Doctor Who

The Runaway Bride - S3-E14

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor goes to toss the trio of Christmas balls up, the two times after the first toss are re-used shots of the first toss. His movements of his right arm to bring up the controller are too exact to be coincidence. (00:50:15)

The Sontaran Stratagem (1) - S4-E4

Revealing mistake: In the beginning, the ATMOS system takes the car to the Thames, then runs it into the river. At first, the car runs forward normally. After the angle change, there's a huge white cloud of mist behind the car that dissipates quickly, meaning an air cannon of a sort was used to propel the car into the river. (00:02:35)

Movie Nut

The Family of Blood (2) - S3-E9

Revealing mistake: The pyrotechnic mortars used in the destruction of the Family's ship are visible in the shots leading up to their detonation. As the Family run from their ship through the field, the mortars are visible against the branches behind them. Shortly afterwards, they detonate, creating the illusion that the invisible craft has exploded.


Victory of the Daleks - S5-E3

Revealing mistake: When the TARDIS dematerialises and causes wind to blow against Churchill and Amy, their clothes are affected - but the cigar smoke in the air is unaffected, and actually drifts towards the vanishing TARDIS. (00:14:25)


Rose - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor fires a champagne cork into Auton-Mickey's head, the lack of spraying or leaking wine, even when the Doctor is seen holding the open bottle horizontally immediately afterwards, makes it quite clear that the champagne bottle is actually empty. (00:25:23)

The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16

Revealing mistake: When Osgood tells Kate that they're using Derren Brown as the explanation for flying the TARDIS into Trafalgar Square by helicopter, the two women are standing in front of the TARDIS. Its door is slightly open, revealing an interior that is obviously a picture. (00:05:00)

Let's Kill Hitler - S6-E9

Revealing mistake: Mels is shot in the stomach by Hitler, leading to her regeneration. Rory, when checking the wound, says he's going to try and stop the bleeding. However, when she stands up while glowing with regeneration energy, and in every scene afterwards where Mels/River is wearing that dress, there is no bullet hole or bloodstain visible.

Silence in the Library (1) - S4-E8

Revealing mistake: Also applying to the second episode of the two-parter, "Forest of the Dead": The keyboards on the Library's computer terminals are very obviously standard Apple keyboards - this in an episode set in the 52nd century.

The Shakespeare Code - S3-E2

Revealing mistake: When Lilith bespells Shakespeare to write the end of Love's Labour's Won the way the Carrionites want it, there are several shots where a white fleck of some kind is visible in the lower centre of the screen, stuck to the camera lens. (00:17:10)

The Big Bang - S5-E13

Revealing mistake: In the museum after the Doctor, Amy, young Amy and Rory escape the Stone Dalek, the Doctor uses the Vortex Manipulator to go back in time to tell Rory in 102 AD to let him out of the Pandorica. The third time he goes back, Amy moves despite being dead. (00:19:38)

Casual Person

Rose - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: In the underground scene in the Nestene lair, the CGI used to create the Nestene is horrendous. And in a shot from behind the Doctor, the Nestene looks like a whole bunch of orange pixels.

Doctor Who mistake picture

New Earth - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: As the camera zooms out when Rose is captured and Cassandra is about to "go" into Rose, the psychograft disappears, but in the next shot of Rose it appears again. (00:11:45)


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Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

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