Doctor Who

The Age of Steel (2) - S2-E9

Factual error: When Rose gets the message there are two things wrong with what you see on the phones screen: firstly on the top right of the screen you can see the icon for mute even though you heard the beep, and secondly that screen is for when you type in the number you want to call (text), not the screen for receiving a text.

Fear Her - S2-E14

Factual error: The Police motorcycle in front of the Olympic runner is an S registration, meaning it was registered in 1998. The episode is set in 2012, and there is no way the Police would have such an old vehicle on active duty.


Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: When the two Cybermen meet the Dalek for the first time, they are exterminated. They fall directly in front of the Dalek, but when the camera angle changes to show the second Cyberman hitting the floor side on, you can see the Dalek in the background. The Cybermen both fell straight forward, so it shouldn't have been possible to see the Dalek when seeing the Cyberman side on in the next shot, as the Dalek is facing them both directly.


The Age of Steel (2) - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When the Cyberman is hit by the electromagnetic bomb, it falls to its knees, then backwards. Yet in the next shot, it is flat on its back, with its leg extended. (00:25:20)

Army of Ghosts (1) - S2-E15

Character mistake: In an early scene with Yvonne Hartman, she says "We've just measured the ghosts' energy at 5000 gigawatts." There are at least two mistakes here: (1) watts are a unit of power, not of energy (that would be joules); (2) later on, when Hartman is showing the Magnaclamp to the Doctor, she refers to imperial tons and says "Torchwood refuses to go metric", but a gigawatt is a metric unit.


Doomsday (2) - S2-E16

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor calls Rose when she is with the Daleks, you can see on the screen of her phone that the call has been going on for at least 57 seconds, but she just answered the call. (00:06:50)

Rise of the Cybermen (1) - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: When Rose is sitting on a bench and she gets a news report on her phone, look at the top of the phone screen - it says the time is 11:35. However, several minutes later, when the Doctor and Mickey find Rose, the clock says it's only 11:36. (00:15:05)

Army of Ghosts (1) - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: When Yvonne Hartman is showing the Doctor through Torchwood after leaving the TARDIS, she goes to push a door open into the main building with one hand, but when the camera cuts to them entering the building she pushes them open with two hands. (00:20:10)

The Idiot's Lantern - S2-E10

Character mistake: The Doctor gets excited about the major events of 1953 and mentions that everything was "off the ration" (that is, the food rationing put in place in the UK during the Second World War had ended). Rationing actually ended the following year. (00:05:55)


Tooth and Claw - S2-E5

Factual error: The Koh-i-Noor, as depicted in this episode, looks absolutely nothing like the real diamond. The episode's gemstone is about the size of the palm of the Doctor's hand, and shaped in a stereotypical brilliant cut. The real Koh-i-Noor is much smaller and oval-shaped.

Army of Ghosts (1) - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: When Yvonne is taking the Doctor and Jackie to the Sphere Room, there is a sign opposite the door that has the words "Torchwood Institute". In the next shot where you can see the corridor from inside the Sphere Chamber, the sign has disappeared. It reappears again when Rose is going into the Sphere Chamber, but this time it has directions to the Reception, Canteen and Lever Room as well as "Torchwood Institute". It also disappears again when you see the corridor from inside the Chamber. (00:23:30 - 00:31:45)

The Satan Pit (2) - S2-E12

Doctor: So, that's the trap. Or the test or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils, that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods - out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... Just one thing... I believe in her.

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Midnight - S4-E10

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.


Chosen answer: No, no information is avalible for the identity of the entity.


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