Divided We Stand - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When the General comes up, Pierce and Trapper are walking away toward the camera's left. When Pierce calls for the General's attention he is shown gesturing to the open door. Problem is, that they should be looking over their left, not right, shoulders, and we should see the inside, not outside, of the door.

Movie Nut

Divided We Stand - S2-E1

Audio problem: In Blake's office, he's talking to Hildebrandt about Klinger, and the camera does a close up on Blake. You hear him say "Of course", and his mouth is moving a little, but not forming the words.

Movie Nut

Of Moose and Men - S4-E11

Continuity mistake: When Frank inspects the local workers, the laundry woman bends down to help the kid put away the sandwich Burns suspected of being a bomb. After the cut, she's upright again. (00:10:45)


The Joker Is Wild - S11-E4

Continuity mistake: When filming Hawkeye, BJ and Charles in the swamp before they go to Potter's tent, the camera has a clear, unobstructed view of the inside. When it pulls back you can see the end of the tent, but without the netting normally there.

Movie Nut

Divided We Stand - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Usually when you see Pierce, his hair is parted on the left side. When he is nibbling on the nurse's neck in the Swamp, his hair is parted on the right. Then the next time he's seen, it's parted on the left again.

Movie Nut

Promotion Commotion - S10-E17

Audio problem: In the Post-Op ward, Jimmy is playing poker with the two jerks in his platoon. After the cards are dealt, he sees that their deck has pictures of nude women. He looks up at them when seeing this, and you hear him say "Very funny!", but his lips don't move.

Movie Nut

The Red/White Blues - S9-E16

Continuity mistake: In the Officer's Club, Potter is about to order a drink. When he goes to give the order, he starts to look at Hawkeye. When the camera cuts to a close up of Potter, Hawkeye, and BJ, he's facing forward again.

Dear Comrade - S7-E11

Continuity mistake: When Potter is on the phone, he turns to hush Hawkeye and BJ. As he does so, he's holding the receiver with his left hand, and covering the mouthpiece with his right. He then puts his left hand down on the arm of the chair. When the camera cuts in for a close up, his left hand is on the phone again.

Movie Nut

Lil - S7-E3

Continuity mistake: Margaret comes in to the Officer's Club, and tells Klinger that the drinks are on her. He puts down two glasses, and starts to pour. When the camera cuts to a close up, he's just starting to pour into the same glass again.

Movie Nut

Lil - S7-E3

Other mistake: Radar is at his desk stamping in files. As he talks to Hawkeye, he stamps one file, checks another, and when he goes to stamp the next one, he inks the imprint side, turns it over to the label side, stamps it on the file and puts it down.

Movie Nut

Patent 4077 - S6-E16

Continuity mistake: When the boys are working on the vascular clamp, Charles brings out three hard boiled eggs. After he heckles BJ and Hawkeye for a minute, BJ takes the hammer, and smashes Charles' eggs. The camera cuts to the boys, and back to Charles. There are now two eggs, and almost intact.

Movie Nut

The Grim Reaper - S6-E11

Continuity mistake: In Margaret's tent, when Charles is toasting Margaret, his hand alternates positions between the close ups, and the wide shots. In the close ups, he's holding the wine glass by the bowl. In the wide shots, he's holding it by the stem.

Movie Nut

Fallen Idol - S6-E2

Continuity mistake: Look at the stains on Winchester's clothes in the O.R. sessions. Both times the stains match. There would be different stains because of the cleaning process.

Movie Nut

Frank Burns: You disgust me!
Hawkeye: You're right, Frank... I discussed you with everyone I know and we all find you disgusting.

More quotes from M*A*S*H
More trivia for M*A*S*H

That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: Talking with stripper Candy Doyle, Potter remarks that he still remembers how she used to spin her tassels and that he is reminded of this every time he sees a C 42 revving up. On the net I do find references to a C40A, a C47 and others, but no reference to an aircraft of the time called a C 42. What would he have been referring to?

Answer: The C-42 was a military variant of the Douglas DC-2. Very few C-42's were built, so it's questionable that Potter would specifically have seen that particular model, but, given his military background, it's not entirely unreasonable that he might use the military designation even when the aircraft in question is actually a civilian DC-2.


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