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Super Mario Sunshine (game) 1
Super Mario World (1991 TV show) 154
Super Power Beat Down (2012 TV show) 13
Super Robot Wars 30 (game) 1
Super Robot Wars V (game) 4
Super Smash Bros. (game) 1
Supergirl (1984) 12
Supergirl (2015 TV show) 3
Superhero Movie (2008) 2
Superman (1978) 20
Superman (1941 TV show) 5
Superman III (1983) 18
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) 41
Superman Returns (2006) 13
Superman/Doomsday (2007) 133
Superman: Unbound (2013) 4
Supernatural (2005 TV show) 12
Surgeon Simulator 2013 (game) 2
Surrogates (2009) 1
Suspiria (1977) 2

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