
7th Sep 2022

Jawbreaker (1999)

Question: Do Julie and Fern not realise when they expose Courtney, she'll probably expose Julie for having been there when Liz died and Fern for knowing about it but accepting their bribe?


Answer: Probably not, but if Courtney did tell the police everything and they questioned Julie and Fern, chances are that both girls would deny all of it.

8th Oct 2019

Jawbreaker (1999)

Question: Maybe I missed something but why didn't Julie go to the police anyway? They might've believed her. The other thing is, once revealed just what sort of sentence do you think Courtney would receive? Maybe a year in juvie followed by several years in state prison?


Answer: It's a common trope in movies and TV shows that when someone unintentionally kills somebody, the person panics and can't think straight. The movie "I Know What You Did Last Summer" is a good example. Since the girls were scared of what they did, they were most likely afraid they wouldn't be believed that it was an accident. As for Courtney, her sentence depends on not only what state the death occurred in, but it also depends on the circumstances of Liz's murder; i.e. was it intentional? Was it an accident? Was there intent? After that, how many months in Julie and then state prison would be determined by again, the state it happened in and the circumstances behind the death.

30th Sep 2019

Jawbreaker (1999)

Other mistake: Given the three girls are in tight skirts and high heels it seems unlikely they could've caught up to Fern who's wearing a loose skirt and loafers.


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