Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Answer: Probably to save on costs of filming the same scene. In the reused shots they have always morphed so you can't see the actors. They just have to pay them to do voice-overs rather than the entire scene.


Answer: Dinosaur Sentai Zyuranger (Season 1), Five Star Sentai Dairanger (Season 2), Ninja Sentai Kakuranger (Seasons 3), Super Sentai Ohranger (Zeo), Explosive Dash Sentai Carranger (Turbo), Electromagnetic Sentai Megaranger (. In Space), Star Beast Sentai Gingaman (Lost Galaxy), Rescue Sentai Gogo V (Lightspeed Rescue), Future Sentai Timeranger (Time Force), Hundred Beast Sentai Gaoranger (Wild Force), Ninja Sentai Hurricanger (Ninja Storm).


Show generally

Question: How many different Power Ranger TV shows/movies have there been? To my knowledge, I know of at least 7 different series, but I think there is more. How do they all connect?

Answer: According to the IMDB, there are currently 10 different series (with an 11th premiering in 2006). And, as far as I can tell, there have been only two theatrically released movies. All of the series, with the exception of the first one (that premiered back in '93) are spin-offs of the original, and they all share similar plot lines, characters, etc.

Cubs Fan

Alien Rangers of Aquitar (1) - S3-E34

Question: On the IMDB page for this show, the Aquitain Rangers are not listed. After researching the Zeo (series 4) page, I've discovered 2 of the Aquitain Rangers - Karim Prince, who played Cestro, the Blue Aquitain Ranger; and Rajia Baroudi, who played Delphine, the White Aquitain Ranger. Who played the Red, Yellow, and Black Aquitain Rangers?

Answer: David Bacon was Aurico (Red Aquitar Ranger). Tideus (Yellow Aquitar Ranger) and Corcus (Black Aquitar Ranger) appear, morphed only, and voiced by uncredited actors, differing from their original MMAR actors, who appear only in the recycled footage of the brief morphing sequences.


Show generally

Question: If all the villains have known the Rangers true identities, why didn't they just reveal them to the public? Zordon stated in the first episode they would lose their powers if their identity was revealed. It couldn't of been an "honour" thing, as they've all shown they are willing to use cheap tactics to get ahead.

Answer: Several people have found out their identities. Tommy's brother, one girl's (can't remember which one) father, etc. I Zordon just meant that they can't go around telling everyone. It would be like bragging, and he would take their powers away.

Show generally

Question: Not long after MMPR first aired (Say, 1994-ish) I heard a rumour that two of the original cast members of the show (Amy-Jo Johnson, David Yost, Walter Jones, Austin St. John, Thuy Trang and possibly Jason Frank) had gotten married. Is this true? If so, can anyone tell me which two it was and whether they are still married?

Answer: Unless 2 of the guys are secretly married to each other, the answer is none of them ever married each other. Thuy never married and was killed in a car crash in 2001. Amy-Jo has not yet married.


Answer: The footage of Scorpina came from Zyuranger, the Sentai series of 1992. Power Rangers had since moved on to Dairanger, the 1993 series. New footage was created (with a new actress) for "Goldar's Vice-Versa". Footage from Zyuranger (especially Zord battles) could not be meshed with Dairanger footage with any degree of accuracy, and although the producers could have brought Scorpina back for more episodes, they decided not to.

Answer: Season 3, when they received the Ninja powers, the glasses didn't work with the ninja hood and mask.

Answer: Presumably, because his eyesight has improved.

This answers the question of why, but not the original question of when.


Show generally

Continuity mistake: When the Villains send their cronies (for example, Putties, Tengu Warriors, Cogs, Piranhatrons, etc.), their numbers constantly change from when they arrive, to when they leave. This is due to the use of Japanese footage used from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

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The Green Candle (2) - S1-E35

Trivia: Jason David Frank, who played Tommy, left the show in the episode because his powers had been stolen by the Green Candle. However, he had become the most popular member of the Power Team, despite the original plan being just to temporarily have him on the show. Saban received large amounts of letters daily requesting Frank be brought back. The company eventually gave in and brought Frank back in the episode "Return of an Old Friend." He was returned to Green Ranger status in part 2.

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