Star Trek

Trivia: Gene Roddenberry created the transporter as an easier (and cheaper) way of getting Enterprise crew members onto a planet's surface, rather than landing the ship on the planet.

Trivia: Leonard Nimoy created the hand gesture that Vulcans give when they say, "Live Long and Prosper." He is Jewish, and the spreading of the fingers resembles the hand gesture taken from the ceremony performed by the descendants of the priestly family during holiday prayer services.

Trivia: The slanting crawlway that leads up to the warp-drive nacelles is referred to as a "Jefferies tube." This is a tribute to art director Walter M. Jefferies.

Trivia: Though the Captain Kirk line of "Beam me up Scotty" is an often quoted Star Trek line Kirk never actually said that line at any point during any of the episodes.

Trivia: The Klingon species was named for Lt. Wilbur Clingan, who served on the LAPD with Gene Roddenberry.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Before the series went on the air, Gene Roddenberry expressed concerns about the sound effects in Star Trek's intro. He wondered if the "swish" effect of the passing ship should be removed, since there's no sound in space. Desilu Studios polled preview audiences about it; the majority said they liked the effect because it conveyed great speed, and that the scientific inaccuracy didn't bother them. So the "swish" was allowed to remain.

Jean G

Trivia: A perennial Star Trek extra, the tall blond Eddie Paskey played a red-shirted crewman standing in the background in virtually every Trek episode for all 3 seasons. He rarely had any lines, and was even killed off in "Obsession," but was back on duty anyhow in the following episodes and for the rest of the series.

Jean G

Trivia: Mark Lenard played Sarek, father of Spock (Leonard Nimoy). In real life, Lenard was only seven years older than Nimoy.

Trivia: A constant question during the run of all the Trek series is why Klingons look so much different, from "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" on, than they did in the original series. The real reason is the movies and later TV series had a better makeup budget. However, the "Star Trek: Enterprise" episodes "Affliction" and "Divergence" provide a canon answer. Klingons acquired genetically engineered human embryos left over from Earth's Eugenic Wars and used them to augment their soldiers. It worked but created a virus that threatened to annihilate the Klingon race. Dr. Phlox and a Klingon doctor found a cure, but it resulted in all Klingons becoming far more human in appearance. Sometime between these episodes and the first Trek movie, a cure was found, returning the Klingons to their present day "ridged-head" appearance.

Grumpy Scot

Trivia: This was the first cancelled TV show to be brought back. The only other cancelled shows to be brought back to date are "America's Most Wanted", "Cagney and Lacey" and Family Guy. I am happy to say that you can now add Farscape to this list, also Futurama.

Trivia: A UK pop band from the late 1980s, T,Pau, got their name from a character in Star Trek. She was head of the planet Vulcan.

Trivia: Leonard Nimoy is the only actor to appear in all 80 episodes (including the pilot) of the original series.

Trivia: For a lot of the first few seasons: When it was time to officially shoot the episodes, William Shatner would be late getting to the set, and when he finally showed up, he was drunk! But no one could really stop the filming to wait for him to be sober, so they would film the episode with Shatner in a dramatic tone (he never spoke that way on purpose, he was just so drunk he didn't realize how he was talking, and that's why it's become so infamous today).


Trivia: In the original series, Dr. McCoy never prefaced his description of being a doctor and not another profession with "Dammit, Jim!" For example, he never said, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!"


Trivia: Throughout the series, planets are given a Class rating, most commonly "Class M", suitable for humans. The M is never defined in this series, or TNG, but in Star Trek: Enterprise, S1: E3 "Strange New World", T'Pol says the new planet is "Minshara Class", meaning suitable for humans. Therefore, the classifications for planets used by the Federation were probably determined by the Vulcans.

Movie Nut

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Visible crew/equipment: After McCoy examines Charlie and they talk about how Charlie learned to talk by just listening to the ship's tapes, when Charlie stands up the two actors' marks can be seen on the floor - the short one for Charlie and the longer one for McCoy, where they both will stand momentarily. (00:04:56)

Super Grover

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Spock: Live long and prosper.

More quotes from Star Trek

I, Mudd - S2-E8

Question: When Kirk and crew neutralized all the androids on the planet, what happened to the androids on the Enterprise running the ship?

Answer: After causing Norman to overload, all of the other androids shut down. The same could be said for the androids on the Enterprise.

Answer: If all the humans beamed down and only Androids were on the ship as Larry Mudd said then how did they get back aboard the Enterprise if all the robots were shut down.

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