ER (1994)

285 mistakes

(7 votes)

Secrets and Lies - S8-E16

Factual error: When the man is brought into the ER after an encounter gone wrong with a dominatrix,Susan checks one eye and announces 'Pupils are equal and reactive' then proceeds to check the other eye.After checking one eye there is no way she would know that the patients pupillary reaction was equal.

Forgive and Forget - S10-E16

Factual error: When the psychotic vet steals an M-60 series tank and drives through Chicago to the hospital, there are several problems with the tank actions. If the vet had combat locked the hatches, the police would not have been able to open the loaders hatch to shoot him, but if it had not been locked, all the bouncing around as he rolled over cars would have bounced it open to lock in the open position. If it had been open and not locked open, it would have been visibly open (8-10 inches) but it was not during all the views on the way to the hospital. During the trip to the hospital, the main gun is in the travel lock over the rear deck, the travel lock cannot be released from inside the vehicle, and if he had ever stopped and gotten out to release it, the police would have shot him, and yet when he gets to the hospital, he can traverse the turret. And while we are talking about the turret traversing, that cannot be done from the drivers compartment, it must be done from either the commander's position or the gunner's position. When the police open the loaders hatch, they shoot straight down into the driver's compartment in the hull, but the vet would have had to be in the right side of the turret, in either the TC or Gunner seat to be traversing the turret.

A Boy Falling Out of the Sky (a.k.a. Shifts Happen) - S9-E15

Plot hole: Dr. Lewis is talking to a patient about pets, and how she is "banned from a pet store" because she isn't good with pets. She explains that the only pet she ever had was sea monkeys as a child. But, in the earlier seasons, she had a cat. We actually saw the cat at one point when her sister was staying with her and let the cat out of the apartment by accident.


If Not Now - S12-E11

Factual error: The male patient tells ER doc that "Six years ago, l find out l inherited the Philadelphia chromosome. Ran on my mother's side of the family. L never knew. Screwed by genetics." The Philadelphia Chromosome, the cause of CML Leukemia, is not inherited. It occurs spontaneously in an individual, usually due to chromosome damage caused by radiation, and cannot be passed on to a person's children.

Rescue Me - S7-E7

Continuity mistake: When the man who was hit by a driver while on his bike, was being taken to the trauma room he is bumped by someone and blood starts spurting everywhere, including on Maggie, who is wearing Abby's coat. In the very next frame, the coat is clean with no blood on it at all, with no time for Maggie to have changed the coat.

The Miracle Worker - S5-E10

Continuity mistake: Peter and Dr. Romano are in the operating room arguing about Romano's lack of sobriety. Over the course of less than a minute, the clock on the wall goes from 8:15 to 5:15.

The Long Way Around - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: Carol is working on James' injury and Duncan goes to answer the phone. James has his arm wrapped around the phone but the shot changes to focus on Robert - we can still see James but his arm is now at his waist, even though he had no time to change positions.

The Long Way Around - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: While Carol is trying to save Mr. Novotny's life, Mrs. Novotny's hair alternates from being loose and hanging over her cheeks to being neatly tucked back into her bun. In fact, a few minutes later when Carol asks for her keys, her hair looks just-brushed shiny and newly coiffed - it's unlikely she would have fussed over her hair at this stressful time.

Homeless for the Holidays - S3-E10

Revealing mistake: When Mark goes to treat his cut, he leaves the lounge with a couple of tissues held to his head. He gets some supplies and puts a supposedly fresh piece of gauze to his forehead - however the gauze already has some "blood" on it - a feature the camera obviously wasn't supposed to catch. When Jeanie comes over to check it out, he pulls the gauze away from himself and - voila - there's the bloodstain.

The Letter - S8-E20

Continuity mistake: When Carter and Abby are kind of fighting outside, when Carter is carrying Abby back to the car,from the front shot he threw her over his left shoulder, but a second later, from the rear view when he drops her she is on his right shoulder.

Missing (a.k.a. Mistaken Identity, a.k.a. Identity Crisis) - S10-E9

Factual error: The kid from the car accident has had an orthopedic device called a halo put onto his head in order to immobilize his head and injured spine. This item is screwed directly into the skull and is very secure. However, when the doctors are giving the boy CPR, the halo stays stationary but the child's head moves back and forth inside of it. The halo should have kept his head still, or his head would have moved only if the halo moved.

Under Control - S6-E16

Continuity mistake: When Carter picks up his crutches from the floor of the lounge, his hand is near the crossbars. When he hoists himself up, the shot shows his hand near the top of the crutches.

Good Luck, Ruth Johnson - S5-E9

Continuity mistake: Carol is in Wilson's room writing on the center of his chart. When the shot shows her turn to answer Wilson, her pen is writing near the edge of the chart. She didn't have time to change the pen's position so quickly.

The Good Fight (a.k.a. A Perfect Match) - S5-E8

Factual error: At the beginning of the show, Doug states that even though it's November, it's never too late to golf. A lot of this episode's scenes are outside as Lucy and Carter run around looking for a patient's father - the flowers are still blooming and the trees are full of green leaves, with only the slightest of autumn foliage, and few dead leaves on the ground. Considering the locale of Chicago, it looks like mid-September, certainly nothing like November.

Obstruction of Justice - S4-E9

Continuity mistake: Near the start of the show, Carter gets a can of soft drink from the machine and just then his cousin Chase shows up in the ER - they hug and somehow the can, which should be in Carter's hand, has disappeared.

Whose Appy Now? - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: When Peter signs the consent form for his surgery, his head is raised off his pillow a few inches. The shot changes and he continues to sign - but now his head is lying on the pillow even though he didn't have time to move.

And Baby Makes Two - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: In this episode Susan is thinking about giving little Susie up for adoption, throughout the episode the baby playing little Susie switches from a brown eyed baby to a blue eyed baby.

Robert Romano: They're going to be looking for a sacrificial lamb, and I have to tell you, right now you're looking pretty wooly.

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Trivia: Every episode has the patient list by the nurse's station. On the patient list, different names are mentioned, like Marguiles or Tierney. They put these names there as a spoof of the show.

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Answer: A man named Paul Sobriki comes into the ER in the season 6 episode 13 " All in the Family." He is complaining of headaches, Carter and Lucy decide to rule out meningitis and do a lumber puncture. Paul struggles during the procedure and believes that both doctors are stabbing him. Lucy, who is interested in Psych thinks something is wrong with their patient mentally, but Carter is dismissive of her. She gets cross with his attitude and she calls the psych department anyway to have a look at him. Later on and near the closing 20 minutes or so of the episode, all the staff start playing loud music and get a cake which appears to be blue lol, together to party as it's Valentines Day, Carter returns from somewhere and asks where Lucy is. He goes to check one of the rooms for her and Paul Sobriki comes up behind him in the dark and stabs him twice in the lower back, he collapses and as he falls unconscious he sees Lucy on the ground also. In the next episode, Be Still My Heart (ep 14), Dr Weaver discovers them and all of the staff work to try and save them, whilst Carter survives. Lucy's wounds are fatal and suffers a pulmonary embolism as Corday and Romano try to save her. Carter is grief stricken and feels guilty about the way he treated her, he becomes addicted to painkillers and Benton, Greene all help him and book him into rehab.

Answer: Lucy and Carter were stabbed by a patient she had suspected of having mental problems. Lucy died and Carter survived only to become addicted to painkillers.

Maria Santos

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