
21st Jun 2005

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: On 6/20/05, Bo and Billie talk about how they are going to look for their daughter Georgia via a website for "adopted children who have turned eighteen and are looking for their biological parents." However, Georgia was supposedly still sixteen in the fall of 2004, per Billie's statements, so she couldn't have been more than seventeen at the time this conversation happened.


21st Jun 2005

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 6/16/05, Mimi visited Marlena at her office to ask for advice. But why does Marlena still have an office at the hospital? She was believed dead for a full year, and had not even been back for two days at that point.


13th Jun 2005

Revelations (2005)

Hour Six - S1-E6

Factual error: Jonah tells Richard that Saturn has a "rogue moon" in a retrograde orbit that travels "at four times the speed" of Saturn's other moons. The graphic on Jonah's computer shows that the moon in question is Phoebe, which does indeed orbit in the opposite direction from other Saturnian moons. And the graphic correctly shows Phoebe's orbit as being much further from the planet than the other moons. However, as a direct consequence of its greater orbital radius, Phoebe is actually among Saturn's *slowest* moons. It has a longer orbital period (or "month") and a slower orbital velocity than all the Saturnian moons with smaller orbital radii, of which there are twenty.


2nd Jun 2005

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: On 5/31/05, Martin refers to having been with Katherine for "more than twenty years." But he's only been with Katherine since they left Harmony together, which happened after the birth of Martin's youngest daughter Paloma. And Paloma graduated from high school about a year earlier, so she's not quite twenty herself, meaning Martin and Katherine have been together for at most nineteen years.


Continuity mistake: When Michelle goes to Taylor and Chad's apartment to take a shower, she is started by seeing their snake, and she jumps on the couch in her towel. The towel is wrapped around her body and tied at the middle of the chest, and she's also clutching it closed with both hands. Then there's a cut to Taylor exclaiming, "You're not a man." When it cuts back to Michelle, from behind, suddenly the towel is open.


31st May 2005

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 6/8/04, when Marlena first saw Victor on Melaswen, Victor told her all about how Jan tried to murder him under Nicole's orders. Then, in May of 2005, Marlena finally returns to Salem and soon has several civil encounters with Nicole, as if she doesn't know that the woman conspired to commit murder. She also fails to denounce Jan, even though Marlena's daughter's best friend Mimi could greatly benefit from such a revelation since she currently stands accused of attacking the woman.


30th May 2005

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: On 5/26/05, Chloe was not seen for several scenes in the middle of the episode, while her bandages were changed. However, when we saw her again, a careful observation reveals that the bandages haven't been changed at all. A number of minute details remained the same, such as a slight gap in the gauze at the right corner of her mouth and a loose strip projecting from the wrapping at her left temple. If Chloe had received new bandages, there would have been visible differences in the appearance of the cloth.


18th May 2005

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 5/16/05, Ethan tells the judge that Gwen "has never shown any indication of a violent nature whatsoever." However, in October of 2000, Gwen locked Pilar in a closet and chased after Theresa with a baseball bat, and then attempted to viciously strangle Theresa. Ethan witnessed part of this attack. Even if he was willing to go into the courtroom and lie about that, why wouldn't Theresa expose the fact that he was lying?


18th May 2005

Medium (2005)

Penny for Your Thoughts - S1-E15

Revealing mistake: In the first scene the clock shows an impossible configuration. The hour hand is slightly before the five, and the minute hand is between one and two. If it's about seven minutes after the hour, the hour hand should be slightly past one of the other numbers, not slightly before it. (00:00:24)


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Suggested correction: Not sure if this is technically a mistake or not. These clocks run on batteries, and when the battery's time is almost up (no pun intended), the weight of the hands sometimes over-rides the battery's strength to move them properly. This is likely a dying battery that failed to move the hour hand correctly. So while it is 'a mistake', it's part of real life, and not really a 'mistake in the episode'.

David R Turner

11th May 2005

Locusts (2005)

Continuity mistake: When Maddie and the others are trapped in the silo, there are a lot of locusts that have landed on the structure, but there is also a huge number of locusts flying through the air all around. After they electrocute the locusts, there's not a single live locust to be seen anywhere, even though all the insects that were not directly on top of the metal building should have survived.


11th May 2005

Locusts (2005)

Continuity mistake: When the swarm of locusts attacks the school bus in Virginia, the cloud of insects is shown rising up and approaching from behind the bus in the long shot. Moments later, a shot from behind the bus driver shows the entire swarm closing in from the front instead.


11th May 2005

Locusts (2005)

Factual error: Peter is standing next to his daughter's hospital bed, talking on his cell phone to the meteorologist, and none of the hospital employees that walk past him tell him to turn off the phone. Everyone knows that cell phone use is not permitted in hospitals; as on planes, it's thought they can cause vital equipment to malfunction.


8th May 2005

Cold Case (2003)

Creatures of the Night - S2-E21

Factual error: Mike and Kelly are at the theater watching "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in 1977, talking during the song "Sweet Transvestite." After the line "satanic mechanic" and the audience callback "S and M.", which is only about two thirds of the way into the song, the music suddenly crescendos and ends, to be replaced by the song "Touch-a Toucha-a Touch Me," which occurs several scenes further into the movie.


27th Apr 2005

South Park (1997)

25th Apr 2005

Charmed (1998)

Little Box of Horrors - S7-E18

Character mistake: Katya (as Nina) says that Pandora's Box is "a gift the gods gave to Prometheus." But the Box was given to Epimetheus, not Prometheus. Epimetheus ignored the warnings of Prometheus, his brother, and accepted Pandora herself, who bore a box, as a gift from the gods.


Shadow: Part 1 - S1-E11

Other mistake: When Cruger is challenged to defeat 100 robots, a red countdown meter appears on the screen, ticking down each time Cruger dispatches an opponent. When the counter is at 21, Cruger slices his sword at a robot, which then goes down. But the counter stays at 21 and only goes to 22 when he slices at the next robot. Every robot in the sequence goes down after a single hit from Cruger's sword.


Show generally

Plot hole: On 4/5/05, Rex surprises Mimi on the roof with a romantic dinner. He also plays Jesse McCartney's "Beautiful Soul," which Mimi identifies as "their song." But Rex and Mimi started to get together as a couple about two full years ago. Why would "their song" be something that was released in the last two months?


Show generally

Plot hole: On 3/15/05, Jack picks up the phone in his house and calls Jennifer's cell phone. Unfortunately, before he can tell her what's going on, the Jennifer impostor knocks him out and tells Jennifer that it was a wrong number. However, Jennifer's cell phone should have shown her that the call was coming from her own home, which would have been quite suspicious.


There Won't Be Trumpets - S1-E17

Trivia: Bree and Lynette are walking to Juanita's funeral. In the original broadcast Bree said, "You have to hand it to Gabi and Carlos. They do grief better than anyone." However, her mouth doesn't say "Gabi and Carlos," but rather "the Catholics", and the audio has a noticeable change at that point. Also, the closed captioning just says "them". It seems that the line was changed in post-production with an overdub, possibly due to the Pope dying around the same time. The correct version is on the DVD.


Show generally

Plot hole: On 3/9/05, Chelsea's mother told Chelsea and Abby that it was bedtime. Then the girls snuck out to go to the Cheating Heart. Later the same night, Abby, Chelsea, and Jennifer were all at Alice's anniversary party, so it was apparently no longer after bedtime. Then, later still, Jennifer was upset that Abby wasn't at the house and therefore was breaking curfew, even though Abby was staying at Chelsea's house in the first place. Nothing about that timeline makes any sense.


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