The Brady Bunch

Trivia: Some episodes featured cast members or guest stars from Gilligan's Island (both created by Sherwood Schwartz). Jim Backus (Mr. Howell), Natalie Schaefer (Mrs. Howell), and Denny Miller (Duke the Surfer, Tongo the ape man) all appeared in at least one episode of the series.

Trivia: Both Chris Beaumont and Hope Sherwood (Sherwood Schwartz's daughter) played three different characters in various episodes throughout the series.

Out of This World - S5-E16

Trivia: Barry Williams has a Band-Aid on his lip in this episode because he was in a car accident a few days before filming and needed stitches in his lip. (00:05:00)

Jeff Swanson

Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy - S1-E3

Trivia: This episode was based on something that happened to a classmate of Sherwood's daughter, Hope. At Hope's school there was a play, but only one relative was allowed to come. Hope's classmate's mum had just gotten remarried and he was confused and wondered whether he should take his new dad to show he was OK, or risk taking his mother.

Trivia: The house that is used for the shots from outside (the introduction) has only one storey. The window is fake, and was added simply to give the illusion that it's a two-story house.

Matty Blast

Trivia: Whenever they talked on the phone there wasn't even a stagehand on the other end. Mike was voted the best at talking to silence.

The Hero - S1-E21

Trivia: Look at the wall behind the girl Peter is on the phone with. As pointed out in the commentary, that is the same wall seen at the head of Mike and Carol's bed. (00:19:55)

Jeff Swanson

Grand Canyon or Bust - S3-E2

Trivia: Alice, upon hearing an Indian phrase, says "That'll come in handy if I ever bump into Tonto." Jay Silverheels - who portrayed Tonto in 220 episodes of "The Lone Ranger", would make a guest appearance in the following episode. (00:18:35)

Jeff Swanson

Cindy Brady, Lady - S3-E21

Trivia: Susan Olsen, thinking she was still in rehearsal, sticks her tongue out as she leaves the kitchen with Tommy.

Bobby's Hero - S4-E17

Trivia: During Bobby's dream where the family is killed by Jesse James, Mike Lookinland looks genuinely horrified despite the "cartoon style carnage" that is going on around him. The reason is because just before the scene was filmed, the producer pulled him aside and told him to think of things like his real-life family getting killed, his dog getting run over, etc. He was then "debriefed" afterward. (00:22:15)

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: Susan Olson, who played Cindy, loved the TV show 'Family Affair' and begged her mother to give her a 'Buffy' hairdo. The producers loved her hair that way and so for several seasons, she wore it that way (and grew to hate it).

Jeff Swanson

Trivia: The reason that there is no glass in the sliding back door, and the reason for a similar mistake in the popular sixties show Bewitched is that real glass is generally not used in windows in movies and TV shows, because the glare drives the camera crew nuts.

Sergeant Emma - S3-E20

Audio problem: At the end of the show when Alice is blowing the whistle, the whole family comes to the top of the stairs. Mike says "Alice, it's 6 o'clock in the morning" Watch his mouth. It looks as though he curses and the (curse) word was dubbed out.

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54-40 and Fight - S1-E15

Question: Would someone please explain to me why Marcia did not just simply remove her dangly bracelet that endangered the girls standing in the house of cards competition after Carol said "Oh Marcia, Marcia, your bracelet"? It would have made it less stressful on her not to mention her team, and she wouldn't have had to restrain it with her other hand.

Answer: The dangling bracelet was used for dramatic purposes - to keep the audience on edge.

Answer: There were several episodes throughout the run of the show where Marcia was infatuated with a guy she went to school with. This bracelet could have been a gift from her then-boyfriend; as such, she would not want to take it off, as a sign of loyalty. A stupid thing to do, of course, but it's not a mistake for a character simply to be dumb.

Matty Blast

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