Quotes from Christian Bale movies and TV shows - page 5 of 7

Partridge: Don't you see, Preston? It's gone. Everything that makes us what we are, traded away.
John Preston: There's no war. No murder.
Partridge: What is it you think we do?
John Preston: No. You've been with me. You've seen how it can be, the jealousy. Rage.
Partridge: A heavy cost. I pay it gladly.

Mary: You can't do this. You cannot do this!
John Preston: Tetragrammaton, there's nothing we can't do.

[Chemist validates the Mona Lisa.]
Chemist: It's real.
John Preston: Burn it.

DuPont: Wait! Wait! Look at me. I’m alive. I live. I...I breathe. I feel. Now that you know it...can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?
John Preston: I pay it gladly.

Quantom X

More Equilibrium quotes

Moses: I love everything what I know about you. And I trust in what I don't.

Moses: Remember this. I am prepared to fight. For eternity.

Moses: Where have you been?
Messenger: Watching you fail.

More Exodus: Gods and Kings quotes

Ken Miles: Look out there. Out there is the perfect lap. You see it?
Peter Miles: I think so.
Ken Miles: Most people can't.

More Ford v Ferrari quotes

Ivan: Oh, no. You look like you seen a ghost.
Trevor Reznik: Funny you should say that. The guys at work don't think you exist.
Ivan: That's why I can't get a raise.

Marie: Trevor, is someone chasing you?
Trevor Reznik: Not yet. But they will when they find out who I am.

DMV Clerk: I'm sorry, sir, but we don't provide motorist information to the general public.
Trevor Reznik: I'm not just a member of the general public. This guy's a friend of mine.
DMV Clerk: But you don't know your friend's address?
Trevor Reznik: We just met. I don't know him that well.
DMV Clerk: Sir, this is the DMV, not a dating service.

Ivan: Looks like rain. Radio says there's a storm comin' in.
Trevor Reznik: Guess they're right.
Ivan: If you ask me, it's already here.

More The Machinist quotes

John Rolfe: I think you still love the man, and that you will not be at peace until you see him. In my vanity I thought I could make you love me, and one cannot do that or should not. You have walked blindly into a situation that you did not anticipate.
Pocahontas: You are the man I thought you were and more.

More The New World quotes

Jack Kelly: So what do you say, Spot?
Spot Conlon: I say... that what you say... is what I say.

Jack Kelly: So this snooty mug says to me, 'You can't see Mr. Pulitzer. No one sees Mr. Pulitzer.' Real hoity-toity, you know the type?
Les Jacobs: Real hoity-toity.
Jack Kelly: So that's when I says to him, 'Listen, I ain't in the habit of transacting no business with office boys. Just tell him Jack Kelly's here to see him now!'.
Les Jacobs: That's when he threw us out.

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