

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to a structure fire (with the two girls trapped upstairs) the address given is 1911 Harper Ave, but when they reach the house with the fire, directly across the street that house number is 1637.

Super Grover

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to the car over the cliff at Bear Mountain, the timeout is 08:12, then when Roy contacts Rampart his watch reads 6:55. When Johnny checks the girl who can't see, his watch reads 12:45, but when Johnny contacts Rampart his watch reads 6:05. Then after the snakebite, when the guys carry Johnny to the back of Engine 51, Johnny's watch reads 10:35.

Super Grover

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the traffic accident, when Johnny tries to calm the woman who cries that she's afraid, it cuts to a shot of Chet as the camera pans to the left, and we see the position of the pickup truck on the road. When they hear the siren of help coming, Chet stands in the road directing the vehicle, and the pickup is not where it was in that earlier shot, it's now much farther down the road.

Super Grover

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the start, there's a closeup of Roy, Johnny, and Chet, and it cuts to a long shot of the landscape around them while they're driving, then it cuts back to the closeup. The landscape the Land Rover passed in the long shot is entirely different than in the previous and following closeups.

Super Grover

Tee Vee - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: When Johnny's on the phone with Uncle Ernie about the new color TV, in the wide shot Johnny writes down the address of the warehouse, and puts the pen back in his shirt pocket. Then Johnny thanks Uncle Ernie, and when he hangs up the phone, in the next closeup the pen is back in Johnny's hand.

Super Grover

The Mouse - S4-E20

Revealing mistake: At the apartment complex fire, after Johnny is knocked unconscious by the explosion, when the Pasadena fireman finds him and has to lift him up, it's funny how even though Johnny's unconscious we can see that he actually helps to stand himself up, so the fireman can lift him up and carry him out.

Super Grover

More mistakes in Emergency!

Breakdown - S6-E15

Charlie: I think you guys are playing games with me, and I don't like it.
Roy: Now, wait a minute. We're not playing games. We don't play games with the equipment...
Captain Stanley: Wait, hold on. C'mon everybody, look we're all on the same side here, aren't we?
Charlie: I wonder.
Captain Stanley: Charlie, why can't we put the squad in the shop and have us a reserve vehicle here?
Charlie: No, no, Hank. Not until I'm 100% sure that I can't fix it. If there's anything wrong with it. This coffee stinks. [Leaves the room.]
Captain Stanley: You guys playing some kind of joke on him?
John: We didn't make the coffee!
Captain Stanley: Not the coffee, you twit, the squad.
Roy: Cap, there's something wrong with that squad out there.
Captain Stanley: [sigh.] All right, if you say so... I made the coffee.

Super Grover

More quotes from Emergency!

Trivia: On May 16, 2000, 28 years after the debut of "Emergency!" on television, due to the profound impact "Emergency!" had on the American EMS system, key props and memorabilia from the show were inducted into the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History, Division of Cultural History - the Public Service sector, located in Washington, D.C. Some of the items included: Original scripts, Biophone, trauma boxes, defibrillators, monitor, radios, turnout gear, helmets, and Roy's and Johnny's uniforms.

Super Grover

More trivia for Emergency!

Show generally

Question: Why is the driveway in front of the station always wet? Day or night, whenever they pull in or out it looks like it was just hosed down.

Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.


More questions & answers from Emergency!

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