
27th Feb 2024

Columbo (1971)

26th Feb 2024

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, Forney, who is an enlisted man (a chief petty officer), replies to an officer's orders with, "very well, sir." Officers say "very well" to enlisted personnel, but for an enlisted man to say "very well" to an officer is a serious breach of naval etiquette.


29th Dec 2023

Airport (1970)

Factual error: After checking the damage caused by the explosion, Gary Collins tells Dean Martin he's going to cut off the passenger oxygen, but that is something he could not do. Each passenger oxygen mask is part of an individual self-contained unit that uses a chemical reaction to generate oxygen. The reaction is initiated when a passenger pulls down on the mask, and once started, it cannot be stopped, but continues for 10 to 14 minutes.


Factual error: The Marines that arrive at the landing site are said to be from El Toro, but El Toro was a Marine Corps Air Station; it would not have had the infantry, artillery, and armored units that arrive at the site.


Character mistake: When the sheriff confronts Charlotte after she has shot at the bulldozer operator, he tells her that her gun is unlicensed, but he will overlook it. Louisiana does not have, and never has had, any form of gun licensing or registration.


18th Nov 2023

Perry Mason (1957)

The Case of the Hesitant Hostess - S1-E29

Factual error: Supposedly, heroin is being smuggled into the country in secret compartments in women's purses, but the quantity of heroin that could be concealed in such a way would be so small as to be very unprofitable for the smugglers.


Factual error: When Clay Spencer and his brothers begin work on his dream house, they mix and pour the concrete for the foundation, then immediately begin putting up the framing. The concrete would have to cure for at least two weeks before the framing could be started.


Trivia: A number of the actors portraying police officers, suspects, and others have a southern accent, even though the show is set in Colorado. That is due to the fact that, although establishing shots were filmed in Colorado Springs, the reenactments were filmed in Tennessee, to save on costs.


24th Oct 2023

In Harm's Way (1965)

11th Oct 2023

Dragnet 1967 (1967)

The Gun - S1-E15

Trivia: In this episode, the murder victim's name is given as Reiko Hashimoto, and at one point, Gannon shows Friday a couple of photographs of her. Reiko Hashimoto was the maiden name of Reiko Douglas, the wife of comedy writer, author, and perennial talk show guest Jack Douglas, and the photographs used are of her.


2nd Oct 2023

Columbo (1971)

Troubled Waters - S4-E4

Factual error: Several times, the revolver used to murder the singer is referred to as a "Weatherby" or "British Weatherby." Weatherby is an American manufacturer of rifles and shotguns; they do not make handguns. The revolver used is a Webley, which is of British manufacture.


2nd Oct 2023

Columbo (1971)

Dead Weight - S1-E4

Character mistake: When Columbo first comes to the general's apartment, the general is showing Columbo a submachinegun. He also shows him a magazine and says it is an "extra clip." A retired general would know the difference between a clip and a magazine; the terms are not interchangeable.


11th Sep 2023

Columbo (1971)

Lady in Waiting - S1-E6

Deliberate mistake: Beth shoots Bryce three times in the chest, and he falls face down on the floor. She then drags his body across the floor, also face down, to in front of the sliding door, but there is no sign of blood anywhere.


2nd Sep 2023

Shogun (1980)

Factual error: When Rodriguez is in his cabin with Blackthorne after having been saved by Yabu, he tells Blackthorne, "There's a bottle of grog over there." Grog was only invented, as it were, in 1740 by British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, whose nickname was "Old Grog" because he wore a cloak of grogram cloth.


22nd Aug 2023

The Burbs (1989)

Continuity mistake: In Ray's nightmare, Reuben stands over him, ready to plunge a knife into him and tells him to mind his own business. But at that point, Ray had not met or even seen Reuben.


Character mistake: When Steve McQueen arrives at the fire scene, he drives his car across a fire hose. It is basic firefighter training that you NEVER drive a vehicle across a fire hose.


Factual error: The head master of the school criticizes Belle for "teaching another girl to read." But beginning in 1692, well before the movie is set, all parents in France were required, by royal decree, to send all their children, boys and girls, to school until at least age 13.


Factual error: When the Reindeer aircraft is on the ground at Gander, Jimmy Stewart pulls the landing gear handle, but only the left main gear folds up. All three landing gear (left, right, and nose) would have folded together.


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