
1st Aug 2018

Child's Play 2 (1990)

Trivia: Even though he offered to return to work on the film, the studio forced series creator Don Mancini to submit a script for approval while several other writers also wrote their own drafts, with no guarantee his script would be used. Thankfully, Mancini's script was chosen, and he's since written every single entry in the series.


31st Jul 2018

Serenity (2005)

Trivia: In the cargo bay, there are some boxes that are labeled "Reusable Container: Do Not Dispose." This was a bit of an inside-joke by the set-decorators, as the entire set from the TV show "Firefly" had to be rebuilt for this film after being destroyed.


31st Jul 2018

Serenity (2005)

Trivia: DVD copies of the TV show "Firefly" and this follow-up movie "Serenity" were flown to the international space station in 2007. Several members of NASA are big fans of the show, and had the DVD's (along with some "Firefly" themed gear) sent into space for crew-members to watch. Late on in 2014, astronaut Steve Swanson (who was the one that originally brought along the DVD's seven years prior) also took the first official Instagram photo from space whilst wearing a "Serenity" T-shirt.


31st Jul 2018

Serenity (2005)

Trivia: In a nice bit of continuity, if you pay close attention, you can see some small scars on Mal's body a few times in the film. Most of them correlate to injuries he received earlier in the series "Firefly." (eg. You can see the scar from when he was shot in the abdomen in the episode "Out of Gas" if you look closely).


31st Jul 2018

Serenity (2005)

Trivia: Though not stated blatantly in the film, creator Joss Whedon has confirmed that "Serenity" takes place about six months after the final episode of "Firefly."


31st Jul 2018

Serenity (2005)

Trivia: Despite "Serenity" being the last live-action entry in the "Firefly" franchise, creator Joss Whedon eventually continued the story in a series of comic-books, which are considered canonical with the show and this film. This includes a prequel delving into Shepherd Book's backstory, and two direct sequels ("Serenity: Leaves on the Wind" and "Serenity: No Power in the Verse"), which were released in 2014 and 2016 respectively.


Trivia: The main villain's name is "Poppy Adams," and she is a sociopath drug-cartel leader. This is appropriate, as the poppy plant and their extracts are used in the production of many illegal street-drugs.


Trivia: Taron Egerton refused to shoot the scene where he implants the tracking device into Charlie's girlfriend's groin, as he felt uncomfortable touching the actress in that area. The hand we see reaching down into the woman's underwear is actually the hand of the actress' husband, who gladly volunteered to "double" for Egerton's hand in that scene.


Trivia: Spoilers. Originally, Merlin was meant to survive his apparent demise, albeit having lost his legs to the land-mine. He was going to humorously appear asking for a "bit of help" sans legs in a bit of dark humor. This was cut out after test-audiences found the idea that he lived hard-to-swallow.


Trivia: Famed singer Elton John appears in a supporting role, eventually helping the Kingsman out during the climax. Oddly enough, around the time this movie was released, Kingsman co-star Taron Egerton was offered the role of John in an upcoming biopic entitled "Rocketman."


Trivia: To date the only sequel to one of his own films that Matthew Vaughn has ever directed. Both the "Kick Ass" and "X-Men: First Class" follow-ups were directed by different people.


Trivia: Director and co-writer Matthew Vaughn wrote the script about two years before the film was released. While working on the script with his writing partner, he included the song "Country Road" and several references to the singer John Denver, as he felt it was odd that such a celebrated and known singer as Denver wasn't being referenced much in movies or TV anymore. Evidently Vaughn wasn't the only one who had this same idea, as amusingly and coincidentally, "Kingsman 2" ended up being one of many films released in 2017 that either featured Denver's music, referenced him or featured covers of his songs. (Other notable 2017 films in this group included "Logan Lucky" and "Alien: Covenant.").


25th Jul 2018

The Last Sect (2006)

Trivia: This low budget movie was marketed in some territories as "Van Helsing II." The DVD box was also designed to emulate the cover-art for the 2004 film "Van Helsing" starring Hugh Jackman, in an attempt to fool people into believing this film was related.


24th Jul 2018

Lucy (2014)

Trivia: Writer/director Luc Besson has openly stated that he knows the film's conceit - the idea that human's only use 10% of the brain - is an old wives' tale with no basis in fact. He simply went along with this popular myth because he thought it sounded like a fun set-up for an action-film.


24th Jul 2018

Lucy (2014)

Trivia: Part of the inspiration for the film was the real-life "Lucy" - the skeleton of an Australopithecus Afarensis that was discovered in 1974. Director Luc Besson marveled at how the brain of animals like Lucy had evolved into a modern human brain, which gave him the idea for a film in which a modern human's brain similarly evolves into something else far more advanced. He eventually combined this with the popular myth that humans only use 10% of their brain in order to create a bit of backstory. He spent nearly a decade working on the script on-and-off between other projects until he was satisfied and moved forward with production.


24th Jul 2018

Lucy (2014)

Trivia: Famed director Luc Besson's most profitable film by a wide margin - bringing in over $450 million worldwide against a $40 million budget - nearly twice what his next-biggest hit, "The Fifth Element," brought in at the box office.


Trivia: Director Luc Besson was a huge fan of the original comic series, and making the film was one of his dream projects. He first thought about making the film in the mid-90's while working on "The Fifth Element", but opted to push it back due to the daunting visual effects work the movie needed, as he felt that he wouldn't be able to bring the comic to life properly at that time. It wasn't until after the release of James Cameron's "Avatar" over ten years later that Besson felt confident that the film could finally be made. The film finally debuted in 2017 - twenty years after he first seriously considered making it.


Trivia: The film was financed by director Luc Besson, who organized project backers and funding himself. With an estimated budget of somewhere between $180-$200 million, this makes "Valerian" not only the most expensive French film ever made, but also the most expensive independent film ever made as well, as it wasn't produced through traditional studio-funding.


Trivia: Igon Sirruss tells Valerian "I will find you and I will kill you," to which Valerian replies "Good luck." This dialog exchange is taken almost word-for-word from the film "Taken" as a bit of an inside joke, as "Valerian" director Luc Besson was also the producer and co-writer of the "Taken" film trilogy.


Trivia: Rutger Hauer receives prominent billing in the opening credits... however, he actually has less than sixty seconds of screentime in the entire film, and only appears in one scene during the film's opening ten minutes. He was cast for this cameo due to his notoriety within the sci-fi genre, as a playful homage by director Luc Besson.


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