
15th Feb 2024

The Terminator (1984)

Corrected entry: When Schwarzenegger runs the car into the wall, then goes to a room to patch himself up, he's wearing a grey jacket. When he leaves, he's now wearing a leather jacket.


Correction: We see the Terminator crash the police car wearing a grey jacket. Then we see Kyle and Sarah get arrested, and processed at the police station. Then we see the Terminator in a hotel room somewhere. More than enough time has passed for him to change/acquire a new jacket.


17th Nov 2022

Ghostbusters (1984)

Corrected entry: In the beginning when Ray is approaching the ghost in the library, when he says get her he's making his scared face before the ghost freaks out.


Correction: He's about to lunge at a ghost, and doesn't know what is going to happen. There's no reason why he can't be showing his fear and trepidation in this moment.


4th Sep 2022

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Correction: Here is a thought: It doesn't work.


Corrected entry: When Mark is at the restaurant he calls Damone and asks him to bring his wallet to the restaurant and Damone reluctantly agrees and hangs up the phone, but never asks Mark where he is.


Correction: Damone helped him plan the date, there's no reason to believe that Mark didn't tell him where they were going beforehand.


26th Jun 2019

Coming to America (1988)

Corrected entry: When Akeem shows up at the Waldorf he is wearing a leather parka. He immediately leaves with Semmi and shows up at the McDowell house wearing a long overcoat.


Correction: They did not immediately leave, Semi was being bathed when Akeem showed up. Akeem changed into a suit with a long overcoat while Semi put on a similar outfit.


Corrected entry: In the cave in the beginning Indy tells his partner to stay out of the light, then his competitor comes shooting out of the wall attached to spears. After the competitor is killed, how did the trap reset? I doubt one of the natives came in and did it.


Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. The fact that the mechanism is unknown doesn't make it a mistake.

Correction: It automatically retracts. It's unknown how it works though.


28th Dec 2018

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Obi Wan Kenobi drops Luke as a baby to his uncle he is a fairly young man. In episode 4 given that Luke is only 18 or 19, why does Ben Kenobi look like he's in his 60s or 70s? He couldn't have aged that much in 20 yrs.


Correction: It's slightly fudged but adds up OK. Ewan McGregor was 34 in Revenge of the Sith, but could easily be playing as slightly older, into his 40s. Alec Guinness was 63 in Star Wars, and Obi-Wan has been living a fairly hard life on the binary star planet of Tatooine - the sun damage alone would age him a bit.

Jon Sandys

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